
Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Quantum Spookiness Demonstrated--Karma at a Distance

Back in May of 2011, the Simple Explanation blog posted an article called "Quantum Entanglement and Karma."  At that time, I described quantum entanglement and and suggested it as a reasonable mechanism for karma

From that 2011 article:

"Karma is the mechanism through which the consequences of behavior inform future potential. Karma is a force of influence that arises out of the decision-making history of every unit of consciousness in the universe. Each UC generates its own karma. We are all affected by one another’s karma. The more a unit of consciousness has in common with another UC, the more it is affected by the other’s karma. Our aggregate karma affects all of creation."
To this definition we can now add quantum entanglement:  Your actions affect not only you, they affect me to the extent we are "entangled." And, because of entanglement swapping, not only am I affected by you, but so is everyone else who is entangled with me, and everyone else entangled with them. And so on, and so on, and so on." A Simple Explanation of Quantum Entanglement and Karma" 

I am happy to report to you that the claim of action-at-a-distance was scientifically verified last week. There is now no scientific reason that Karma at a distance cannot operate in the same way. Read the article below to see how they proved it.

"This latest experiment involved physicists from the Netherlands, the UK, and Spain, who entangled pairs of electrons separated by a distance of 1.3 km. Led by Delft University of Technology researcher B. Hensen from the Netherlands, the team then measured one of the electrons while a group immediately observed whether its partner was affected.
This is a take on the classic 'Bell experiment' devised in the 1960s by Irish physicist John Bell to test whether there was a more sensible explanation for entanglement. According to the rational view of the world, after a certain distance, the correlation should cease to exist as the particles are too far away to communicate with each other. But according to quantum theory, there will be no distance limit.
Over the past 30 years or so the Bell experiment has been attempted many times, always showing that quantum theory is real. But in all those experiments there have been loopholes - usually the fact that most researchers entangle photons, which are hard to pin down and measure due to their super-fast nature, so as many as 80 percent are lost before being measured, making results inconclusive.
In an attempt to close that loophole, many physicists use entangled ions instead of photons. But this opens up another loophole, because these ions aren't kept far enough apart to rule out that they aren't somehow influencing each other by communicating information normally - in other words, at a rate less than the speed of light.
The new experiment managed to close both those loopholes by combining the benefits of photons with electrons, which are easier to measure. To do this, the team entangled the spin of two electrons with two different photons. Those two electrons were located in labs 1.3 km apart, while the photons were sent off to a third location and then separately entangled with each other.
"As soon as the photons are entangled, BINGO, so too are the two original electron spins, seated in vastly distant labs, reports science writer Zeeya Merali over at FQXi blogs. "The team carried out 245 trials of the experiment, comparing entangled electrons, and report that Bell’s bound is violated."
So that means that there really is some freaky quantum behaviour going on, and the results can't be blamed on some kind of loophole.
"Our experiment realises the first Bell test that simultaneously addresses both the detection loophole and the locality loophole," the authors write over at arXiv, where they've published the early results. They're now refining the experiment for publication in a peer-reviewed journal. 
"It’s a very nice and beautiful experiment, and one can only congratulate the group for that," Anton Zeilinger, the leader of a rival team at the University of Vienna in Austria, who wasn't involved in the research, told Jacob Aron over at New Scientist. "I expect they have improved the experiment, and by the time it is published they’ll have better data ... There is no doubt it will withstand scrutiny."  from an article entitled: Quantum spookiness has been confirmed by first loophole-free experiment.  It's official: reality is freaking weird. by FIONA MACDONALD 31 AUG 2015  Science Alert

1 comment:

  1. Study and Observe your own Samskaras-mindstreams, they can travel with us in cycles of reincarnation thus be linked through quantum entanglement by our karmic past coming present...


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