
Monday, March 22, 2010

5 The Role of Karma

Karma is the mechanism through which the consequences of behavior inform future potential. Karma is a force of influence that arises out of the decision-making history of every unit of consciousness in the universe. Each UC generates its own karma.

We are all affected by one another’s karma. The more a unit of consciousness has in common with another UC, the more it is affected by the other’s karma. Our aggregate karma affects all of creation.
Like the mythical ouroboros, karma is a snake that eats its own tail. Karma emerges at the far side of here and now as history, and then feeds back around to influence the pool of potential futures.


  1. I had always thought I was only affected by my own karma, so reading that I may be affected by someone else's karma puts a whole new perspective on karma.

  2. A friend told me the other day she didn't believe in Karma. I replied that karma is self-evident everywhere around us. Every action has a consequence. We may not be able to see the consequence, but that would be due to our own observational shortcomings, not because there were none. Life is so complex, with so many, many variables, that it is impossible for us to anticipate or even recognize the consequences of actions. Karma may be instantly recognizable or take years, even lifetimes, to manifest.

  3. We can think of karma's historic wraparound as the extra value in the fractal equation that causes the next calculation to be just a little different from the previous calculation. If there were no history, if there were no karma influencing future outcomes, then the formula of our existence would remain ever the same, and things would not appear to change. But when you add in the karmic influence, you introduce a new value into the fractal equation, and the outcome is slightly altered. We could call this the karma's fractal value. For more on fractals, see the article, "A Simple Fractal Model of the Conscious Universe."

  4. Compare karma and entropy.

    The total effect of a person's actions and conduct, etcetera.
    The measure of the disorder of a system, etcetera.

    Since karma is an effect, it seems fitting to recognize anti-karma as anti-entropy is recognized. The total effect of informing a person, including not-informing ‘it’ (id) seems to me as one with the total effect of informing a system. (It, id: German to English.)

    Is it then neurotic to view these two as similar?

    Or, perhaps I am an id-i-it.

  5. Funny. id-i-it.
    Now I have to read about entropy in order to properly respond to your idea...
    But off the cuff, wouldn't "coherence" be the dialectic of "anti-entropy"?

  6. Karma is just another word for cause and effect. But just as the effects may be innumerable and impossible to fully anticipate, so is cause not singular. Cause is also influenced by innumerable prior effects. It is an unending entanglement. So where does this leave volition? As stated in "Before the Beginning", "the consequence of every action [was] anticipated, understood, and plotted to the nth degree." I am a firm believer that at the moment of manifestation every action and reaction was already known, anticipated, whole and complete. The evolution of the universe in time is an illusion (Maya). Every action and reaction in illusory time is then determined from the beginning. Volition only "appears" to exist. It is an illusion. And how does this impact the theory of reincarnation? Everything in the universe gets recycled or destroyed in illusory time. The illusory "self" is destroyed at death (or upon realization) with no further involvement with Karma. There is no personal reincarnation because there is no longer an illusory person with karmic influences.

  7. To continue the above, if karmic causes and effects are innumerable, there can be no such thing as justice. Justice assumes volition, which is an illusion. There is no karmic reckoning or reconciling. Everything is everything. There are no independent "parts" in the universe. The universe is whole, interdependent, and complete; and just a dream of Consciousness. The darndest thing about a dream is that it seems so real to the experiencing subject...until awakening! Pure Consciousness is fully awake - no subject/object duality...meaning no "one" to be aware of any"thing". No "experience" is possible of Pure, undifferentiated Consciousness. This is what it means to enter Nirvana. Nirvana literally means extinction...extinction of the experiencing subject-I and the experienced object(s). It is no-thing-ness. It is the primoridal stateless state...referred to by some as "Parabrahman".

  8. re July 8 "Anonymous" posts--

    Nicely put. Yes, I can see how your story is quite simple indeed. Compelling.

  9. re Anonymous post July 8--
    The Parabrahman you refer to is what I call the Undifferentiated Consciousness of the Metaverse. This Pure Consciousness is not the focus of the Simple Explanation. We are here in this dream called the Universal Consciousness, which is to say the egoic collection of memes generated by this apparently manifest place we inhabit. I agree with you that we are all in the same vibratory soup, a dream or maya. I'm describing the perceived cosmos and the fractal replications, of the dream, sure, but why let the conversation end there?

  10. more response to Anonymous:
    The karma, or results of actions, to which I refer when I speak of karma, is confined to this manifest universe and the energetic values associated with this universe. The karma exists beyond one's death, because results and consequences carry on, despite the death of the actor (or what appears to be a solitary actor, even if that actor is nothing but a dream actor. Call it dream karma if you will. When the UC associated with that karma reaches nirvana, transcending this universe and its consequences, then the consequences still rebound in this contained universe, but the UC is freed of it and free to undifferentiate and rejoin the void.


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