
Monday, February 7, 2011

Process Note: Why Is My Model Toroidal?

In 1979 I first read Itzhak Bentov's book, Stalking the Wild Pendulum.  Recently I realized that what the Simple Explanation has been calling the conscious "fractal" universe is another term for what Bentov called the conscious "holographic" universe. (By holographic, Bentov referred to fact that any small fragment of a holographic image can be used to reproduce the whole image out of which the fragment came.)

Here's an overview of Bentov's universal model from the website
  •  Our bodies are mirrors of the whole universe, at every level.
  • Vibration permeates all things.
  • The universe and all matter is made of consciousness in the process of developing to higher levels.
  • Our brains are thought receivers and amplifiers, not the source of thought.
  • All knowledge that has ever been generated is potentially available to us from other consciousnesses somewhere in the universe.
  • The universe is a hologram. The brain is a hologram interpreting a holographic universe.

These memes were first planted in my meme bundle in 1979. I didn't reread the Wild Pendulum until after I began writing the Simple Explanation, but the genesis of the Simple Explanation from Bentov's cosmology seems clear. Bentov may even have coined the term "unit of consciousness." It's still a great book and I recommend it.

As for the toroids, I've been doodling them in the margins of papers and on love notes since I first read his book. I even sewed two toroids into the pattern of a house blessing I embroidered in 1982 that hangs on the wall here at the Albion Inn. Obviously I'm holding onto and regularly activating that toroid meme.

The toroid makes its first appearance in Bentov's Stalking the Wild Pendulum on page 132, in his chapter, "A Model of the Universe." Here's the only Bentov torus image I could find online.
This Winter as I have been writing these articles and searching the web for images for illustrations, I have been very surprised to find so many spirituality and cosmology articles and blogs touching on the toroidal model of the conscious universe. The Simple Explanation of this is that I and the other writers are all resonating to and evoking the same toroidal model meme out of our shared transpersonal memory. I can assure my readers that I am not researching other people's articles and blogs and cobbling together a bunch of torus ideas from what people are writing. I have written; they have written; we've all tapped the same meme; we're all manifesting the same exact concepts filtered through our various individual governing UCs. And the more we each individually explore and tap out this same meme, the stronger it becomes, because memes are starved through lack of usage and reinforced through invocation.


  1. Hi Cyd! I'm really excited that I came across your website here. This is exactly my inquiry these days. I was actully searching for "toriodal fractals" in google when I found your website. I'm startying a website similar to yours where I will share my understanding on the idea of science, it's history, and where we are in the 'cutting edge'. I'm feel like I have coherency in a this new scientific paradigm, but it's a process and a practice. :) Looking forward to reading through your site.

  2. Searching for "toroidal fractals." Isn't it amazing?
    Are you a scientist yourself?

  3. I believe in a mundane ‘unity’: In that it is a term, maybe obsolete, at least arcane if not archaic, but not forgotten, that describes a state of dynamic equilibrium in systems of induced electricity; that is systems of fields of resonating electrical coils.

    In our marvel in the super-toroidal space of our consciences, consciousness; awaking, it seems best to observe also the mundane in our flight: to which I call out to present < > for the simple explanation’s perusal; merely to the point that consciousness, as I perceive it, is an example of reactive power.

    Please link < >, in its particular deRosnay’s the Macroscope, 1975-9 Harper and Row, for his wonderful analogies not necessarily earthly to the mundane.

  4. Okay, I read that Wikipedia explanation of reactive power. And, to the extent I understand it, I agree with you that the toroidal units of consciousness seem to share characteristics of reactive power. The toroidal flow is certainly a type of spinning generator, holding all things in perfect interactive balance.

  5. I was “anonymous”, but adoration led to my unmasking.

    Despite the breadth and volume of imagination, there is no such thing as “multi-tasking”. A seasoned engineer said: “Thank God for time, otherwise everything would happen at once”. Only here and now is given, thus only one thing can be done at once. Therefore, sequencing is sometimes of the essense.
    True, but more importantly, this occurred to me while carrying a gal. of milk and my keys and wallet, when I spied a much desired, misplaced tool. Knowing in greed I would put one thing down and pick up the apple of my eye; and promptly forget where I put my wallet and keys (Iterate! Live to identify!); I slowed down…
    Carefully… and this is the kicker… in toroidal motions put things around on imagined plotted-to open flat spots I believe I can remember in my sloppy ways.
    Anyway, thought you’d get the same kick I did.

    Hope the position of this on the site is… apropos? Nah. Findable.

  6. I notice font-style formatting does not duplicate.
    That's business-like.

  7. Sometimes, I stutter...

  8. Hi Cyd !

    typed "toroidal red blood cell" on google images and came to these sites : ... The red blood cells have toroidal shapes and they circulate in a toroidal trajectory/shape of blood-circulation system.

    And also, I have actually watched half the video ( at the bottom of the article ). I'm planning to watch the other half today. The author of Hara dimension have similar ideas. She also read Bentov ...



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