
Wednesday, December 2, 2009

2 Units of Consciousness

     As our universe expanded, over and over and over again, pale echoes of God’s mind attached themselves to the particles streaming out of the Big Bang.

God’s mind pulses with concentration at the birth of every thing in our universe. These pulsations send spherical waves of consciousness inward from the border of God’s mind toward creation, informing each new piece of material with its own unit of consciousness as it emerges from the portal of here and now.

     Time passed and creation became more complex as subatomic particles reached out to one another according to metaversal principles of organization. And particles made atoms, atoms made molecules, molecules made single-celled organisms, single-celled organisms diversified into the full panoply of life, and every one of these material building blocks came equipped with its own unit of consciousness (UC). Each tiny unit of consciousness knew what role it needed to play in order to help the universe create and sustain itself, for every UC could decode and instantiate its own special piece of the metaversal ideal.

quanta UC     

atomic UC

molecular UC

cellular UC

organism UC

societal UC

global UC

At each stage along the way from simple to complex, units of consciousness are increasingly sophisticated in their ability to regulate and manage their existence.


  1. It would seem that all UC's were created at the beginning. There is in reality no creation or destruction of UC's over time. There are only organizational changes and transformations.

  2. Good point, Dr. Bill. The Big Bang took only moments to pour all the potential UCs into our Universe.

    Scientists tell us that all the particles in the Universe were formed in moments, and that the initital transformations and organizing of particles into more complex shapes took under a second. We're discussing UCs, not particles, but we already know that every particle is associated with a UC, or to put it another way, every essentially identical UC expresses itself as a particular instantiation of matter. According to Yogic philosophy, the matter is only in illusory projection of the UC's individualized consciousness.

  3. So then, it there an evolution of UCs that mirrors itself through the evolution of matter?


  4. Excellent question, 13.

    The UCs never evolve because each UC is already a perfect replica of the original UC (the one that emerged directly from the metaverse). What changes is the sophistication and abilities of the matter that limits its expression in this 3-D world.

    As the material becomes more complex, with more complex and massive attachments, the UC that has chosen to govern that aggregation of material focuses its attention to that level of decision making.

    If there is an atomic-sized grouping, then there would be the number of UCs involved in that grouping as a physicist would expect to observe. If that atom joins up laterally with other atoms to form a molecule, then at the here and now of the new molecule's instantiation, a UC focused on making decisions on behalf of that molecule enters the universe. This would be what I refer to as the molecule's governing UC.


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