
Sunday, January 22, 2012

Process Note: Meme Chapter Coming Along

The chapter I'm working on now concerns the role of memes in the Simple Explanation. For me, memes are central to understanding individual psychology and group psychology, yet I can tell by reviewing the blog's stats that these meme articles are rarely read. Nonetheless, this chapter is as important as the cosmology or consciousness chapters. 

Here is one of the new diagrams for the meme chapter:
We've been blessedly busy with guests at the inn this winter, so I have not had the time to write that I'd anticipated. Not to worry, though, because I am not in control of timing. It will get done when it gets done. Meanwhile, I rejoice at the good fortune of the business entrusted to us.


  1. Happy to hear that business is booming at your bed & breakfast inn! We hope to return to Ashland, Oregon again in a few years.

  2. Did you visit us here at the Albion? Or was your last visit a while ago?


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