
Thursday, September 5, 2013

Alignment of Planetary Nebulae Puzzles Scientists

Couldn't pass this one by without comment. Here is the beginning of an article posted at

Planetary Nebula Alignment Has Astronomers Scratching Their Heads  |  By Mike Wall Posted:
Dying stars that are among the most beautiful objects in the universe tend to line up across the night sky, and astronomers aren't sure why. These "cosmic butterflies" — actually a certain type of planetary nebula — all have their own formation histories, and they don't interact with each other. But something is apparently making them dance in step, scientists using NASA's Hubble Space Telescope and the European Southern Observatory's New Technology Telescope (NTT) have discovered.
"This really is a surprising find and, if it holds true, a very important one,"study lead author Bryan Rees, of the University of Manchester in the United Kingdom, said in a statement. "Many of these ghostly butterflies appear to have their long axes aligned along the plane of our galaxy. By using images from both Hubble and the NTT we could get a really good view of these objects, so we could study them in great detail."
This mosaic shows a selection of stunning images of bipolar planetary nebulae taken by Hubble. Row 1 (from upper left): NGC 6302, NGC 6881, NGC 5189 Row 2 (from lower left) : M2-9, Hen 3-1475, Hubble 5.
Okay, the first thing I see is a stunning array of toroidal vortices at galactic scale. Is it too controversial to suggest that large-scale, unseen, bi-polar electromagnetic and gravitational forces caused material to array itself into these vortices? The article says that what puzzles the scientists is not necessarily the presence of these vortices, but the fact that they are arrayed along the same axes, no matter their location. The study's lead author notes that these axes also align with the plane of our Milky Way, and he is puzzled by this, as well, as our Milky Way has no interaction with these far-away nebulae.

Scientists have discovered that the long axes of bi-polar planetary nebulae align with the plane of the Milky Way. The plane in the illustration above should be tilted like this / to portray it accurately in space.
The Simple Explanation cosmological theory suggests that our universe is brimming with fractal toroidal forces at various scales, from the tiniest sub-atomic particles to the largest cosmic phenomena.

The Simple Explanation's version of the Big Bang envisions the prototype of all toruses actually enveloping and defining the shape of our universe. This toroidal membrane, the originating fractal formula, describes and contains our particular space/time continuum. In this theory, there would indeed be a bi-polar axis through the middle of our universe, with toroidal motion at the farthest edges of our space, sending waves of gravitational influence (for want of a better term) inward toward the middle from the outer 'brane, and waves of expansive energy from the middle outward, feeding universal expansion from the center.  In other words, I predict astronomers will soon find one of these "butterflies" at the middle of our universe.

The Simple Explanation of the alignment of planetary nebulae with our Milky Way galaxy is that all of these objects are aligning themselves with the mother of all "butterfly" vortices at universal center.

Any thoughts?

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