
Thursday, April 2, 2015

Buy the Simple Explanation Book Now Under $10

I've just completed a new edition of the Simple Explanation of Absolutely Everything book. This edition is in black and white to hold down printing costs. Heavily illustrated with many helpful diagrams and photographs.
Buy the book here for only $9.99
The book is written with all of the simplicity and elegance you've come to expect from the Simple Explanation blog. 

Why buy the book when you can read the blog for free?

  1. Less confusing because I lead you step-by-step through the theory.
  2. Keep a copy in the bathroom or next to your bed.
  3. Give a copy to your family and friends.
  4. Support and reward Dr. Ropp's hard work--I've done the heavy lifting for you!
If you have already read the first edition, or are a regular reader of the Simple Explanation blog, please write a book review today or at least pop in to award the book 5 stars. I need your help today!!!

Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Onward and upward!


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