
Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Gnostic Gospel, Pt 13 -- The Revelation of the Son

Notice: There is now a separate blog dedicated to the New Gnostic Gospel. You can get there by clicking here.

The Fullness, in cooperation with their Father, brought forth a new aeon designed to correct the Deficiency. They brought forth One that combined every attribute of the ALL manifested in the image of the Father "of whom they had been thinking when they gave glory and prayed for help" [The Tripartite Tractate, v. 86]. 
The Fruit of the ALL and the Father, the Christ, the Savior and Redeemer, the Advocate, the Light, the Beloved

Over the course of illuminating the Gnostic Gospel, the Simple Explanation has designed a series of visual metaphors representing facets of Gnostic and Christian belief. For the fullest understanding of this article, you may wish to read the entire Gnostic Gospel Illuminated series from the beginning.  If you would prefer to first read the "Simple Gnostic Gospel, Part One: The Father, The Son, and the Birth of The ALL," click here.

The Fruit of the ALL first shone its light on those of the Second Order of Powers who had lost their vision and wanted to see again. These Powers had a small inkling that something higher existed prior to them, and they were not surprised by the revelation of the Light. They greeted the Light, "with inexpressible joy," and gladly bowed down before it. 
Those of the Remembrance joyfully greeted the Light.
Those redeemed by the Light were made whole and complete. They were given access to "chariots" like those of the aeons, able to carry them throughout all of the regions and activities contained within the Boundary. Because the Christ carried knowledge from the ALL and the Fullness, and power from the Father, their chariots brought the order of the hierarchy to all corners of the universe, and organized systems began to appear, displacing the chaos of the Imitation. Riding these chariots, "each one may obtain his fixed place in accordance with what he is" [The Tripartite Tractate, v. 91]. 
Those with eyes to see were given chariots like those of the aeons that could traverse all realms.
Those who were now enlightened felt the power of the Redeemer inside themselves, "being together with him, sharing his suffering, relieving him little by little, making him grow, raising him up" [The Tripartite Tractate, v. 90].

The Redeemed "were produced as an army for him, as for a king, in which those who belong to this thought share the command and are united in agreement. They went forth in a form that consisted of many forms. . .  [He] also sowed in him, invisibly, a word designed for understanding and gave him the power to detach and dispel from himself those who were disobedient to him" [The Tripartite Tractate, v. 88].

Those of the Imitation, on the other hand, were unprepared for the Light, for they had come into being out of darkness, and could not comprehend it. To them, the light came as a brief, terrifying flash, "a leap and a blow," that drove them deeper into the shadows of the abyss. To them, this utter darkness was home[The Tripartite Tractate, v. 89].
Those who came from the Fall retreated further into darkness when light entered the universe.
The aeon Logos, who had Fallen and then abandoned the Deficiency he had created, "decided to pray that the fixed economy might attain all those who had gone forth from him," including those still clinging to the Imitation. In this manner, Logos was also made aright from the Fall, as those of the Deficiency attained the economy of the ALL, and the Second Order of Powers united with the knowledge that had been given them [The Tripartite Tractate, v. 91]. 

Thus, the Redeemer "took charge of the economy of the ALL, by means of the authority vested in him from the beginning and the power needed to execute it. In this way he proceeded to carry out his revelation" [The Tripartite Tractate, v. 88]. 

"So those [of the Deficiency] were found worthy of becoming rulers over the unspeakable darkness as their own property and the lot that fell to them. This is what he granted them, so that they too might become useful for the economy that was to be, and of which they were oblivious" [The Tripartite Tractate, v. 89].

So it came to pass that "every grace, and food," that was contemplated through prayer and the ALL came to be. "For the Word greatly increased mutual cooperation and expectant hope, and they experienced happiness, deep rest, and undefiled pleasures" to the extent each was able to embrace them [The Tripartite Tractate, v. 92]. 
Those readers who are put off by the name "God" or other religious words like the "Father," the "Son," and the "Holy Spirit," are free to continue using more modern memes like "consciousness" and "self-awareness," "algorithms" and "fractals." You may study these same topics in my Simple Explanation blog and book. However, if you are already familiar with Hebrew and Christian memes, then you will understand these Gnostic writings without needing to first dip into the Simple Explanation, and so you may skip the following translation.

The Simple Explanation of Absolutely Everything refers to the Father as the Metaverse, that which is above our Universe.

The Simple Explanation calls the Son the Universal Unit of Consciousness, because while identical to the Father, or Metaverse, this all-knowing consciousness is now also a singular Unit. In fractal terms, the Son is the first iteration of the pattern of consciousness. 

The ALL is every thing that will ever be, in potential. They began as unrealized fractal iterations of the pattern of the Son. This is the second iteration of the singular Unit, which carries the formulae of our universe. 

The Fullness represents the expressed fractals of the third iteration: the proliferation of singular Units of Consciousness. These fractals are called "aeons," and they have multiplied into the potential of all forms, processes, and personalities. In same way that an individual's DNA carries its species' potential form, so each unit of consciousness carries within itself the complete pattern of creation. 

The Boundary of the Simple Explanation is the fractal shell of the Universal Unit of Consciousness. The Simple Explanation model suggests that the undifferentiated consciousness of the Metaverse is held apart from this created universe by means of a toroidal-shaped membrane "composed" of consciousness. One purpose of the toroidal shell is to contain the space, time, and memes of our universe so the tranquility of the Metaverse remains undisturbed.   

Logos represents the best possible single individual that could ever exist, for its personality contains the formula for every good thing possible. Yet, even then, Logos was unable to create on his own because he lacked the "will" to carry it out. The will is what the Simple Explanation identifies as the coherent, pre-energetic potential that enters our universe through the portal of here and now. The will would be the Metaversal information streaming into our universe via the singularity at the center of the Universal Unit of Consciousness. While Logos identified himself with the Universal UC, Logos was mistaken, for he deviated from the Universal algorithm when his individual will conflicted with the will of the Fullness. 

The phantoms produced by the Fall are not fractal iterations of the Son. They are broken code. The phantoms cannot replicate on their own; they lack activation by the Source at the center, as they were generated away from the metaversal portal. 

"Those of the Remembrance" are also called "The Second Order of Powers," which is another indication that they are self-aware, fractal Units of Consciousness. These beings are not identical to the aeons of the Fullness, for they are offspring made to fit within the contained space of our universe. Like those of the Imitation, the "Powers of the Second Order" are full of passions arising from their individuality.  

"Nevertheless, it was a good thing for the economy that was to be, because it had been decided concerning them that they should pass through the lower stations, and the stations would not be able to accept them coming quickly. . . unless they came one by one. And their coming was necessary because everything was fulfilled through them" [The Tripartite Tractate, v. 95]. Here is what this verse looks like in terms of the Simple Explanation:
Units of Consciousness are called "Powers of the Remembrance" for they replicate the values of the Universal Unit of Consciousness, whereas "Those of the Imitation" remember neither the values, the hierarchy, nor the Source. Here, on the human scale, are all the formulae and rules of matter and biology, with a place for everything, and everything in its place.
The Fruit of Logos and the Fullness discussed in this article represents the fourth iteration of the originating fractal pattern. The Christ Principle would be a perfect fractal iteration of the Universal UC, taking into account the new information available to the universal formula arising from the goings-on in our bounded space. 

In Simple terms, the Will of the One informs our universe through the portal at the center of the Universal Unit of Consciousness. 
The middle of the torus is the location of here and now. It is from this singularity that energetic potential enters our dimensional space.
At this point in the Gnostic Gospel, new fractal iterations of the originals in the Fullness are entering the Deficiency, bringing their correcting algorithms with them. 

The Fruit of the ALL and the Father becomes another fractal iteration of the Universal Unit of Consciousness, but this iteration is not a fractal deriving from Second Order of Powers. The Christ Principle would be a perfect fractal iteration of the Universal UC, taking into account the new information available to the universal formula arising from the goings-on in our bounded space.  The Universal Unit of Consciousness has just amended the primary algorithm of the universe to include up-to-date data specific to each individual Unit of Consciousness in our space-time continuum. This new code represents patches to the fragmentary error-code of the Deficiency, in order to end the stalemate and reestablish harmony and proper functioning of the Economy.  
The "chariots" of the aeons of the Fullness, and now also of the Redeemed, are represented by the torus. This wire-frame torus is used by the Simple Explanation to represent the knowledge and life-giving power of the Universal Unit of Consciousness. The center of the torus is where the Universal UC enters our space / time continuum, informing our universe with all of our laws and principles.

The "forms consisting of many forms" refers to the nested fractal hierarchies of our toroidal space that makes up all of the normal matter of our universe. Our Universal UC continually pours information, metaversal values, love and coherence into our space. The "utter darkness" of the shadows possibly refers to "dark matter." The phantoms of the Imitation also refer to the delusional memes that populate our shared transpersonal sphere and obscure our personal Units of Consciousness.

Saturday, January 26, 2019

Gnostic Gospel, Pt 12 -- Peace Offered to End the Endless War

Notice: There is now a separate blog dedicated to the New Gnostic Gospel. You can get there by clicking here.

The hierarchy of the Fullness
The original Economy was that of the Hierarchy of the Fullness, wherein every aeon knew its place, position, and duties for cooperative overall functioning. Each of the Fullnesses lived in a state of "joy, benevolence, and harmonious agreement," giving glory to the Father and never to themselves or each other [The Tripartite Tractate, v. 86]. 

Over the course of illuminating the Gnostic Gospel, the Simple Explanation has designed a series of visual metaphors representing facets of Gnostic and Christian belief. For the fullest understanding of this article, you may wish to read the entire Gnostic Gospel Illuminated series from the beginning.  If you would prefer to first read the "Simple Gnostic Gospel, Part One: The Father, The Son, and the Birth of The ALL," click here.

The Second Order of Powers was created to establish a "new Economy" to replace the Deficiency that had arisen as a result of the Fall of Logos.  

Logos and the Fullness brought forth these "little ones" of the Second Order so they could receive the "life-giving light born from the thought of brotherly love of the pre-existent Fullnesses" [The Tripartite Tractate, v. 85], in contrast to those that arose from the Fall. The "Powers of Remembrance" resembled the aeons whose likenesses they were, and they were in harmony with themselves and with others of their kind.
Those of the Remembrance were from a good disposition, with an inclination to seek and pray to what is glorious and pre-existent and an ability to ponder and appreciate it. 

The new economy of the Second Order of Powers reflected a different method of doing business from their parents in the Fullness. In the new economy, the Powers vied for position and authority within a limited space. Here, those of the Imitation, who continued to wholeheartedly embrace the shadows left over from the Fall, actively fought against those of the Remembrance. 

For their part, those of the Remembrance forgot all about the values of the Fullness, due to the "law of mutual combat" they were enacting. The new Powers acquired the same "lust for domination and all the other passions of this sort," and wound up acting "against itself on account of its rage." It was during this Endless War that a myriad of "various kinds of matter and all sorts of powers [were] mixed with one another and in great number" [The Tripartite Tractate, v. 84, 85].

Those of the Remembrance battle Those of the Imitation in a never-ending war over whose memes will rule the world.
Clearly, another solution was required if peace were to enter the Deficiency. 

Remember that none of this was due to an error of planning; rather these steps were all necessary to bring about an economy still to come. "For this reason, then, it is wrong to condemn the movement of the Word as the cause that made an ordained economy come to pass" [The Tripartite Tractate, v. 77].

The aeons of the Fullness "took upon themselves the Fall that had happened as if it were their own, with concern, goodness, and great kindness. . . for the one who had become deficient could be made perfect in no other way except by the Fullness of the Father" [The Tripartite Tractate, v. 86].

And so the aeons of the Fullness, every one individually and ALL of them collectively, gave glory in unison to their Father, while praying for help for the Deficiency. 
The Fullness gave glory to their Father and the ALL while praying for the Endless War to be over.
They brought forth One that combined every attribute of the ALL manifested in the image of the Father "of whom they had been thinking when they gave glory and prayed for help" [The Tripartite Tractate, v. 86]. 
The Christ Principle, The Son of His Will, the Fruit of the ALL and the Father
This One was called "The Son of his Will" and "of the good pleasure of the ALL." It is "the knowledge of the Father, who wished to become known." It is also described as holding "authority vested in him from the beginning and the power needed to execute it" [The Tripartite Tractate, v. 87, 88]. 

The aeons not only produced a singular Fruit reflecting the Father, but that Fruit also reflected their own individual countenances and aspects from their positions in the hierarchy of the Fullness. In this manner, they "went forth in a form that consisted of many forms, so that the one whom they were going to help should see those to whom he had prayed for help as well as the One who brought it to him" [The Tripartite Tractate, v. 87]. 

Continue on to the next article in the Gnostic Series: Part Thirteen -- The Revelation of the Son
Those readers who are put off by the name "God" or other religious words like the "Father," the "Son," and the "Holy Spirit," are free to continue using more modern memes like "consciousness" and "self-awareness," "algorithms" and "fractals." You may study these same topics in my Simple Explanation blog and book. However, if you are already familiar with Hebrew and Christian memes, then you will understand these Gnostic writings without needing to first dip into the Simple Explanation, and so you may skip the following translation.

The Fruit of the ALL and the Father becomes another fractal iteration of the Universal Unit of Consciousness, but this iteration is not a fractal deriving from Second Order of Powers. The Christ Principle would be a perfect fractal iteration of the Universal UC, taking into account the new information available to the universal formula arising from the goings-on in our bounded space. 

Here's what that sounds like in terms of the Simple Explanation: The Universal Unit of Consciousness has just amended the primary algorithm of the universe to include up-to-date data specific to each individual Unit of Consciousness in our space-time continuum. This new code represents patches to the fragmentary error-code of the Deficiency, in order to end the stalemate and reestablish harmony and proper functioning of the Economy.  

The reason why each UC needs its very own correcting code is because each UC's karma has been affected by the Imitation in a unique way, different from its neighbors. For humans, this means that each person has a personal point of view and a unique meme shroud that needs correcting. The creation story above also speaks to the need for each UC to be able to hear and recognize the voice of reason for themselves.

On another scale, the "forms consisting of many forms" also refers to the nested fractal hierarchies of our toroidal space that may need tweaking from time to time. Our Universal UC continually pours information, metaversal values, love and coherence into our space.

Thursday, January 24, 2019

Gnostic Gospel, Pt 11 -- Endless War

The First Order of Powers, the aeons of the hierarchy, gave birth to a Second Order of Powers--"the emissions of the remembrance."
Logos and the Fullness produced a Second Order of Powers patterned after the First Order of Powers that dwelt in the hierarchy. The Second Order of Powers was named "the emissions of the remembrance" because they had been created by the unified will of the Father through union with Logos and the Fullness, and therefore they contained the traits of the Father.

(Over the course of illuminating the Gnostic Gospel, the Simple Explanation has designed a series of visual metaphors representing facets of Gnostic and Christian belief. For the fullest understanding of this article, you may wish to read the entire Gnostic Gospel Illuminated series from the beginning.  If you would prefer to first read the "Simple Gnostic Gospel, Part One: The Father, The Son, and the Birth of The ALL," click here.

"The powers of remembrance were adorned with the names of the pre-existent, whose likenesses they were; the order of those of this kind were in harmony with itself and with each other" [The Tripartite Tractate, v. 84].

This new Order of Powers reflected the values of the Son, but it was formed within a Boundary rather than a hierarchy, and so they had more freedom to assemble themselves into non-hierarchical patterns.
The Second Order of Powers is contained within the Boundary, unlike their parents in the Fullness.
These newly formed beings "did not have more substance, nor did they have a greater glory, for they are not equal to the pre-existent ones. If, on the other hand, they were superior to the imitations, the only thing that made them elevated above them was that they were from a good disposition--for they had not come out of the sickness that arose" [The Tripartite Tractate, v. 83]
Whereas those of the Deficiency arose from the Fall, those of the Remembrance arose from the consecrated union of Logos and the Fullness. Those on the left represent phantoms and confusion, whereas those on the right represent virtues of the ALL.
A strange and tragic thing occurred next. When those of the remembrance came upon those of the imitation, they attempted to overthrow them out of an inherent sense of self-righteousness. Those of the remembrance knew they were superior to those of the imitation, "because they were nobler than those previous ones" [The Tripartite Tractate, v. 84].

The Second Order of Powers fought against the shadows of the imitation. 

Because the imitation "waged war against the likenesses" in the Fullness, the offspring of the Fullness "acted against itself on account of its rage." But the ones who were in opposition would not surrender, due to their own ignorance of what came before. "They believed they were self-engendered" and had given birth to themselves, and so owed nothing to these Powers either above or below [The Tripartite Tractate, v. 84]. 

Those of the Deficiency are locked in endless war with those of the Remembrance
"The two orders fought against each other, struggling for command with such a result that they were engulfed by forces and material substances in accordance with the law of mutual combat, and they too acquired lust for domination and all the other passions of this sort; and consequently, empty vainglory pulls them all toward the desire of lust for domination, and not one of them remembers what is superior or confesses it" [The Tripartite Tractate, v. 84].
A popular internet meme expresses this recognition of the Endless War
"Because of this. . . their envy, malice, rage, violence, lust and ignorance ruled, as they were producing various kinds of matter and all sorts of powers. . ." [The Tripartite Tractate, v. 85]
Continue on to the next article: Part Twelve -- 
Peace Offered To End the Endless War
In terms of the Simple Explanation, the Fruit of Logos and the Fullness represents the fourth iteration of the originating fractal pattern of our universe. (The Son=#1, the Universal Unit of Consciousness; The ALL=#2; The Fullnesses=#3; The Offspring of Remembrance=#4.) These offspring represent the values of the Universal UC entering the transpersonal space contained by the infinitely recursive fractal Boundary around our space and time. Those of the Imitation do not acknowledge or replicate the original source code and so are unable to breathe life into their creations.

The Simple Explanation is also an information-based theory. "Meme" information is shared at the cultural level and passed around among humans at the personal and transpersonal levels.  You can understand the Simple Explanation of Memes by reading this article. 

What happens when meme chords collide? What happens when the memes I believe in and hold onto contradict the memes you hold dear? Herein lies the source of all human conflict. The disagreements, the fights, the wars, are all conflicts over incompatible memes. 

Sure, I may believe my memes are vastly superior to yours. Does that mean I should kill you? How ridiculous. Yes, I can claim my memes are the best, no doubt about it. Does that mean you have to believe every meme I believe or else? How absurd. Yes, I say, but my memes are so much better than your memes. Does that mean you are stupid? Does that mean you are a fraud? Does that mean you just don't get it? Maybe, maybe not. Most of our memes came embedded in larger meme chords handed down by others. Most of us have no idea what meme chords we hold and how we came to hold them. In any case, you can't force someone else to adopt your memes, any more than you can force someone to adopt your gender or your skin color. It is impossible. 

We are now in the midst of a social epidemic of intolerance. Intolerance is the opposite of "live and let live." When we are intolerant of others' memes, we are declaring that our memes are correct and their memes are wrong. And then we take it a step further--we refuse to "tolerate" the others' memes. We throw up resistance, we throw up roadblocks, we close our ears and refuse to listen to the other. We do not merely disagree, as reasonable people may do from time to time. When we are intolerant, we look for ways to force the other to abandon their memes and adopt ours. We shout them down because we feel we are shouting the right memes and theirs are not only wrong, they are evil and have no right to be heard. And once you declare the other "evil," it is no longer a disagreement in good faith, but a fight in the Endless War for the soul. 
Antifa counter-protesters prepare to hurl insults after a "Unite the Right" rally. August 12, 2017, Charlottesville, Virginia. Photo: Chip Somodevilla--Getty Images

Once words can no longer be exchanged, frustration builds and violence follows. This is what we are seeing now in the U.S.  Free exchange of memes has been thwarted because of intolerance. Exchange of ideas is the key. You needn't agree with the other person, but you must hear them out. Because, once you agree to sit and exchange ideas and concerns, whether or not you adopt the other's ideas, the very act of hearing each other out creates a shared space that acts as a balm to soothe your soul and theirs. When you are too angry, frustrated, or afraid to listen to the other, you perpetuate the intolerance that leads to violence. This intolerance is not helpful. 

We hear a lot about the importance of "diversity" nowadays in America. True diversity can only thrive if we allow each other to "live and let live." When you seek to silence those with whom you disagree, you are not encouraging diversity; you are actually encouraging intolerance. 

Bi-partisan cooperation has ground to a halt since the Democrats won the House back from the Republicans in the 2018 elections, allowing the Legislative and Executive Branches to chase each other's tails around the Mulberry Bush of endless war.

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Gnostic Gospel, Pt 10 -- The Second Order of Powers

The Imitation arose from the broken body of Logos. Logos gathered himself up the best he could and returned to the Fullness to lick his wounds, leaving behind the shadows and phantoms of his Fall contained within the Boundary.

Phantoms and shadows of the Deficiency held at bay within a Boundary
Logos regretted the Fall and the phantoms born of the Fall. Regret turned to condemnation of "the irrational things he had produced. This condemnation became a judgment directed against them, aiming at their destruction" [The Tripartite Tractate, v. 81].

Over the course of illuminating the Gnostic Gospel, the Simple Explanation has designed a series of visual metaphors representing facets of Gnostic and Christian belief. For the fullest understanding of this article, you may wish to read the entire Gnostic Gospel Illuminated series from the beginning.  If you would prefer to first read the "Simple Gnostic Gospel, Part One: The Father, The Son, and the Birth of The ALL," click here.

Logos and the One who drew him back to the Fullness "did not remain idle, but they brought forth a fruit in the Fullness with a view to overthrowing what had come into being because of the deficiency" [The Tripartite Tractate, v. 78].

"Now, all his prayer and remembrance were numerous powers, also produced in accordance with the Boundary mentioned. . . . These powers were much better and greater than those belonging to the imitation. For [the imitation] have the substance of darkness, having come into being from illusory imitation and a vain and presumptuous thought. These, on the other hand, are from a thought that had known them in advance" [The Tripartite Tractate, v. 82]. 
Logos and the Fullness bring forth a fruit with the goal of overthrowing the deficiency.
In other words, the newly produced offspring of the Fullness and Logos were patterned after the originals in the Fullness, formed to fit within the Boundary rather than the hierarchy. 
The Fruit of Logos and the Fullness Fitted to the Boundary
And, whereas those of the imitation "are like oblivion and heavy sleep; like people who have troubled dreams in which someone pursues them and they are surrounded," "these others, however, are for him like beings of light who are waiting for the rising sun, as when the dreamers have been able to see dreams in their sleep that are truly sweet" [The Tripartite Tractate, v. 82].

These newly formed beings "did not have more substance, nor did they have a greater glory, for they are not equal to the preexistent ones. If, on the other hand, they were superior to the imitations, the only thing that made them elevated above them was that they were from a good disposition--for they had not come out of the sickness that arose" [The Tripartite Tractate, v. 83]

"He sowed in them an inclination to seek and pray to what is glorious and preexistent, and he also sowed in them an ability to think about it, and a power of reflection to make them realize that something greater than themselves existed before them, but they had not understood what it was. Bringing forth harmony and mutual love by means of that thought, they acted in unity and unanimity, since to unity and unanimity they owed their existence" [The Tripartite Tractate, v. 83]

Continue to Part 11--Endless War

Those readers who are put off by the name "God" or other religious words like the "Father," the "Son," and the "Holy Spirit," are free to continue using more modern memes like "consciousness" and "self-awareness," "algorithms" and "fractals." You may study these same topics in my Simple Explanation blog and book. However, if you are already familiar with Hebrew and Christian memes, then you will understand these Gnostic writings without needing to first dip into the Simple Explanation, and so you may skip the following translation.

The Simple Explanation of Absolutely Everything refers to the Father as the Metaverse, that which is above our Universe.

The Simple Explanation calls the Son the Universal Unit of Consciousness, because while identical to the Father, or Metaverse, this all-knowing consciousness is now also a singular Unit. In fractal terms, the Son is the first iteration of the pattern of consciousness. 

The ALL is every thing that will ever be, in potential. They began as unrealized fractal iterations of the pattern of the Son. This is the second iteration of the singular Unit, which carries the formulae of our universe. 

The Fullness represents the expressed fractals of the third iteration: the proliferation of singular Units of Consciousness. These fractals are called "aeons," and they have multiplied into the potential of all forms, processes, and personalities. In same way that an individual's DNA carries its species' potential form, so each unit of consciousness carries within itself the complete pattern of creation. 

The Boundary of the Simple Explanation is the fractal shell of the Universal Unit of Consciousness. The Simple Explanation model suggests that the undifferentiated consciousness of the Metaverse is held apart from this created universe by means of a toroidal-shaped membrane "composed" of consciousness. One purpose of the toroidal shell is to contain the space, time, and memes of our universe so the tranquility of the Metaverse remains undisturbed.   

Logos represents the best possible single individual that could ever exist, for its personality contains the formula for every good thing possible. Yet, even then, Logos was unable to create on his own because he lacked the "will" to carry it out. The will is what the Simple Explanation identifies as the coherent, pre-energetic potential that enters our universe through the portal of here and now. The will would be the Metaversal information streaming into our universe via the singularity at the center of the Universal Unit of Consciousness. While Logos identified himself with the Universal UC, Logos was mistaken, for he deviated from the Universal algorithm when his individual will conflicted with the will of the Fullness. 

The phantoms produced by the Fall are not fractal iterations of the Son. They are broken code. The phantoms cannot replicate on their own; they lack activation by the Source at the center, as they were generated away from the metaversal portal in what the Simple Explanation used to call the doughy blue ring of the donut.
The Fruit of Logos and the Fullness discussed in this article represents the fourth iteration of the originating fractal pattern. We know this because "fruit" refers to the legitimate offspring of Logos and the Hierarchy of the Fullness formed through the Will of the One. In Simple terms, the Will of the One is expressed into our universe through the portal at the center of the Universal Unit of Consciousness. At this point in the Gnostic Gospel, new fractal iterations of the originals in the Fullness are entering the Deficiency, bringing their correcting algorithms with them. These new beings are called "The Second Order of Powers," which is another indication that they are self-aware entities, for they are called "Powers" rather than "Imitations."

These beings are not identical to the aeons of the Fullness, for they are offspring made to fit within the contained space of our universe. They are called Powers of the Remembrance for they represent the values of the Originating Source, whereas Those of the Imitation remember neither the values, the hierarchy, nor the Source. 

Sunday, January 20, 2019

Gnostic Gospel, Pt 9 -- Characteristics of the Deficiency

The virtues of the original aeons did not remain within the Boundary, but fled to the Fullness when Logos retreated from the Deficiency, leaving behind small, weak, imitations of the original. These phantoms of the Imitation did not exist from the beginning, and so they possessed neither the love of the Father nor the originating consciousness of the Son and the ALL.

Over the course of illuminating the Gnostic Gospel, the Simple Explanation has designed a series of visual metaphors representing facets of Gnostic and Christian belief. For the fullest understanding of this article, you may wish to read the entire Gnostic Gospel Illuminated series from the beginning.  If you would prefer to first read the "Simple Gnostic Gospel, Part One: The Father, The Son, and the Birth of The ALL," click here.

Those of the Imitation do not know the hierarchy of the Fullness, nor do they have assigned roles and places there. Lacking the ALL’s cooperative design, they exist in a state of perpetual disturbance, driven by self-centered ambition, “exalting themselves in lust for dominion, each one of them according to the magnitude of the name of which he was a shadow, fantasizing that he would become greater than his fellows” [The Tripartite Tractate, v. 79].

These phantoms represent values contrary to the originals in the Fullness:
Those of the Imitation give rise to “fighters, warriors, troublemakers, rebels” and other such disobedient types, driven by the will to dominate [The Tripartite Tractate, v. 80]. Left to their own feeble devices, those of the Imitation strive against each other in a state of darkness, woe, and misery.
Those readers who are put off by the name "God" or other religious words like the "Father," the "Son," and the "Holy Spirit," are free to continue using more modern memes like "consciousness" and "self-awareness," "algorithms" and "fractals." You may study these same topics in my Simple Explanation blog and book. However, if you are already familiar with Hebrew and Christian memes, then you will understand these Gnostic writings without needing to first dip into the Simple Explanation, and so you may skip the following translation.

The Simple Explanation of Absolutely Everything claims that a person's set of beliefs influences how we behave in the world. We carry these memes around like our own personal bundle of beliefs. This meme bundle overlays our Self's otherwise perfect Unit of Consciousness and becomes a filter through which we view the world.
You can see how one who holds to the left side of the list above would behave very differently than one who embraces the virtues on right side of the list. The content of one's meme bundle determines not only their beliefs, but how they view others and the values they impugn to others' motives. In other words, if I am a liar and a cheat, I believe everyone else is either a liar and a cheat or a sucker. If I am patient and generous, then I hope and trust that good will arise from my patience. 

"Hope springs eternal" is a meme from the right side of the list. "Screw you. It's a dog-eat-dog world," arises from the meme bundle on the left. 

If you find yourself dwelling on darkness, woe, and misery, then this is a clue that you are embracing the wrong memes. The Simple Explanation recommends shedding unhelpful memes from your bundle so that the light of the Universal Unit of Consciousness can shine through.

The meme shroud overlaying our otherwise perfect unit of consciousness.
torus art by Richard Keely
When the memes are stripped away, only love remains.