
Friday, May 27, 2011

Is Gravity a Toroidal Force?

What is gravity? Whence does it originate?

It occurs to me that gravity could be the attractive force of the outside of the toroidal shell that transmits our fractal consciousness.
In the diagram below, the yellow arrows pointing inward have been identified by the Simple Explanation as "coherence," or "love." At the very large level of the Universal UC, this force of coherence extends into our universe as the force that contains our space/time continuum and that ultimately draws the multiplicity of fractal UCs back to itself. 

At the very small level of material instantiation, this inward force of cohesion feels like a "pull," drawing anything outside itself toward the surface of its shell. This is the same fundamental force that contains, at the very large scale, or pulls, at the very small scale, always seeking reunification of the diverse manifestations.

Every UC carries this inward toroidal force. When groups of UCs "hold hands" to work together to build larger/more complex manifestations, this force helps them hook up with each other, coherence. This inward force would be additive, so the more aggregates clumped together, the stronger the "gravity."

Let's talk this over. Could this inward force be gravity? Wouldn't it operate empirically the way gravity operates, and affect those around it the same way  gravity is said to affect time and space? What am I missing here?


  1. Hi Cyd,

    I have come across your blog and book recently and found it very interesting and insightful (I read your book in one sitting :-). It resonated with much of my own musings, research and reading on many of the themes – as well as physical and metaphysical experiences.

    I am an Engineer and one particular topic of interest to me is magnets – I have been absolutely fascinated by their “magical force” since childhood. The magnetic field of a permanent magnet also manifests as a toroid along with a sensory perceivable force between magnets. Scientific explanations of the force/field ascribe it to the alignment of free electron spin in the comprising material atoms… which has many similarities to what you describe in your theory.

    Your theory may very well also be applied to better understand and model the working of magnets! I may even speculate that your theory may provide clues on how “energy” may be extracted or channeled from the zero-point / infinite energy of the metaverse, for practical use/work in our physical 3D reality… Now wouldn’t that be something positively disruptive ;-).

    Has this topic popped up anywhere in your (re)search?


  2. Hello Ruan. Thank you for reading and understanding the Simple Explanation. (can you leave a good review on amazon for me?) Your idea of tapping energy from the zero point field at the middle is a good one. I don't know of anyone who is working on this. Perhaps you will be the one! In 2011 there was a film called Thrive that showed animations of free toroidal energy, but I don't think their physics has progressed. At this point their website just looks like self-help new age material. Best wishes for your toroidal theorizing! You can do this.


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