
Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Process Note: Commenting on the Basics

I'm warming up to this next philosophical writing jag by reviewing and commenting on the Simple Explanation Basic Principles over there on the right side of the blog screen. The basics were written a year ago, right after the theatre season ended here in Ashland. So far, I've put up new Comments under chapters One through Seven. I'd recommend you all reread the Basic Principles and the new Comments, then make some Comments of your own. Let's start a dialogue! I'm preparing a manuscript now for publication and feedback would be good at this stage.
  • This week much of my creative energy has been channeling into the Albion Inn's website. I've designed and added three new pages to the Albion site for Winter Specials and for a 3-Day Past Lives Regression Workshop we're hosting in February. I really enjoy website design. I approach it conceptually as a magazine layout rather than a website. This gives my site a different look, with nice big headlines, easy-to-read text, and feature photos. 
  • A year ago, I sat down to novelize my Ph.D. dissertation and out popped the Simple Explanation instead. Yesterday, when I sat down to work on the Simple Explanation, the opening scene for a stage play based on my dissertation emerged. Nice symmetry. I think it will work splendidly as a play. This could be big.

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