
Monday, March 15, 2010

3 Traits of Units of Consciousness

 Each UC is a pale echo of God’s mind.

 Each UC is capable of using the organizing principles that inform and sustain its existence in our universe.

 Each UC is fully capable of doing the job put to the material it governs.

 Every UC makes decisions affecting the material it governs. (A photon’s UC, for example, decides whether to go left or right according to various optical and physical laws of the universe and its relationships with other photons.)

 The more complex the UC, the more sophisticated its decision-making abilities.

 The more complex the UC, the more opportunities it has to exercise free will.

 Most UCs perform as expected—they “do their part,” they “work according to plan.”

 Every UC has the free will to fulfill or contradict its responsibilities.

 UCs are social and additive in number—they tend to work together in harmony with others like themselves.

 All UCs of the same level of complexity are linked laterally to one another in common purpose.

 The more UCs of the same level of complexity that are laterally linked, the greater their shared perception of here and now.

 All UCs aggregate hierarchically under more complex UCs.

 The degree to which any UC comprehends the universe is dependent upon the complexity of its aggregate UCs.

 Distribution of UCs is hierarchical—the more complex the UC, the fewer instances of it exist.

 Life forms consist of the aggregated UCs of the material forming their bodies, plus the governing UC of self-awareness.

 The more complex the organism, the more UCs it possesses.

 Each functional organ system within the organism possesses its own UC that governs that organ.

 God’s mind is the most complex UC of all, consisting of all potential as well as actual UCs of our universe, plus its own metaversal omniscience.

 As complex systems die and disintegrate, their aggregated UCs are released from the responsibility of supporting that particular life or material instantiation and revert to their simpler states of molecular consciousness.


  1. Are there even higher levels, beyond human perception? I'm riffing on C.S. Lewis.

  2. Sure there are. The pattern goes up to the largest levels and down to the smallest levels. Our manifested universe is made of UCs hierarchically nested upward into one another, like stacks of increasingly larger pyramids. As we humans are built of less complex but more numerous UCs, upon which our governing UC rides, so we are but cells in the next larger UC. The question is: what are the UC levels above the human level? Easy enough to locate the "God" UC over all of creation, but what are the intermediary UCs? Are cultures and sub-cultures self-conscious entities? I'm not sure... Those who call the Earth "Gaia" believe Gaia is an entity--a UC--and we're cells of Gaia. Then Gaia would naturally nest upward into the solar system and the galaxy, and so on, until the entire Universe is populated with ever larger UCs.
    Not sure of your C.S. Lewis reference. What were his thoughts on the matter?

  3. When I say that UCs are organized in pyramid-shaped hierarchies, this refers to their mathematical distribution. The UCs are not literally stacked like cannonballs anywhere, although for modeling purposes, it may be useful to imagine that shape.

  4. Nesting hierarchies are referred to by Ken Wilbur as Holarchies. I prefer that term as it is not reminiscient of patriarchal structures. I agree that "as complex systems die and disintegrate, their aggregated UCs are released from the [I would add: determined] responsibility of supporting that particular life or material instantiation and revert to their simpler states of molecular consciousness." I think this describes the death of a human perfectly. No surviving human level of consciousness. No soul. No reincarnation. Just a reverting to lower levels of UCs which don't hold memories of a higher level of consciousness. Ultimately the human reverts to undifferentiated Consciousness from the differentiated form of Consciousness. Consciousness is One, whether undifferentiated or differentiated. I don't share your contention that undifferentiated consciousness has awareness. Rather it is unaware until it differentiates/actualizes as the illusory duality of experiencing subject and experienced object.

  5. To continue the above, the experiencing subject is the Universal Mind/Self UC (Brahman or Paramatman) and the object is the projected Universe (Maya). The Universal Mind/Self is the highest level of UC in the universal holarchy. Our spiritual goal is to identify, not simply with the individual human holarchy UC, but with the differentiated Universal Mind/Self UC, and beyond that with the unaware, undifferentiated Consciousness as well. Afterall, Consciousness is One. "I" am That. "You" are That. I believe that when the actualization from the potential occurs, all the holarchies of UCs including each UC are determined by the laws associated with that particular Universal Mind/Self UC. Every universe manifests acccording to its own laws out of the potential of all laws dormant in undifferentiated Consciousness. Choice is an illusion. Every choice has already been anticipated by the Universal Mind/Self from the potential during actualization/instantiation of that particular universe. Therefore time is also an illusion. Evolution in duration is how it appears from the perspective of the human UC. But from the perspective of the Universal Mind/Self UC, all is present and complete at actualization/instantiation. Undifferentiated Consciousness encompasses the
    Omniverse, which is the collection of all actualized multiverses and which may even be unknowable to a particular Universal Mind/Self if there is no interaction between multiverses. (Parabrahman)/Undifferentiated (no subject/no object)Consciousness is unaware of the Omniverse. Awareness only arises in the state of actualization.

  6. I think I can agree with everything you say above. Yet, is it practical to embrace this philosophy as a guide? What do you do with illusory choice? Do you not pretend to choose anyway?

  7. Of course choices are made with the knowledge that they have already been taken into account in the universal scheme of things regardless of what is chosen Choice certainly feels free, but that is the illusion.

  8. In other words, go on making decisions and choices as if they were real. That's the only way it ever seems and feels. But just know that it is an illusion!


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