
Thursday, December 19, 2013

A Simple Explanation of Seth and the Responsibility Assumption Doctrine

In 1963, American psychic Jane Roberts began dictating a series of seance sessions to her husband that continued until her death in 1984. Roberts believed she was “channeling” a dis-incorporated spirit from another dimension, known as Seth.The resulting dictated manuscripts are known as the Seth Material. According to Wikipedia, the Seth Material forms one of the cornerstones of modern “New Age” philosophy, and all New Age philosophers promote one or another of Seth’s declarations.

I admit to not having read any of the Seth Material prior to preparing for this blog article. Furthermore, I can safely state that the Simple Explanation is NOT derivative in any sense from New Age materials of any sort. My own flavor of the Christian meme bundle forbids dabbling in the New Age. The Simple Explanation is solely derived from original source ancient manuscripts such as the Bible and the Tao te Ching, up-to-the-minute scientific discoveries, and whatever academic studies a bachelor’s in science, two master’s degrees, and a doctorate in philosophy have exposed me to.

So, here’s what a fresh reading of the Seth Material shows me. From Wikipedia:
The Seth Material says that all individuals create their own circumstances and experiences within the shared earthly environment, similar to the doctrine of responsibility assumption. This concept is expressed in the phrase "you create your own reality",[20] which may have originated with the Seth readings. The inner self, or inner ego, is responsible for the construction and maintenance of the individual's physical body and immediate physical environment, and the unfolding of events is determined by the expectations, attitudes and beliefs of the outer ego, that portion of the self that human beings know as themselves.[18] "If you want to change your world, you must first change your thoughts, expectations, and beliefs."[27] Or, more succinctly: "You get what you concentrate upon. There is no other main rule"[28]
The Seth Material claims that there is no objective reality that is not a projection of the individual’s mind. The tree you see is literally projected from your mind’s eye; it is not the tree being received into your eye’s sensors but the other way around. You don't "hear" the thunder; your audio nerves make the thunder:

Nerve impulses travel outward from the body, along invisible pathways, in much the same manner that they travel within the body. These pathways are carriers of telepathic thoughts, impulses, and desires containing all the codified data necessary for translating any thought or image into physical actuality, altering seemingly objective events.

This telepathy operates constantly at an "automatic" or subconscious level, providing communication to back up sensory data. Telepathy is the glue that holds the physical universe in position, so that you can agree on the existence and properties of objects. In one respect, your body and all physical objects go flying out in all directions from the inner core of the whole self. The physical environment is, therefore, as much a part of you as your own body. What seems to be a perception, an objective concrete event independent from you, is instead the materialization of your own emotions, energy and mental environment. (

The natural outgrowth of this philosphy is the doctrine of Responsibility Assumption. This sense of responsibility goes far beyond the usual meaning of personal responsibility. In this Seth doctrine:

You must watch the pictures that you paint with your imagination... ...your environment and the conditions of your life at any given time are the direct result of your own inner expectations. You form physical materializations of these realities within your own mind.

If you imagine dire circumstances, ill health, or desperate loneliness, these will be automatically materialized, for these thoughts themselves bring about the conditions that will give them reality in physical terms. If you would have good health, then you must imagine this as vividly as in fear you imagine the opposite.

You create your own difficulties. This is true for each individual. The inner psychological state is projected outward, gaining physical reality - and this regardless of the nature of the psychological state....The rules apply to everyone. You can use them for your own benefit and change your own conditions once you realize what they are. 

This doctrine forms the foundation for the popular New Age book, A Course in Miracles. But I usually see people interpret Responsibility Assumption in a way not intended by Seth. For, according to the Seth Material, you not only create the positive and negative opportunities in your life, there really is no life beyond your imagination. The Seth Material likens reality to one’s dreams. We all accept that the objects and people in our dreams are constructions and projections of our mind, playing out in the theatre of sleep. Seth said reality is exactly the same—nothing but a projection of our senses onto a nothingness, giving us the illusion of material existance.
In contrast, the Simple Explanation theory posits a universal medium of consciousness as the ether within which our physical manifestation floats. In my theory, there is aphysical reality we all share, arising directly from the universal mind, which I call the Universal Unit of Consciousness. So in that sense, matter is a projection of mind, but the BIG MIND we all share, thus we can also share a consensual reality. It seems to me that  if one took Seth precisely, people would be totally isolated in their private material universes, with others being projections of themselves rather than stand-alone entities. Sounds lonely.

The Simple Explanation says that each Unit of Consciousness is an emergent property of the newly formed matter or aggregation of matter. Each UC is a fractal chip off the Universal UC’s block, with all possible consciousness inherent thereto. Each UC carries the formula of the universe, but it only manifests the piece of the formula important to this particular life of which it is a part. So theoretically a sub-atomic particle does indeed carry the DNA for Jill Smith in New York, but it only manifests the quark pattern of spin up or spin down. The formula’s manifestation is not mindful—i.e. even humans with all their capacity for human thought do not control autonomic processes of their organism. The organs do their jobs without any oversight from my Egoic thought. The quark just naturally manifests the appropriate action needed to spin up or spin down. It doesn’t think about it, so a brain is irrelevant to the equation.
Here’s how the Seth Material puts it:

The inner self has a virtually infinite reservoir from which to draw knowledge and experience. All kinds of choices are available, and the diversity of physical matter is a reflection of this deep source and variety.  

On that, we agree. But where Seth uses the vessel of human consciousness as the Creator, the Simple Explanation spreads that infinite reservoir of knowledge out to the entirety of Creation. Creation could, indeed, be called a projection of consciousness, but the Simple Explanation attributes the act of Creating to Everything created, not just to human minds. And each created thing is creator of only its personal domain, not Everything Else. I am in charge of making decisions related to my own human life only; each other entity is in charge of making decisions related to its own life, whether it’s a quark, a photon, a molecule, a cell, or a dog. It’s a complex web of interrelated material projections at every possible level of aggregation. Entities are occasionally given the opportunity to prove they carry more information than their original manifestation needed, such as when a stem cell is prodded into becoming a different sort of cell, or an annihilated particle becomes other things.
Consciousness is not a by-product of the brain. Consciousness is the ground state of being. Maybe this short youtube video will help your understanding. 

Thought is something else entirely. Ruminative thinking is a by-product of the Ego. And the Ego is a by-product of the physical aggregation of the matter that makes up anything. A rock does not have much of an Ego, because its aggregation of minerals doesn’t need to do much thinking. Life is not defined by thought. If it were, then micro-cephalic humans or people in comas wouldn’t qualify as alive.
So, when people call objects “living,” they are generally referring to the attributes of carbon-based life forms. And all of those life forms exhibit what could be called thought, albeit tiny, highly-constrained thoughts in the simplest single-celled entities. The more complex the carbon-based aggregate is, the greater its need for independent decision-making, and the greater its capacity for “thought.” Still though, the thoughts are not really necessary for survival. The bacteria doesn’t have to think, “boy, i’m really hungry!” It only has to acquire nutrition at the earliest opportunity, and it can do that with blindfolds on.

When you think about it, our human lives proceed largely on autopilot. You have the autonomic functions of our organism going on outside of thinking (breathing, food acquisition, waste elimination, etc.); you also have most of life’s daily cultural routines going on without much thought. Do you  consciously savor each bite of your food or how to cut with a knife? Do you have to decide to brush your teeth or how to take a bath? Do you pay attention to each action of your driving? ...hands on the wheel at 10 and 2, now turn 42 degrees left, now straighten the wheel, now step on the gas pedal slowly, increasing pressure....  No. You just drive and maybe chat with your passenger or listen to the radio, and expect that simple consciousness and the body will take care of the details until thought is needed.
The Simple Explanation of the Seth Material is that these represent a particular meme bundle “channeled” from the transpersonal field. The author, Jane Roberts, believed the Seth entity existed independently of her personal mind. The Simple Exlanation is that Seth could represent a discorporate Ego attached to this particular collection of memes, “living” on the non-material plane. The meme bundle exists separately from Seth, but the Seth personality is all about that bundle.
Having said that, it is my personal belief that just because an entity exists in a different plane doesn’t make everything they say correct. They could be less deluded than I am, or they could be more deluded. Discorporation does not necessarily equal truth or wisdom. It depends on the entity involved,  just as it does here on the material plane. Yes, the enlightened few may be less deluded after or between lives. But some Egos cling to their meme bundles, right or wrong, even after death. Personally, I think Seth got a lot of things right, but it also misses the mark on the subject of consensual reality. This is why "magic" is so hard to make happen--there are other variables out there in this reality we all share above and beyond my  personal will and wanting. I am not, after all, The Creator of the entire Universe. I'm just a co-creator, along with everybody and everything else. That is why we all have to pull together to help the entire ecology of which we are a part. We can't just sit and wish.

Monday, December 9, 2013

NASA Illustrates Galactic Plane in Super Massive Black Hole--It's a Torus!

Credit: NASA/CXC/M.Weiss
The Simple Explanation cosmological theory hypothesizes that there is a torus shape associated with all material forms in our universe. Comparing my chalk drawing below with NASA's illustration above shows that the galactic plane sitting inside a super massive black hole is the same location as the horizontal plane that bisects a torus.

Torus pole runs up and down the funnels, torus plane cuts the torus in two horizontally.
Chalk drawing by Cyd Ropp
Conventional astronomy readily identifies black holes as vortices. The Simple Explanation theory further proposes that these black hole vortices are simply the funnels of toruses scattered throughout the universe. Wherever black hole vortices are identified, it is easy enough to imagine that there is also an associated torus that is not necessarily seen.

Here's another NASA illustration of a black hole. You can see they are imagining the torus. See how the torus looks like the torus in the chalk drawing above?

In the following illustration and its accompanying description, NASA mentions the associated torus of dust.
Chandra X-Ray Observatory provided this composite X-ray (blue and green) and optical (red) image of the active galaxy NGC 1068 showing gas blowing away in a high-speed wind from the vicinity of a central supermassive black hole. Regions of intense star formation in the inner spiral arms of the galaxy are highlighted by both optical and x-ray emissions. A doughnut shaped cloud of cool gas and dust surrounding the black hole, known as the torus, appears as the elongated white spot . It has a mass of about 5 million suns and is estimated to extend from within a few light years of the black hole out to about 300 light years.

NASA Identifier: MSFC-0301628  Read more:

The difference between the way science currently thinks of these toruses and the way I think of them is this: astronomers think the torus is a by-product of the black holes, whereas I think the black hole vortices are the funnels of the torus shape. It's a cart-before-the-horse situation. A "which came first, the chicken or the egg?" situation. In other words, I am suggesting the dust clouds, the galactic planes, and the black holes vortices are really associated with the torus, which is the primordial shape. The black hole is the center of the torus. The vortices are the torus funnels. The galactic plane is the toroidal plane, and that is precisely why the matter accumulates there.
Do you see what I'm saying?

Saturn's Hexagonal Flow -- Science News Repost

Saturn’s six-sided cloud pattern gets a close look

SUPER SWIRL  A sharp boundary defines the six-sided cloud pattern that spans about 30,000 kilometers across Saturn’s north pole, as seen in this new false-color image from the Cassini spacecraft.  Hampton, SSI, JPL-Caltech/NASA   

Saturn’s strange six-sided cloud pattern has gotten its day in the sun.
NASA's Cassini spacecraft snapped the highest-resolution images to date of the planet’s hexagonal jet stream, which fuels swirling, cloudy storms at the planet’s north pole. Because of recent changes in Saturn’s tilt that allowed the sun to shine on the region, astronomers were able to get a better view and understanding of the roughly 30,000-kilometer-wide cloud structure.
Using colored filters, the Cassini team identified large particles, shown in pink, swirling in the planet’s lower atmosphere. Large particles at higher altitudes appear green, and tiny particles higher in the atmosphere appear blue. Those tiny particles define the sharp boundary of the hexagonal jet stream.
While the geometric shape of Saturn’s jet stream seems odd, its existence is not. Earth’s jet stream also forms cloud swirls around the North Pole. However, “Earth is basically really messy,” said Cassini team member Kunio Sayanagi of Hampton University in Virginia during a Google Hangout by NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory on December 4.
Air currents on Earth jumble up clouds by blowing over continents, mountains and oceans. But gaseous Saturn is free of solid ground, so the six-sided cloud structure persists and has probably been there for decades, possibly centuries.

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Process Note: Busy Season Over At Last!

Much has happened in the world of science this year. Looking forward to talking more about dark energy and dark matter now that my busy time of year is over.
Happy Face Kiwi
Meanwhile, look at this beautiful little fractal forest growing on a tree trunk. Took the photo last week on my iphone.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Alignment of Planetary Nebulae Puzzles Scientists

Couldn't pass this one by without comment. Here is the beginning of an article posted at

Planetary Nebula Alignment Has Astronomers Scratching Their Heads  |  By Mike Wall Posted:
Dying stars that are among the most beautiful objects in the universe tend to line up across the night sky, and astronomers aren't sure why. These "cosmic butterflies" — actually a certain type of planetary nebula — all have their own formation histories, and they don't interact with each other. But something is apparently making them dance in step, scientists using NASA's Hubble Space Telescope and the European Southern Observatory's New Technology Telescope (NTT) have discovered.
"This really is a surprising find and, if it holds true, a very important one,"study lead author Bryan Rees, of the University of Manchester in the United Kingdom, said in a statement. "Many of these ghostly butterflies appear to have their long axes aligned along the plane of our galaxy. By using images from both Hubble and the NTT we could get a really good view of these objects, so we could study them in great detail."
This mosaic shows a selection of stunning images of bipolar planetary nebulae taken by Hubble. Row 1 (from upper left): NGC 6302, NGC 6881, NGC 5189 Row 2 (from lower left) : M2-9, Hen 3-1475, Hubble 5.
Okay, the first thing I see is a stunning array of toroidal vortices at galactic scale. Is it too controversial to suggest that large-scale, unseen, bi-polar electromagnetic and gravitational forces caused material to array itself into these vortices? The article says that what puzzles the scientists is not necessarily the presence of these vortices, but the fact that they are arrayed along the same axes, no matter their location. The study's lead author notes that these axes also align with the plane of our Milky Way, and he is puzzled by this, as well, as our Milky Way has no interaction with these far-away nebulae.

Scientists have discovered that the long axes of bi-polar planetary nebulae align with the plane of the Milky Way. The plane in the illustration above should be tilted like this / to portray it accurately in space.
The Simple Explanation cosmological theory suggests that our universe is brimming with fractal toroidal forces at various scales, from the tiniest sub-atomic particles to the largest cosmic phenomena.

The Simple Explanation's version of the Big Bang envisions the prototype of all toruses actually enveloping and defining the shape of our universe. This toroidal membrane, the originating fractal formula, describes and contains our particular space/time continuum. In this theory, there would indeed be a bi-polar axis through the middle of our universe, with toroidal motion at the farthest edges of our space, sending waves of gravitational influence (for want of a better term) inward toward the middle from the outer 'brane, and waves of expansive energy from the middle outward, feeding universal expansion from the center.  In other words, I predict astronomers will soon find one of these "butterflies" at the middle of our universe.

The Simple Explanation of the alignment of planetary nebulae with our Milky Way galaxy is that all of these objects are aligning themselves with the mother of all "butterfly" vortices at universal center.

Any thoughts?

Thursday, August 29, 2013

What Is This Screen Save from Life of Muhammad Television Program?

Can anyone please tell me what this is a picture of, and what its origin is?

I photographed the television screen from a PBS special called the "Life of Muhammad."  You can view the program by going to this "Life of Muhammad Video" public television link.

Thank you for your assistance.

Monday, July 22, 2013

Dandylion and Thistle Tori

Here are a couple pictures I took with my iphone while out walking the dogs. Aren't they beautiful examples of the fractal pattern of the torus?

Sunday, June 23, 2013

A Simple Fractal Model of the Conscious Universe, or, My Self--the Governor of Whoville

I gave a 21 minute talk at our local Author's Fair yesterday. The talk went very well. And, despite the possibly frightening title, this video is entertaining as well as enlightening. I hope you like it.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Process Note: We're selling the Inn

My husband and I have decided to sell our bed and breakfast in Ashland, Oregon. Who knows how long that will take in our challenging economic times... Meanwhile, I have found the Albion Inn to be tremendously stimulating intellectually. I don't know what was more inspirational--the breakfast conversations with guests or the toroidal patterns in the breakfast fruits every morning! 

Once I am no longer running madly about--managing the inn, cooking, doing laundry, ironing sheets, etc.-- I'm hoping the universe will give me some time to devote to fleshing out the Simple Explanation. There are many, many, many more articles waiting for the time to write them!

Monday, April 22, 2013

A Simple Explanation of Past Life Hypnotherapy

My brother, Dr. Bill Puett, has developed a thriving hypnotherapy practice in San Diego, California, since retiring as a Professor of Philosophy.
Bill and I have philosophized together all of our lives, since we were small children.
Bill's wife, Kathy, Bill Puett, and sister Cyd Ropp

Bill has been employing the Simple Explanation as part of his therapeutic technique for a few years now. We thought you would like to see how. Here is one of his case studies utilizing past life regression.

CASE STUDY: Jane -- burned as a witch

Jane was a 22 year old client who saw me because of a bothersome issue she'd had for as long as she could remember.  No one was allowed to touch her neck.   She was engaged to be married; and even her fiancé, John, was not allowed to touch her neck.  Jane also made it clear to John that she did not want to have a child, especially not a daughter.  Because he wanted to have children, a major problem in their relationship arose.
In my hypnotherapy practice, I do not lead or make suggestions based on what I think is the cause of my client's issues. I listen to what their subconscious reveals and facilitate with that information my client's recovery. I use past life and parallel life therapy to facilitate transformation. In Jane's case, I did not anticipate what her subconscious was to reveal when she was in deep hypnosis.

In a past life, she recalled being burned at the stake as an alleged witch.  Her first recollection was being in the fire.  I asked her to move out from the fire and to see herself at a distance.  She saw that she had a brace of some kind around her neck that kept her in place.  She asked to go back into the fire whereby I took her quickly through her death and into the “interim” between lives.  She was immediately relieved. 
While she was in the interim, I asked her if there was anyone she wanted to see again from that past life.  She said “yes,” and I asked her to call that person into the interim.  A little girl came to her who had been her daughter in that past life and had died before her mother had been killed.  They had a deeply moving reunion.  (I regularly do grief work for past life persons who have lost loved ones.) 
I then asked Jane to go back into that past life in order to create a “new” past life.  In the new past life she was not brought before the inquisition and her daughter did not die as a child.  I then brought Jane back to the present with full recall of the old and new past life experiences.  The original past life was now presented as merely a story with no future implications while the new past life was carried forward for positive future implications.

The results were wonderful and transformative.  The day of the past life regression was the last day of Jane’s neck issue.  She had removed the meme of being held on the stake with a neck brace.  She had also removed the meme of not wanting a child.  Within a year, she and her husband had a baby daughter.  Both Jane and John were thrilled with the pregnancy and the birth of a child.
Here is what Bill and I think is going on with this sort of therapy--

The Simple Explanation suggests that each living person is comprised of their Unit of Consciousness (aka "soul") enshrouded by a bundle of memes considered important to that person, glued there, in a manner of speaking, by their personal karma. (you can read all about this Simple Explanation of souls and karma in Chapters 2 and 3 of the Simple Explanation book or in this little article, "Who Am I?".)

When a client is hypnotically regressed out of this life and experiences a past life, the memes important to that life are once again attracted to their UC. This is why clients under hypnosis may look and speak differently than they normally do, because the old meme bundle is again active.

In Jane's case, the experience of being locked in stocks and burned to death as a witch made such a karmic impression upon her UC that it clung to her new life, causing a neurotic fear of being touched on her neck. She also carried a meme of disappointment and longing over the early death of her daughter in that life that created such fear in this life that she was unwilling to risk having another.

In the safety and comfort of the therapeutic session, Jane was able to move beyond her traumatic death and discover the peace of the interim period following death.

In Simple Explanation terms, we would say this peace comes as the soul's meme bundle is cut loose at death. In the period between lives we are freed from earthly memes, cares, and concerns. The meme bundle later reattaches, according to one's karma, after a newly formed life enters the world.

In Jane's case, it was the newly imagined "alternate ending" of the past life that finally released all of her fears. Jane found actual peace and satisfaction with the rewritten history, and she carried that peace forward into this life. It was as though Jane's karma had been rewritten, and the memes associated with her previously unhappy life and death no longer clung to her current meme bundle. She was now able to view those memes from a distance, as if they were attached to someone else.
Immediate resolution of clients' presenting problems is really unheard of in therapy. Usually, clients wrestle with their meme bundles for years, in and out of therapy. With Dr. Puett's past-life hypnotherapy, clients are released that very day. We believe the therapy is so effective because not only are the original incidents identified (whether in this life or a past life), but a new history is written that gives resolution retroactively to the time of the inciting incident. Rather than carrying the mourning for her lost daughter forward from one lifetime into the next, Jane's joyous reunion with her daughter plucked the loss meme right out of her bundle. When she awoke from hypnosis she felt joy rather than fear, and the fear never returned. The fear meme was replaced by a joyous meme, allowing her present life to go forward.

As for her gruesome death, under hypnosis Jane discovered she felt no pain or fear on "the other side" of death, once she had been taken consciously through. Therefore that meme was no longer a source of pain and fear. Once again, it was as if the karma associated with dying at the stake was rewritten as it was reimagined. Bill and I propose that immediate resolution of a client's problems and the transformation of a client's life is accomplished through karmic cleansing as old memes are dropped and not reattached to the present life.

Bill's therapeutic technique is a novel approach that utilizes concepts of personhood out of the Simple Explanation. Hypnotic regression, coupled with rewriting history, is an extremely effective way to drop burdensome memes.
You need not believe in reincarnation to benefit from this technique. I personally held the position for several years that these past life sessions of Bill's were "merely" therapeutic metaphors. Useful stories expressing fears and mysteries in a neat, narrative package. Not unlike dream imagery. Since writing the Simple Explanation I have come to take these stories as something different.

Does this mean that everyone who holds that burned-at-the-stake meme was actually burned at the stake themselves, personally? Not necessarily. In the Simple Explanation, the memes in our bundles are not only held by you, they are held in common by everyone who resonates with that meme. You can come to hold onto a meme because of past life issues, but you could also be holding a meme because you picked it up in this life. It may be that you are a midwife who is currently under some sort of prosecution or review board over your midwifery practices. Considering that tens of thousands of midwives were burned at the stake during the witch trials of the Early Modern Period, it's little wonder your current situation would attract that particular meme to your personal bundle. The meme actually "lives" in the transpersonal field we all share--it's been out there all along, you just didn't resonate to it before it applied to you.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Lessons From Trees: Roots of a Fallen Tree

I took this 90 second video yesterday in the woods where I walk the dogs.

A giant tree fell over in the night, exposing the root ball. After the fall, it was easy to see that only a few roots had held the giant tree upright.

I am sure this is a wonderful metaphor for something--probably for many things. Any suggestions?

Roots of a Fallen Tree; Only a few held the giant upright.

Monday, April 15, 2013

Radio Appearance on Progressive Parenting, 4/16/13

Greetings, Friends.

I was the guest on a call-in internet radio program called Progressive Parenting on Tuesday, April 16. Please listen in on this very interesting discussion regarding midwifery, homebirth, and the broader meaning of "pro-choice".

Here is the link to the radio program, "Progressive Parenting"

Please listen in and pass this article around to your friends. Let's start a discussion!



Here I am, second from the left, sitting with a panel of attorneys all representing midwives on trial for the oxymoronic charge of practicing medicine without a license, and criminal charges ranging from homicide to quackery.
We were convened by Human Rights in Childbirth to discuss "The Persecution of Midwives as a Human Rights Issue". I presented my research and rhetorical defense strategies.
photo by Patti Ramos Photography

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

A Simple Explanation of Star-Shaped Gravity Waves

French physicists have captured images of gravity waves in the shape of toruses, stars, and pentagons, formed by vibrating shallow tanks of silicon oil up and down.

Researcher Jean Rajchjenbach, in an interview with LiveScience, expressed puzzlement over the findings:

"It is generally accepted that the shape of the waves depends on the container shape. The fact that the pattern shape is here recovered independently of the container shape is surprising, mysterious and stimulating. We have no clear explanation. . . . This finding just emphasizes that the domain of highly nonlinear waves is still 'terra incognita,' or unknown territory."

The Simple Explanation of these unexpected shapes in gravity waves is that they are associated with toroidal forces acting upon the 3-D space represented by the silicon oil. In other words, the shape is independent of the container because the container holding the silicon oil is not the container generating the gravity wave--the torus associated with the space is. The Simple Explanation proposes that gravity waves are generated on the outer and inner membrane of toruses. 

At the micro scale, aggregates pull objects toward the outside of their toroidal membranes to make larger aggregates. At the macro scale, space is pushed outward by dark energy emitters at the zero point of each toroidal vortex. Matter drifts outward to reunite with the gravitational pull generated by  the inside of the fractal surface of the universal toroidal membrane.

What I find interesting is that the experimental set-up  itself seems to have created an occasion for viewing toroidal forces moving into and out of our 3-D space. When you watch the video you can see a number of transitory tori dancing in complex patterns within a larger torus, and changing into the various stars and pentagons.

Ancient cosmologies speak of elemental harmonics of resonance culminating in five basic motions. "These five patterns of vibration are at the core of the sciences of the ancients," (Burger, Esoteric Anatomy). "They are the fundamental resonances that are the inner vibrational basis of all phenomena." Burger writes that "all vibration is entrained, through sympathetic vibration, with the resonance of these universal fields of force."

Hmmm. I would be surprised if the gravity waves weren't toroidal! So for the scientists among you who would like proof of these outrageous claims, the Simple Explanation cosmology predicts there is an extremely large dark energy emitter at the center of our physical universe. Astronomers are close to proving that already. The Simple Explanation predicts we will also discover an enveloping gravitational curve at the farthest reaches of our universe, a kind of reciprocal force to the central energy emitter. The Simple Explanation cosmology also implies minute localizations of dark energy emitters balanced by gravitational membranes in the shape of tori associated with all material accretions, similar to the electromagnetic tori already observed surrounding planets, stars, and galaxies.

Rajchenbach and his colleagues Didier Clamond and Alphonse Leroux of the University of Nice Sophia Antipolis in France, detailed their findings in a paper accepted by the journal Physical Review Letters on Feb. 1. Reported by: Charles Choi, LiveScience Contributor, Published: 02/22/2013 11:11 AM EST on LiveScience

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

More Esoteric Anatomy

Toroidal Energies and the Human Body
Dr. Randolph Stone
A couple of years ago I posted an article about Bruce Burger's book, Esoteric Anatomy: The Body As Consciousness. At that time I had just begun reading the book, and I promised a more complete review at a later date.

This is a great book. If you are investigating toroidal energy and the conscious universe, you really should read Esoteric Anatomy. The term "Esoteric Anatomy" refers to the body's toroidal energy lines (pictured above) and their effect on the body. The book is divided into two parts--philosophy and application. In the first section, "Loving Hands Are Healing Hands," Burger presents a hands-on therapy approach called Polarity Therapy that describes in detail how to locate and complete toroidal circuits throughout the body for both physical and mental health. In the second half of the book, "Essays on Esoteric Anatomy," Burger gives a thorough explanation of the ancient Sanatana Dharma, which forms the primary philosophy underlying Polarity Therapy. You really can't find a better grounding in primary yogic philosophy than these essays. 

Polarity Therapy was originally developed by Dr. Randolph Stone in a series of books published in the 1950's. Dr. Stone's understanding of Ayurveda, Naturopathy, Osteopathy, Craniosacral Therapy, Hermetic philosphy, and physics, blended with fifty years of experience as a Doctor of Chiropractic and Osteopathy, informed his understanding of the human body and its place in the cosmos. He is considered "the father of energetic studies."


Monday, February 18, 2013

Personal Process Note: Cataract Surgeries

I have just completed surgeries on both of my eyes for congenital cataracts. Now that the new lenses are in, I can see better than I ever have in my life. This video is of the first surgery on my left eye. They inserted a toric lens to correct for nearsightedness and astigmatism.

I resisted the surgeon's offer of IV Valium because I wanted to be fully present during the surgeries. As an experienced meditator, I felt confident I could keep myself and Whoville calm throughout the procedure. This proved to be a challenge because I could see everything going on through the eye as it was being operated on, and I had to continually reassure Whoville that everything was fine and going as expected. I found the electronic warning beepers to be the most  alarming aspect of surgery, as they kicked in often to alert the surgeon to back off of whatever he was doing. I would recommend earphones and soft classical music as a soothing remedy to the patient hearing alarms.

I had put off cataract surgery for a couple of years as I could not decide which focal lengths to choose. These plastic intraocular lenses cannot change focus the way a natural lens can, so the patient must choose whether they want an eye to see only close, mid-range, or far. My surgeon prefers his patients to exit with no need of glasses at all, so he likes to use mid-range and far lenses, one for each eye. Then the brain is supposed to coordinate this monovision into a working facsimile of two-eyed vision. I did not like that option at all, because I am accustomed to being able to see up close for fine work and I never expected to be able to see far away without glasses, as I have worn glasses all of my life. I finally opted for my left eye to be set at mid-range, and my right eye to be close-up for fine work.

This is working out well because the close vision and mid-range vision overlap around 20", so I can use two coordinated eyes for most computer work and countertop work. Yet, if I need to see something close-up, I can focus on it clearly with the close-up lens in the right eye. The left eye's midrange vision extends from about 20" outward. Since I was born with cataracts and extreme astigmatism and near-sightedness, I have never seen across the room without glasses. Now, the left eye sees easily across the room and beyond. In fact, I can drive without glasses now. My distance vision is not 20-20, but it's tremendously better than ever, so I have no complaints. For someone who treasures distance sight, setting one eye to distance makes good sense. 

My color vision has also improved, since there were crystal deposits inside my original lenses that altered my color vision. I can now see subtle gradations of color that were previously undiscernable.

I also viewed a number of "entoptic" visual phenomena during the surgeries. Entoptic phenomena are visual images that occur within the eye or the brain, independent of normal visual channels. The most interesting thing I saw was during the period of time after the cataract was fully removed and before the new lens was inserted. The surgical light was still brightly lighting the eye. What I saw was a domed surface completely covered with tiny, tiny, iridescent spheres, all packed tightly close together. It looked like there were thousands of them, coating the inside of a dome. This was a single surface of bubbles, not like looking into a sphere of bubbles, but at a membrane of bubbles. Any thoughts as to what that may have been? Here's my attempt to render that entoptic image, but it was much more beautiful than this.

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Slinky Torus Black Hole

Here's some more slinky torus fun. Weeeee! Down the black hole.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Slinky Torus Photos

Slinkys make great torus models. Here are some photos I took yesterday using my iphone.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Danielle's Virtual Toroidal Universe--Video

A student named Danielle Battaglia has completed a senior thesis project at the University of Michigan's School of Design. Using the MIDEN at the university's 3-D Lab, Danielle mapped the known universe onto a torus, thereby modelling our toroidal-shaped universe for us. Way to go, Danielle!

Here's the link to the video walk-through of the toroidal universe.

Integrative Project: Danielle Battaglia from UM Stamps School of Art & Design on Vimeo.

(Thanks to Simple Explanation blog follower and artiste extraordinare, Jesus Olmo, for forwarding this link to me.)

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Feathers like a torus

My cat brought me this present today. He knows how much I like tori!
I wonder what part of the bird this came from? Isn't it beautiful?