
Friday, January 29, 2010

Images of Toroids, Images of UCs

Prior to reading this post, please acquaint yourself with "Start Here: A Simple Explanation--Basic Principles" in the column on the right side of the screen.

These drawings may help you visualize the Simple Explanation of Absolutely Everything

We can think of this wireframe version of the toroid as the idealized mathematical blueprint imagined by the metaversal consciousness prior to creation. The toroid is a doughnut shape, with a zero-point-sized hole at the middle of the doughnut, between the funnel points.

This chalk drawing is the same view as the wireframe toroid.  The inner and outer surface of the doughnut's shell is yellow. We're seeing a cross-section of the inside of the doughnut. The blue is the field contained within the toroidal shape. Try to visualize these images as 3-D, not 2-D. The blue-colored inside of this torus is shaped like a tube--what is pictured as two blue circles are two sides of one blue tube encircling the white star.

Here is a top cutaway view of the toroid, looking down on the zero-point hole at the middle. I chose this color scheme because this is what people "see" when they look out with the "third eye" during meditation. From the top, it looks like a white/gold ring with a blue center and bright light at the middle.

In these chalk drawings, the black background is the formless metaverse. The yellow shell represents the "shape of God's mind" also known as the original unit of consciousness. This shell is not a material object, but a thought vibration. The area represented by the blue field is our material universe. The white center star represents the zero-point middle--called "Here and Now" in the Simple Explanation.

These chalk drawings also represent each and every unit of consciousness (UC) in our universe, as every UC is a perfect echo of the original UC.

It is my belief that this toroid will also be proven to be the mathematic shape taken on by quantum probability clouds as well as the mathematical shape of our observable universe. That it is the shape of our galaxy has only just been demonstrated.

Delivery of autophagosomes to lysosomes along a dividing CHO cell.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Who Am "I" After Death?

Prior to reading this post, please acquaint yourself with the Basic Principles in the column on the right side of the screen. This post arises from Comments posted to Chapter 9--Who Am "I"?  in December/January 2009/10. To read the original thread, consisting primarily of a dialogue between a reader and myself, click here.

Who Am "I"After Death?
We've established that the "soul" associated with this material body is a perfect replica of the original unit of consciousness. If, during life, my UC is affected by the aggregated UCs of my body (my "mud"), then what if anything affects my perfect UC after the body passes away?

Perhaps the individual "me" that persists beyond death comes down to my ongoing karma.  If this is the case, then the "me" that continues to influence the fate of the Self UC after death is nothing but the holographic pattern of all the choices ever made by my UC. In life, this karmically generated vibratory pattern attracts or repels the memes associated with my meme bundles. The memes I think of as "me" are not a part of my Self UC, but are drawn to me by my karmic pattern. It is my karmic record that attracts and repels the patterns of memes surrounding my life at any moment. That the "you" that exists between material incarnations is nothing but your karmic record is proved by one of our basic assertions that all UCs are fundamentally one and the same, and that all UCs begin their individuated journey as perfect echoes of God. Then it follows that "I" develop as a result of my choices and the choices of others--"I" am my perfect UC enshrouded in karma and the memes that my karma attracts. 

In Yogic philosophy it is said that an enlightened Yogi has become free of attachments and can therefore perceive the Oneness of all things. The Simple Explanation of this phenomenon would be that the Yogi has successfully laid down all of his or her memes and can therefore perceive his or her perfect UC stripped of its karmic shroud. Freed of personal memes and karma, the Yogi can instantiate God's will without delusion. The same phenomenon is known as "buddhahood" in Buddhism, and "sainthood" in Christianity. According to tradition, these liberated UCs are no longer bound to this material world by their discarded memes. If they do return to earth, it is in order to help others by sharing love and information.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Mud Up, Spirit Down--A Simple Explanation of Bodies and Souls

Prior to reading this post, please acquaint yourself with "Start Here: A Simple Explanation--Basic Principles" in the column on the right side of the screen.

"Mud up, Spirit down" was a seminal idea that came to me a few years ago as I was mulling over the relationship between our bodies and our souls. Turns out it's nothing new--it's another way of describing what Yoga philosophy calls chakras, from the first chakra up to the seventh chakra.  It's also a classic dialectic of Christianity, as in: "the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak."

I'm currently diagramming the nesting toroids that inform our Universe. This diagram will appear in a post we'll call "A Simple Diagram of the Toroidal Universe." It pertains to this discussion. Watch for it.

Meanwhile, here's a Simple Explanation of "Mud up, Spirit down."  What I think of as "me" is made up of a governing unit of consciousness (UC)(my immortal "Self") and many, many other UCs all aggregated together to form my physical body. Each of these UCs is a perfect replica of the proto-UC--what we refer to sometimes as "God's Mind" or the "Holy Spirit."  What I was pondering was this: if all these UCs are instantiations of perfection, then why aren't we perfect?  Answer: it's the mud. Our UCs are tied to these "material" instantiations and so have become localized in time and space, ergo are no longer omniscient and omnipresent but only so many pieces of matter, or "mud." Each UC, from sub-atomic particle on up, performs the job it instantiated to do, whether that be holding a hydrogen atom together, respirating a lung cell, or making a baby.

While our bodies are made of mud, our governing UC--our "Self"--is pure consciousness. Our Self UC is associated with the aggregate UCs that make up our mortal body, but the Self is immaterial and therefore immortal. It's the Self UC that people refer to as souls, or spirits. This Self UC is, indeed, perfect. But it lives with these other UCs that cloud its perfection with concerns of the mud UCs.

We are held in  suspension between the affairs of the mud and the flesh UCs and the governing wisdom of the Self UC, which is directly informed by the metaverse (or God).  Hence, "Mud up, Spirit Down."

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

A Simple Explanation of Christianity

Prior to reading this post, please acquaint yourself with "Start Here: A Simple Explanation--Basic Principles" in the column on the right side of the screen.

The Simple Explanation can be applied to traditional spiritual teachings, including Christianity. For those of us who are Christians, here is how this would work:

When the model speaks of “the metaverse,” this is God the Father, Creator of Heaven and Earth, infinite energy and non-localized consciousness.

When the model says the metaverse “vibrated with every organizing principle needed to shape and sustain space and time, energy and mass,” this is God the Son. “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” The Word is Logos, Greek for information and principles of organization—The Law.

When the model says that consciousness wrapped itself around our universe and took on a shape, this is God the Holy Spirit, hereinafter referred to as the "Universal UC" in the Simple Explanation. At the macro scale, the Holy Spirit surrounds all of creation at the border of the metaverse. This “shape” of God’s mind can be visualized as the universal Unit of Consciousness. Within our universe, the Holy Spirit instantiates an echo of God’s mind at the birth of every subsequent UC. Thus, the universe is pervaded, within and without, by the presence of the Holy Spirit.

When the Bible speaks of a person’s spirit, this refers to the Self’s unit of consciousness. This UC is “made in the image of God,” and is a replica of the spirit of God, or the Holy Spirit. As such, God’s Law is written on the heart of every thing in creation.

According to the New Testament, Jesus the Christ was “fully human” and “fully God.” This means that the UC associated with Jesus of Nazareth was a fully realized copy of the UC of the Holy Spirit. Jesus never allowed his personal will to contradict the will of God streaming in from the metaverse. As a fully-realized UC, Jesus was entirely coherent with God’s will, which is to say, Jesus was without sin. Thus, Jesus never accrued karmic debt. Since Jesus did not live for himself but for God alone, he never enshrouded his UC with personal meme bundles and karma.

When asked his central message, Jesus responded that we were to “Love God and to love one another as we love ourselves.” In terms of this model, God would like us to embrace the information and patterns streaming in from the metaverse whenever we make a decision; when we do this, we are “loving God.” Then, God would like us to love ourselves. This means that we are to love our flesh’s aggregate UCs and do what is best for our organism. We are also to love our Self’s UC and act with wisdom in concert with God’s will. Finally, we are to take the focus off of ourselves and our treasured memes, and to reach out laterally with love and information to our brethren UCs.

Jesus came that we might not perish because of the law (of karma) but that we might live life more abundantly. He demonstrated through the example of his life that it is possible to be a fully-realized UC, living moment-by-moment in the service of God’s will. “Believing on Christ” for salvation is an invitation for the UC of the Holy Spirit to dwell in fullness in your UC—to allow the energy of God to shine unobstructed through your UC. To be “Born Again” is to make a decision to lay down your personal meme bundle and to allow the Holy Spirit’s UC to live through you. Baptism is a ritual enactment of washing away your undesired meme chords so that God’s memes may flow through you.

A Simple Translation of The Lord’s Prayer

Our Father from beyond, Creator of this material world, we address you with the utmost respect.

We invite your plans and principles to inform and bring order to our universe, trusting that your intention for us is best.

We acknowledge that you are the source of all that is needed to nourish and sustain our lives.

We realize that our karmic shortcomings can only be forgiven to the same extent we forgive others for their karmic shortcomings.

We desire to set down any memes that stand in the way of doing what is best for ourselves and others.

For your kingdom transcends this small universe, and your power is infinite, and we are but humble echoes of your great loving spirit.


Metaverse -- God the Father

The Word

Friday, January 15, 2010

Society & Cosmology: Humans, Life, the Universe and Everything

Here's an interesting web site:  "On Truth and Reality: The Spherical Standing Wave Structure of Matter in Space"

They're promoting a conscious universe in the form of a standing spherical wave rather than a Big Bang. Turns out the Bang isn't necessary to explain Red Shift if you accept a spherical model of the universe. They have many good scientific papers at this site and good info on philosophy and the philosophy of science, if you're interested. It turns out their theories and opinions are very similar to yours truly.

They call themselves one of the the most popular philosophy sites on the internet, with 600,000 page views a week. Wouldn't it be great if our site could be that popular?

Thursday, January 14, 2010

A Simple Explanation of the Tao Te Ching, verses 4 and 48

Prior to reading this post, please acquaint yourself with "Start Here: A Simple Explanation--Basic Principles" in the column on the right side of the screen.

The TaoTe Ching, or Book of the Way, is an ancient Chinese collection of 81 wisdom verses. In “The Simple Explanation” model, the Tao spoken of by Lao Tzu refers to the metaversal information and principles of organization that have informed our universe since the moment before creation. Non-being refers to clearing your personal UC of earthly memes and karma. Non-action refers to allowing the original higher-order UC to direct your personal UC for the greater good. Here are two more verses informed by this simple explanation:

Verse 4, the Mitchell translation 

The Tao is like a well: used but never used up.
It is like the eternal void: filled with infinite possibilities.
It is hidden but always present.

I don’t know who gave birth to it. It is older than God.

A Simple Explanation of Verse 4:

The information and principles of organization streaming into our universe arise from an infinite source..

The eternal void is the resting state of the metaverse—pure consciousness without pattern or form but filled with limitless potential.

The metaverse cannot be seen or measured, but it surrounds and informs our universe.

The metaverse is not the same as God—it existed prior to God’s first thought.

Verse 48, the Mitchell translation

In the pursuit of knowledge, every day something is added. In the practice of Tao, every day something is dropped.

Less and less do you need to force things, until finally you arrive at non-action.

When nothing is done, nothing is left undone.

True mastery can be gained by letting things go their own way. It can’t be gained by interfering.

A Simple Explanation of Verse 48:

People believe that the more they know, the better off they and the world will be. However, academic study leads to the acquisition of academic memes, which tend to obscure best solutions. When we drop memes rather than add them, we allow transcendent patterns of organization and information to work through us.
When we make plans and do work according to our limited vision and personal desires, we strain to get things right. Acting only when truly inspired, the metaverse works through us.
When a UC does nothing of its own accord, the metaverse can do exactly what needs to be done.
Best results arise from inspired action. “Letting go and letting God” allows the metaverse to use us in the most efficient manner for the greatest good.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

A Simple Explanation of the Tao Te Ching -- Verse 1

Prior to reading this post, please acquaint yourself with "Start Here: A Simple Explanation--Basic Principles" in the column on the right side of the screen.The Tao Te Ching, or Book of the Way, is an ancient Chinese collection of 81 wisdom verses. In “The Simple Explanation” model, the Tao spoken of by Lao Tzu refers to the metaversal information and principles of organization that have informed our universe since the moment before creation. Non-being refers to clearing your personal UC of earthly memes and karma. Non-action refers to allowing the original higher-order UC to direct your personal UC for the greater good. Here is the first verse of the Tao Te Ching, informed by this simple explanation:

Verse 1, the Mitchell translation                                                             
The tao that can be told                                                
is not the eternal Tao.
The name that can be named
is not the eternal Name.

The unnamable is the eternally real.

Naming is the origin of all particular things.

Free from desire, you realize the mystery. Caught in desire, you see only the manifestations.

Yet mystery and manifestations arise from the same source. This source is called darkness. Darkness within darkness, the gateway to all understanding.

A Simple Explanation of Verse 1
The information and principles of organization imagined in ideal form in the metaverse are more perfect and complete than we can ever articulate.

Pure conscious awareness without time and space exists outside our universe.

Abstract thought on the part of pure consciousness defined creation prior to the Big Bang. In our universe, we are only able to recognize objects and concepts we have named.

When we set down our meme bundles we are freed from personal preference. In that clear state we may perceive the workings of the universal model and our role in it. Remaining attached to our memes obscures the inflowing metaversal patterns and keeps us tethered to our familiar material and relational patterns.

Pure, undifferentiated consciousness dwells in the unformed darkness of the metaverse. The thought patterns that produce light and matter arise out of the metaverse, but the manifestations of these patterns takes place within our universe. The portal into our universe is the gateway to all understanding.

Tao te Ching, Lao Tzu: An Illustrated Journey. Translated by Stephen Mitchell, Harper Collins:New York, 1999.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Dialogue With Us -- Here's Where the Comments Are...

We have been having interesting discussions in the Comments sections of these chapters: 2, 3, 6, 9, and 12. The conversations are mostly about the nature of Self and about karma. What are your thoughts?

Monday, January 11, 2010

Subscribe to this Blog!

At the top of the right side column of this page you'll see buttons that will let you subscribe to new Posts and/or new Comments. Please subscribe now so you're part of the conversation. Let's develop the fullness of this Simple Explanation together!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Scientists Find Torus of Dark Matter Enveloping Our Galaxy

NPR's Morning Edition brought news that a torus-shaped "beachball" of dark matter surrounds our galaxy. Even before the scientist described the shape he had discovered, I anticipated it would be our beloved torus.  Here's the article:

Astronomers Map Dark Matter 'Beach Ball'

by Nell Greenfieldboyce, NPR Morning Edition, 1/7/10

January 7, 2010

From way out in space, our home galaxy would look pretty much like a flat disc of bright stars with spiral arms. But the Milky Way is actually surrounded by a vast halo of invisible dark matter that's shaped like a squashed beach ball.

That's according to a new map of our galaxy's dark matter announced at a meeting of the American Astronomical Society in Washington, D.C.

Even though dark matter cannot be seen, scientists think that it must be present because they can see the effects of its gravity as it pulls on the orbits of stars and galaxies.

"While we may not be able to see the dark matter, it's a vitally important component of our galaxy. It makes up the bulk of what the actual stuff is in our galaxy," says David Law, an astrophysicist at the University of California, Los Angeles, who says dark matter accounts for more than 70 percent of the mass in galaxies like the Milky Way.

Law wondered what the cloud, or halo, of dark matter enveloping the Milky Way would look like if you could actually see it. He knew he could get clues about its shape from how the dark matter alters the paths of dwarf galaxies and clusters of stars as they orbit the Milky Way.

"Based on the shape of those paths, we can say what the shape of the dark matter itself has to be," he says.

Now, you can't actually watch a dwarf galaxy go all the way around our Milky Way — that would take about a billion years. But Law and his colleagues used a kind of trick to reconstruct the path of one orbiting galaxy.

"As it flies around the Milky Way, tidal forces from the Milky Way are shredding stars out of it into streams that trail behind it and even go ahead of it, along its orbit," Law says.

These streams of stars are like a trail of breadcrumbs showing the orbiting galaxy's path around the Milky Way, he says. From that, he and his colleagues could figure out the shape of the big halo of dark matter that surrounds our galaxy.

Picture the bright, visible part of our Milky Way as a flat, round, dinner plate, says Law, and imagine it sitting inside a large beach ball, which represents the dark matter halo.

"If you then came along to that beach ball and put one hand on one side and one hand on the other and squeezed it, that's something like we think the dark matter is," Law says. "It's squeezed along that direction, and the dinner plate of the disk of the Milky Way is sitting inside of it."

This new map should help scientists as they try to understand the nature of dark matter. At the moment, there are lots of theories about what dark matter might be, but nobody knows.

Whatever dark matter is, says Law, it's got to be able to form this kind of squashed beach ball shape. "You have to have some kind of a dark matter particle which can build a halo like this, because this is generally what we see surrounding the Milky Way."

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Model Refinements Underway

I'm currently working my way through Swami Sri Yukteswar's little book, The Holy Science.   In this book, the Swami proposes his explanation of the same topics this blog considers. I'm mapping his concepts onto our Simple Explanation. Happy to say, the Simple Explanation of the Science of Yoga is coming along quite nicely.

This week I have come to realize that the model needs an expulsive force to balance the implosive force of coherence/love. On the material level this will be expressed as the forces of physics. On the psychological and spiritual level this will be expressed as prana and joy, but also turning from higher level awareness and clinging to delusion.

In Comments at Ch. 9 we are considering the nature of self.   And we're currently talking about entropy in Comments at Ch. 12.

More on all this later...

The Simple Explanation continues to prove useful in discussing a wide range of topics. Through these discussions, the model develops. Join the conversation!