
Monday, January 31, 2011

A Simple Explanation of Transpersonal Memory

Transpersonal psychology deals with mystical and spiritual experiences of the human psyche. "Transpersonal memory" is defined as memories that are shared at a cultural level, rather than a personal level. Transpersonal memories reveal themselves in many ways, through societal archetypes and archetypal dreams, through sub-conscious assumptions, stereotypes, and expectations, and through strange occurances such as the "100th Monkey" phenomenon.

Jung referred to this transpersonal memory as the collective unconscious. Here Jung is quoted in Wikipedia:  “My thesis then, is as follows: in addition to our immediate consciousness . . . there exists a second psychic system of a collective, universal, and impersonal nature which is  identical in all individuals. This collective unconscious does not develop individually but is inherited. It consists of pre-existent forms, the archetypes, which can only become conscious secondarily and which give definite form to certain psychic contents.” [C. G. Jung, The Archetypes and the Collective Unconscious (London 1996) p. 43

Again from Wikipedia: "Jung also made reference to contents of this category of the unconscious psyche as being similar to Levy-Bruhl's use of collective representations or "représentations collectives," Mythological "motifs," Hubert and Mauss's "categories of the imagination," and Adolf Bastian's "primordial thoughts."

The Simple Explanation refers to these collective memories as culturally shared "memes" and "meme chords."   A person can be defined by the memes they cling to. To a large extent, one's memes shape one's personality.

Biologist Rupert Sheldrake has written extensively about, and staked his professional reputation upon, a scientifically controversial process called "morphogenetic fields." How does an oak tree develop from an acorn? By information carried in the morphogenetic field surrounding the acorn. Sheldrake explains that morphogenetic fields are to life forms what quantum probability clouds are to sub-atomic particles, carrying the information that gives rise to particular biological manifestations of form.

The Simple Explanation would site these morphogenetic fields at the zero-point field at the center of the toroid, part of the metaversal information streaming into our universe through our universal unit of consciousness, tempered by the organism's karmic record and acquired memes. In the case of the acorn and the oak tree, the morphogenetic field of the oak tree provides the genetic blueprint, while the mama tree's karma and memes provide the individualized epigenetic pattern that tells which genes to turn on and off. What karma can a tree have? Its karma is the record of its life--nutrients, history of water availability, pest attacks, and so on. What memes can a tree hold? "The sun feels good on my leaves; must follow the sun."

In an article published in the journal In Context, Robert Gilman ties together morphogenetic fields and personal memories by describing how the memories generated by our brains "are not locked in your brain, but are available throughout all space and all future time!" through the process of morphogenetic resonance. Gilman claims that not only is our biological form influenced by these fields, but our behavior as well, as shared memories influence behavior.

The Simple Explanation agrees with Sheldrake and Gilman that personal memories do not reside in the meat portion of our brains, but are vibratory patterns held in the zero-point field, and accessed through our minds. Furthermore, apparently personal memes are actually harmonics of collective memes and are shared in common with all who hold onto that meme. The particular shadings of one person's meme differs slightly from the next person's, as is to be expected among fractal replications  of a single phenomenon, but all who hold it recognize its pattern and are affected by it.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

More Toroidal Forces

I recently realized I had a couple more toroidal motions to add to those illustrated in the article "Drawings of Toroidal Forces, Universal Forces"; those of spirals and sectional rings. I've gone back to the original article cited above and added the following to it.

The Spiral

Flowing inward from the rim of the funnel, then spiraling into ever smaller arcs as the funnel narrows.
In the illustration above, metaversal information (depicted as green spiral) swirls toward the zero-point field of instantiation (white starburst).
Entering our Universe and emanating outward from the middle, this proto-force appears in several forms--as the the centrifugal forces of outwardly radiating spirals, the centripetal vortex of whirlpools and tornados, and the entwined embrace of helices such as DNA and vines.

The Pole and the Spiral
We can now combine two fundamental motions to form a common metaphysical image--that of the caduceus.
Here's the Pole of the toroid going straight through the middle:

Here's the caduceus formed from two entwined spirals and one pole.

Cross-Sectional Rings
Another toroidal force is that of the rings that individually encircle the torus "tube." As in the illustration below, these rings are furthest from each other at the hemisphere and funnel toward one another to pass through the same point or zero-point at the middle.
These looping circles express themselves into our universe through objects such as fruit sections, solar loop circuits, and fractal rings.

Field Inside an Air Core Toroid Coil

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

A Simple Explanation of the Tao Te Ching -- Verse 21

Prior to reading this post, please acquaint yourself with "Start Here: A Simple Explanation--Basic Principles" in the column on the right side of the screen. The Tao Te Ching, or Book of the Way, is an ancient Chinese collection of 81 wisdom verses. In “The Simple Explanation” model, the Tao spoken of by Lao Tzu refers to the metaversal information and principles of organization that have informed our universe since the moment before creation. Non-being refers to clearing your personal UC of earthly memes and karma. Non-action refers to allowing the original higher-order UC to direct your personal UC for the greater good.

Here is the 21st verse of the Tao Te Ching, which I have translated directly into Simple Explanation terminology from an original verbatim translation by Jonathan Star.

Tao Te Ching, Verse 21

Highest virtue arises through total alignment with the originating source of consciousness.

How to become one with this elusive source? By disregarding everything else.

Oh, so elusive! So very indistinct!
Yet within its dimensionless center, dimensions form.

So uncertain! So intangible!
Yet its middle contains the latent substance of all things.

So profound! Such a mystery!
Housed deep within that mysterious middle--the seed of life is consciousness itself.

The life force within is self-evident. Thus, life itself provides trustworthy evidence of the originating source.

From the first moment until now, the manifestations of consciousness remain ever the same. Thus do we all bear witness to the Creator, the Originator.

This is accordingly how I know the ways of every thing and the origin of all things: by observing what is within me.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

The Fractal Edge of Undifferentiated Consciousness

The Simple Explanation model suggests that the undifferentiated consciousness of the Metaverse is held apart from this created universe by means of a toroidal-shaped membrane "composed" of consciousness.

Which begs the question: How is it possible for an object (our Universe) to rest "inside" the formless Metaverse without affecting the undifferentiated nature of that originating place? How can space and non-dimensionality, time and timelessness, change and the changeless co-exist without touching the untouchable Metaverse? 

This paradox is easily solved by imagining that the membrane itself possesses a fractal surface, such as the Koch Curve. Through an infinite series of calculations, the fractal surface keeps itself contained and interiorized; keeping the undifferentiated unity of the Metaverse unsullied.
As you can see, through endless divisions, the surface and interior of the Koch snowflake remain contained to the figure, never reaching "outside."  The effect of this infinitely recursive fractal surface can be likened to that of an invisibility force field deployed around our universe, i..e, "What happens in our universe, stays in our universe."

Monday, January 10, 2011

Diagramming the Ineffable

Process Note:  The images above were laid out in Power Point off of the notebook page below:

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Video Examples of Toroidal Flow

The Simple Explanation proposes that the fractal geometric equation upon which our material universe is patterned is toroidal in shape. Chapter 4, "One Simple Model," explains this toroidal flow model of the conscious universe. If you have not yet read the article "One Simple Model," this would be a good time.

This morning when I was running the blender, I noticed that the funnel formed by the blender's whirling blades is similar to the toroidal funnels created by the starburst of proto-energy at the heart of the universal torus pattern. For the metaphor to fully work, please imagine that the shape of the blender container is a torus and the whirling blades at the center is actually a zero-point field of infinite dimensions. Here's a one minute video of this morning's blender drink where I describe the blender's toroidal vortex.

After I posted this video to youtube, I saw that there were a number of other videos depicting toroids and toroidal flow. There must be many people like myself who are waking up to the toroids around  us. The following video of toroids I found on youtube is awesome! Way better examples of toroids than my blender funnel!

Friday, January 7, 2011

Shed Unwanted Memes Here! Now!

As defined in the article "Memes and Chords of Memes," memes are the cultural expressions of societies. Every discrete cultural concept, mythology, or icon you can think of is a meme. Indeed, each and every concept that a person can know and name is a meme, even self-concept. According to the Simple Explanation, the memes we believe in and cling to are like theads draped over our souls, obscuring our perfect Self UC and interfering with our awareness of here and now.
If my Self UC is a perfect fractal expression of the primordial Universal UC ("Holy Ghost," "Kutastha Chaitanya," "Purushottama"then my personal meme bundle is the garment woven by my mind out of life's experiences ("avidiya," "maya"), and sustained by my Ego as personal identity ("Ahamkara").

Self UC

Self UC Clouded by Memes
The article "Bundles of Memes" explains that once you acquire a meme, it becomes part of your unique vibratory bundle. If you do not wish to continue holding that meme in your personal bundle of strings and chords, you need to detach that meme from your bundle.
  • Some memes fall away of their own accord through disuse.
  • Other memes must be consciously detached and laid aside.
  • Some memes are pernicious; addictions are their behaviors. 
  • Emotionally evocative memes such as victimhood or jealousy are difficult to detach due to the intense synergistic coupling of thoughts and emotion.
In the worldly course of events, unwanted memes must be detached through an effort of will, either through conscious disuse or by acquiring a competing, more desirable meme. Therapies such as EFT may help.
Within one's spiritual tradition, memes may be surrendered to one's Higher Power through prayer and meditation. Serenity is achieved as memes are discarded.

Here, now, you may lay down that unwanted meme. If you find yourself accidentally carrying it around again, lay it down again. If you notice yourself invoking that meme out of habit, good. Lay it down again. You may need to lay down some neighboring memes as well, if their vibrations are invoking that pernicious meme in you. No need for dismay or despair. Onward and upward.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

The Fractal Roots of Consciousness

As explained in the articles, "My Self, the Governor of Whoville" and "A Simple Fractal Model of the Conscious Universe," my Self's Unit of Consciousness (UC) is sitting atop a veritable fractal galaxy of hierarchically arranged Units of Consciousness, all working together to instantiate my body. While I may believe I am the only conscious soul inhabiting this body of mine, my physical body is actually home to all of these aggregated UCs, each with their own job to perform, each living their own lives and laying down their own karmic record. Within the confines of my skin, countless UCs of varying levels of complexity work together to keep my body alive and fully functional. At each descending level of complexity, from my governing Self UC down through the organ systems, organs, cells, molecules, atoms, and quanta, my body's UCs deal with increasingly simpler tasks even as the matter associated with them becomes smaller and more numerous. The simplest and most numerous level of materially instantiated consciousness is associated with the quantum foam that forms at the finest fractal edge between matter and energy.
As the roots of a plant send out finer and finer tendrils at each level of fractal branching, our hierarchically arranged aggregate UCs nest closer and closer to the Original Source Code--the Universal UC--at their simplest and most numerous levels. Whereas the concerns of the world often obscure my Self UC, the UC of a single sub-atomic particle or wave (anu), having a fairly limited view of creation and few choices regarding activity, is the least distracted by Ego and most attuned with its originating Source. At the deepest physical level of instantiation, the countless quanta that form the building blocks of our bodies are associated with countless undeluded UCs, all tapping their roots directly into the organizational source of our Universe ("Universal UC," "God," "Sat," "Original Source Code").
As I visualize the roots of Whoville, I visualize roots penetrating from my skin inward, finer and finer, to the depths of my material being. Within my body, all of my aggregated UCs drill fractally "backward" toward the zero-point field at our shared core. Whereas my Self UC may appear a long way off from God, especially if I conceive of God outside the Very Large, if I instead turn inward and "fall back," I am as near to God as the center point of Whoville's UCs. This is a new way to interpret the practices of "centering" and "grounding." When ancient teachings speak of God residing in the hearts of man, this Simple Explanation suggests the heart may be interpreted as the shared zero-point field at the shared center of our fractal Units of Consciousness.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

A Simple Fractal Model of the Conscious Universe

This blog's author recently gave an easy-to-understand 20-minute talk on this topic. Here's the blog article where you can view the Simple Fractal Model video.

In 1975, mathematician Benoit Mandelbrot coined the term “fractal” in the first published paper on fractal geometry. Despite some resistance from the mathematical community, it was soon discovered that fractal geometry is unparalleled at measuring and modeling the world of natural phenomena.
Here's the definition of fractals from Wikipedia: “A fractal is 'a rough or fragmented geometric shape that can be split into parts, each of which is (at least approximately) a reduced-size copy of the whole,' a property called self-similarity... Because they appear similar at all levels of magnification, fractals are often considered to be infinitely complex (in informal terms). Natural objects that are approximated by fractals to a degree include clouds, mountain ranges, lightning bolts, coastlines, snow flakes, various vegetables (cauliflower and broccoli), and animal coloration patterns.”

At this point in the article, if you haven't already, you really should read the Basic Principles of the Simple Explanation of Absolutely Everything found in Chapter One of the Simple Explanation book, in order to acquaint yourself with the concepts and terminology.
• It has a fine structure at arbitrarily small scales.
• It is too irregular to be easily described in traditional Euclidean geometric language.
• It is self-similar (at least approximately or stochastically).
• It has a Hausdorff dimension which is greater than its topological dimension.
• It has a simple and recursive definition.

To put the Simple Explanation in fractal terms, our universe is populated by simple, recursive, self-similar structures of consciousness at arbitrarily small scales.  
As explained in Chapter 2 of the Simple Explanation, as our universe expanded, over and over and over again, pale echoes of God’s mind attached themselves to the particles streaming out of the Big Bang. These self-replicating Units of Consciousness (UCs) can be described as fractal emanations of the originating fractal formula--the Universal UC.

Whereas Mandlebrot's best-known fractal, the Mandlebrot Set, looks like this,
the fractal associated with the Simple Explanation of Absolutely Everything looks like this.

One interesting feature of fractal patterns is that no matter how closely you look, or how many calculations are performed, the pattern continues to replicate on smaller and smaller, and larger and larger, scales.

In the Simple Explanation, the enclosure of our material Universe is a Very Large toroidal pattern at the "outside" edge of creation. This would be the Universal pattern at its largest fractal scale, the Universal UC, akin to the singular void at the center of the Mandlebrot set. Drilling downward from greatest to smallest, the Units of Consciousness associated with sub-atomic particles are the smallest fractal expressions of the Universal set. These smallest material instantiations of creation pass from the realm of pure consciousness through causal energy to material instantiation through calculations of the Universal fractal formula. The crossover from pure consciousness to material instantiation occurs at the edge of an infinite series of ever smaller fractal divisions proceeding downward from the lower limit of material instantiation (Planck's constant), and then energetically finer and finer until energy is finally suspended in the infinite stillness of non-being, the Metaverse
In the Simple Explanation, the zero point at the center of the universal toroid is the source point where the pure undifferentiated consciousness of the metaverse is concentrated to singular manifestation. This is the crossover location between the undifferentiated unity and material creation. Some call it the Womb of Creation. From this zero-point, all organizing principles and laws enter our Universe and replicate their patterns upwardly through creation, from the very smallest sub-atomic particles to the largest galaxies, and then beyond, to the Very Large.
These replicating patterns and their hierarchical structure is explained more fully in the two articles, "My Self, the Governor of Whoville" and "Nested Hierarchies."   In personal terms, my Self UC is a fractal division of the Universal UC, and so is every UC associated with everything in my body. The fractal calculations occur at every hierarchical jump of organizational complexity.
The spiritual implication of this fractal model is this: the Universal UC ("God," "The Creator," "The Mother of 10,000 Things") may be visualized as both immanent and transcendent. Immanent within every one of my body's UCs, at the tiniest fractal crossover point at the center of each UC. Transcendent at the outer edge of the Very Large, where our Universal UC fractally nests against the infinite, undifferentiated Metaversal UC ("God the Father," "Sat," "Pure Consciousness," the "Undifferentiated Unity"). We humans are suspended thusly, a particular fractal emanation of, and located within, creation, yet patterned directly from pure consciousness.