
Thursday, November 19, 2020

Coloring Book for Body and Soul--Sacred Plants

 You can't be afraid if you choose love.

Hello friends. 

I hope you are you doing well during these strange days.

I would like to share with you the work of my artistic friend and neighbour, Britta Shier, because I believe that her spiritual coloring books are a very simple way to stay mentally healthy in these demanding times.

Coloring has a very relaxing and stress-relieving effect on us and provides clarity. It is a perfect way to ground and reconnect with yourself, identifying in an ever so subtle way your needs, desires, solutions, and your own personal truth. 

What I enjoy about Britta's coloring books is that she guides her readers in a gentle manner to use their perception and discernment while coloring the illustrations that you choose as an expression of your soul speaking to you.

Her latest coloring book is on sacred plants, featuring the Bach Flowers Essences-- very well known in Europe, especially Germany, Austria and England--as a way to harmonize imbalances energetically on a soul level. There are 38 flowers essences that are covered in the coloring book, revealing their truths and who they are suited for, whatever situation you are dealing with or life presents to you.

Here are a couple of examples of pages from the Sacred Plants book that have been colored by Britta. You will of course choose your own colors and techniques.

Star of Bethlehem consoles shock and trauma.  Chestnut Bud allows learning.

I have worked with Britta on several books already, making sure that they are technically fine and ready to meet the world through publication. We both hope you will enjoy and grow from this peaceful activity.

If you believe you would enjoy this combination of coloring and soulful exploration, please click here to have a look at her book.

Onward and upward!

Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Cyd Presents A Simple Explanation on Aeon Byte Gnostic Radio

Cyd was the sole guest on a two hour radio program recently. In this interview, Cyd explains the Simple Explanation of Absolutely Everything in a wide-ranging conversation with two stellar Gnostic gentlemen, Miguel Conner and his wingman Vance. Enjoy!

Here is most of the episode on YouTube. Click here to hear.

You should also be able to find this program on most online radio platforms. The show was broadcasted on November 17, 2020, by Aeon Byte Gnostic Radio. This episode is called:

As always, I invite your comments and will personally reply.

Monday, November 2, 2020

A Simple Explanation of Gnostic Christianity and the Role of the Redeemer

The moment the Son was formed, he was no longer alone. For not only the Son, but the ALL arose at once. The ALL immediately appeared as the offspring of the Son, because the Son could not help himself from bringing others into existence, even as he was brought into existence by his Father. The Son and the Father are One, and the Father's creative Holy Spirit flows through the Son. With the birth of the ALL, the Son became a Father as well.

Welcome to the Simple Explanation blog. If you are at all curious about Gnostic Christianity, I have just written and posted an article explaining the role of Christ in Gnosticism. Please pop on over to my Gnostic blog and take a read by clicking here. This article is suitable for any Christian or Gnostic, particularly if you doubt the truth of the other side.

Here are the first couple of paragraphs from the article:

Gnosticism is the forerunner of the modern Christian faith. As such, a better understanding of the figure of the Christ is essential to understanding both Gnosticism and Christianity. The cosmology outlined below was well-known to Jesus and his original followers, but was cut out of Christianity about 1,700 years ago by the Nicene Council at the urging of the Pope and the Roman Emperor. Fortunately, a trove of 13 ancient Gnostic texts was discovered in 1945, dating back to the origins of Christianity. This collection is known as the Nag Hammadi codices.

Because this theology was subtracted from orthodox Christianity, many of the ideas of Gnostic cosmology sound odd and unfamiliar to modern church-goers. Some of the ideas even sound heretical at first glance, due to their unfamiliarity. Yet the theology contained in these early scriptures make sense of so many puzzling aspects of Christian faith that they must be reexamined. So, if you will bear with me, I will explain in very simple terms the key points of Gnostic belief. I am confident that once you understand Gnostic Christianity, you will better understand your relationship with God.

According to Gnostic cosmology as laid out in the Nag Hammadi, we humans and all other forms of life on earth, from bacteria and eukaryotes on up, are the "fruit" of the Pleroma and Logos. We Second Order Powers find ourselves locked in a never-ending battle for dominion over the earth with forces that were generated as a result of the Fall. Due to the law of mutual combat, we have forgotten our origin in the Fullness and our mission to bring love and harmony to creation, and have instead taken on many of the characteristics of the shadows of the Deficiency.

To finish the article, click here.