
Saturday, December 29, 2012

Simple Explanation Book Sample Pages Preview

Here are a few sample pages from inside the Simple Explanation book so you can see what it is like. The book's format and illustrations make the philosophy and concepts very clear. Better yet, now you can click on a 14 page preview that covers all the chapters right over there at the top of the column to the right. 

Here is what the table of contents looks like for the Simple Explanation book:

Here's an inside page so you can see how nicely it's all laid out.

I'm still working on formating the ebook version, which will cost $4.95. The ebook won't have these nice looking page layouts because of the scrolling nature of the ebook. For the above experience, print is the way to go.

The paperback version you see above costs $32 because of the expense of color printing. But, if you have the money, $32 is a small price to pay for the Simple Explanation content. Please consider buying one for yourself and as a gift for a friend. I bet you can think of someone who would love this book!

To see a preview of each chapter's starting pages, please visit my book's storefront by clicking here: Simple Explanation book.

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Spinach Leaf Miracle

Something amazing happened while I was blending the breakfast drink this morning. A spinach leaf made it through three minutes of high speed blending that liquified all the other ingredients without any damage at all!

Here's a short video where I tell about it--

Here's what was in the blender load:
2 cups of almond milk
1 cup of spinach leaves
1 cup of frozen blueberries
1 large banana
various supplements and powders

The almond milk goes in first, then the spinach, then the banana and blueberries on top of the spinach, pressing the greens down against the blades. Then those blades whirl around for about three minutes, liquifying everything--usually! But this time, when I took my first sip, a whole spinach leaf was on my tongue!

Isn't it wonderful that something can make it through such destruction and blending and yet come out unscathed on the other side?

Thursday, December 20, 2012

View Inside the Torus

A friend sent me this image of the view from inside the torus. See, you're standing by a wall looking inward at the pole and seeing the far wall beyond that. Fun!

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

The Simple Explanation of Absolutely Everything Book: Available Here, Now

Oh Happy Day!

The Simple Explanation of Absolutely Everything book is now available for preview and for purchase.

Please visit my bookstore to purchase a copy of the book.  You can also view 12 pages from inside the book. Take a peek! 

The book will be produced and shipped within days. You usually have your copy in hand within a week, stateside.

This Simple Explanation book is really beautiful, profusely illustrated in full color. This book format makes the Simple Explanation philosophy crystal clear.

Be the first to review the book! Please! You can leave your review right here at the bookstore. Look for the review link. 

There will also be copies available very soon in worldwide distribution through all online booksellers. But you might as well purchase the book here, now.