
Saturday, November 3, 2018

Sin Is Misunderstanding -- Conversations with my Brother

Here is a short conversation between me, Cyd Ropp, the Simple Explanation author, and my brother, Bill. Bill and I both hold Ph.D.s--Bill in Philosophy and Cyd in Classical Rhetoric. As mentioned in the Preface to A Simple Explanation of Absolutely Everything, Bill and I have been philosophizing together for sixty years now. Whenever we talk on the phone, philosophy emerges. 

This particular conversation covers the topic of human nature and sin, and dips briefly into a Simple Explanation of Satan and Gnosticism. All in three minutes.

This is what it looks like:

I'm thinking this may be an interesting new feature of the blog--Conversations with my Brother. You will soon be able to find more such conversations at my youtube channel, under the Simple Explanation videos. 

I'll attempt to improve the sound quality and perhaps even dress up some and put on girly make-up next time. 


  1. I feel the word 'misunderstanding' is a little harsh in relation to "Sin", I teach youngsters a lot and they make innocent mistakes and "misunderstand" all the time while in the process of learning. I think doing wrong when you know better is more like a "Sin" There is a quote I like from Gurdijeff: 'A "Sin" is something that is not necessary' I suppose Sin is one of those heavily loaded words that can cause deep reactions in some people.

  2. It's the word "sin" that has the negative connotation. When I say "sin," I'm not necessarily saying it's naughty or bad. I'm using the word more like "off-base," or "missing the mark." If you and I and our students had no blinders on at all, and we could channel our true state of perfection, then we would naturally perform with perfection, too. We would be "in the zone," and sinless. Like a perfect ride.


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