
Monday, December 1, 2014

More Slinky Art

More photos from my iphone. Slinkys nested together make a great model for nesting tori. Torus is another word for donut. Aren't these lovely?
nested slinkys; cyd ropp

nested slinkys; cyd ropp

nested slinkys; cyd ropp

nested slinkys; cyd ropp

nested slinkys; cyd ropp
Yeah, that's me with the art on my head. I call it "Toroids on the brain."


  1. Hi Cyd, I've been studying Falaco Solitons for the past 10 years. A new theory about the brain is that these twin-vortices are the mechanism by which neurons communicate and that magnetite might be the storage location for memory. I've enjoyed reading your website and I believe you are correct about the toroidal nature of the universe. Best regards, Rojo in Encinitas

  2. Greetings, Rojo! We are now neighbors, as I have moved to Encinitas, CA, too. If you would like me to speak to a gathering of your friends about these things, send me an invite!

    Yes, I have seen the video of the swimming pool Falaco Solitons. Maybe I should repost it here. I notice wikipedia does not have a Falaco Solitons article. Maybe you should write one.


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