
Sunday, November 20, 2022

A Simple Explanation of Absolutely Everything Squashed by Censorship

 Greetings, Simple Explanation Followers.

I hope you are doing well in these uncertain times. The Great Reset continues.

The reason I haven't been posting very often lately is because most of my efforts have been going into my weekly podcast called Gnostic Insights.  You can find my podcast at most podcast hosts, as well as on my homepage of

Just to bring you up to date, I've been locked out as moderator of this blog for a couple of years now, due to a number of "fact checked" articles of mine. As we can all see by now, divergent thinking is officially banned in what used to be the United States of America.  Fortunately, I can access the blog through my other blogspot, New Gnostic Gospel.  Without that backdoor access, A Simple Explanation would have died of "the virus."  As it is, you cannot find A Simple Explanation blog using a search engine.  I tried this morning, and it is nowhere to be found. 

Fortunately, their censorship and shadow-banning has not extended into my books. You can find many pages of results for the A Simple Explanation of Absolutely Everything book.  Again, unfortunately, most of these results appear to be rip-offs that redirect the seeker to unauthorized publishers and copies of the book. I get no royalties from these unauthorized copies. This goes a long way in explaining why my book's sales figures are so low.

On the other hand, I am pleased that my Simple Explanation Theory of Everything is gaining traction in other people's research and articles, although without acknowledgement or citations. I notice much more talk of fractal levels of consciousness and the phrase I coined, "units of consciousness." Images of toruses are easy to find nowadays. Remember, when this Simple Explanation first started, about 15 years ago, there were zero images of toruses online. My early chalk drawings of toroidal flow were among the first images posted online.  

If  you are interested in reading my original book, please purchase it through the links provided in this blog.

My latest Gnostic research and book folds the Simple Explanation into Gnosticism in order to explain otherwise inscrutable concepts from ancient Gnostic manuscripts.  It works splendidly.  The next book will be out soon. It is to be called "A Simple Explanation of the Gnostic Gospel." I have been writing it publicly online as weekly episodes of my Gnostic Insights podcast. You can read it chapter by chapter at the Gnostic Insights website. Those of you with a math and science bent that did not follow me over to the Gnostic side can now approach the Gnostic material with confidence.
