
Monday, May 10, 2010

A Simple Explanation and Esoteric Anatomy

While browsing for toroidal images on the web, I came across a couple of interesting diagrams out of Bruce Burger's 1998 book, Esoteric Anatomy. Turns out Burger and his mentor, Randolf Stone, were all about toroidal energy forces surrounding human bodies, although they did not use the word "toroidal" or "torus." They call the toroidal forces centrifugal and centripedal and describe them as "upward/outward" and "downward/inward." Stone's original work has evolved into an energy healing modality called Polarity Therapy. Here's page 134 of Esoteric Anatomy, where you can see the toroidal shape if you "connect the dots":

I'm reading Burger's book now. When I'm finished, I can provide A Simple Explanation of Polarity Therapy. Until then, if you would like to read Esoteric Anatomy, you can click on the link below to order it.


  1. It is May 8th, 2011. I have been visiting this site for a few weeks. This is written as... a "card" for the consciousness that hovers, here.

    1: A true synonym requires an antonym; for just linguistic comparison.

    Dear Cyd,

    Wiki encyclopedia.

    That sentence may require clarification or explanation.

    When great economic pressure is exerted on a word or intellectual property, a pressure relief mechanism called calque: "loan translation of a foreign word or phrase," from Fr. calque, lit. "a copy," from calquer "to trace by rubbing" (itself borrowed in English 1660s as calk), from It. calcare, from L. calcare "to tread, to press down.": [personal note: see chalk]: may be and is often used.

    The English word, “Quick”, in naming the famous intellectual property came to be under just such pressure (I presume), when the name Wikipedia was coined.

    An anti-analogy (antonym if you will) to the linguistic relief mechanism may be aphesis: (Aphetic) 1880, from aphesis (1880), coined by OED editor Sir James A.H. Murray (1837-1915) for "gradual and unintentional loss of a short unaccented vowel at the beginning of a word" (as squire from esquire), from Gk. aphienai "to let go, to send forth," from apo- "from" (see apo-) + hienai "to send." (ie; Scry from descry).

    An alogy (??? if you will) to the process may be found (Experiment: found found found found found found found found: Result: establish originate set up create start bring into being institute initiate) in the < point-right-clik > .doc synonym dictionary.

    Perhaps thus, the tri-founders (Jimmy Wales, Tim Shell, Larry Sanger) of Wikipedia bought, borrowed, or stole the word wiki, taken to mean “fast, swift” in English, from the Hawaiian language; to ameliorate, if you will, any hard feelings as to whom shall be “paid” for the service. Wiki: web page that can be edited by browsers, by 2002, abstracted from names of such sites (e.g. Wikipedia, launched January 2001), the original being WikiWikiWeb, introduced and named by Ward Cunningham in 1995, from Hawaiian wikiwiki "fast, swift.”: again, I presume. (Of sour-note may be, “Nupedia”. At my first glance, its navigation looks superior to Wikipedia’s.) Eye on Larry Sanger.

    Nonetheless, wiki encyclopedia, if you please.

    To any Philosophers who may be eavesdropping here, I submit to you, that the potential for simple categorizations is greatly inherent in Doctor Ropps’ thetics.

    This web-site, again I submit to you, might be greatly improved if it was as navigable as a wiki.

    Happy (My temporal Surrogate) Mother’s Day, Cyd.

  2. Thank you for the Mother's Day card, Greg. Your writing style highly amusing if oftentimes puzzling. enjoy enjoy enjoy the way you list words. I also wish the blog were easier to work with. I do appreciate how it's google related and so, I imagine, google gives preference to finding it.
    Liking the reference to the consciousness "hovering" here. Exactly.
    Chewing over your horizon visions. I've been working on what it looks like to gaze out at the night sky from inside a gigantic torus. Where would the horizon stand? The far inner wall?

  3. On the horizon, it occurs to me, in dream , up and down is quite extraordinarily arbitrary. So, as it is a gentle bow left and right, it may still be looked at from any sight: up, down, front, back; right or left, in or out.

    Sorry, I'm channeling Dr. Suess, lately.

    I can't help this: The urge is too strong! Please please do not take any offense:
    Visualize Whirled Peas!

    The far inner wall, yes. The toroidal view relates.

    As to puzzle, I believe (love) etymology. Tend to free-associate. Fun.

    Cosmology: from Gk. Kosmo, arranging equipage. Related to Cosmetic?


  4. It’s all now. Can you see two things at once?

    It is proposed we cannot know whether we first evolved ears or eyes.

    Time, at its most physical utterance: word sound statement expression expression speech remark declaration… iteration?: is position. I can’t be too sure of that.

    It is not that one can hear two things at once, but that sound: averring to the metering sense of the word for now: is in the way of enduring: lasting continuing durable permanent stable long-term NOT short-lived …; and, light… in the way that it comes to exist… and to be absorbed and thus “not: exist, or rather change phase, is not.

    Another puzzle.

  5. Maybe there is a way to puzzle it together.

    Today I read, “There are no lines in Nature, only areas of color, one against another.” Edouard Manet. But in my admiring his art, if he should allow me to step to his side and look, I would notice, there; not a line, perhaps, but the horizon of painting and air; and conclude in the same way for myself there are no paintings in Nature.

    It might be that lines are abstractions. If there are no abstractions in Nature; then there is niether one color, nor an “against” for which another color to be. Still, somehow, art is formed.

    “They call the toroidal forces centrifugal and centripedal…”. There is a short if not simple explanation of these forces, at
    < >.

    The side-view of horizon might be an analogy of point.

  6. Yes, the inward, cohesive (centripedal) force in the Simple Explanation is coherence/love/(and now I think "gravity") and the outwardly exploding force (centrifugal) that perfectly balances the inward force is called ananda/joy.

    I don't grasp the import of Manet's claim that there is no straight line in nature. What about the fractures in rock faces? What about the tall, straight hearts of trees? Aren't they lines? The torus has a pole; this is a perfectly straight line in the mathematically classical sense of line. We may not be able to see the magnetic pole with the naked eye, but it is there, nonetheless, and it is not an abstraction but a real thing.
    Am I being too literal? Is the poetry whizzing over my head?


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