
Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Gnostic Gospel, Pt 2: Qualities of The Father, The Son, and the ALL

Notice: There is now a separate blog dedicated to the New Gnostic Gospel. You can get there by clicking here.

This article continues the Simple exposition of the Gnostic Gospel. Jump here to review The Simple Gnostic Gospel, Part One. 

The Father is the great I AM—the indescribable, unknowable, eternally undivided One Who Is.

The greatness of the Father is incomprehensible. Its greatness is so immense that any one or any thing who tries to grasp it would be annihilated. [The Tripartite Tractate, v. 65)

So the Father created the Son to give form to the formless. The Son is united with the Father in perfect oneness. The Son possesses all of the supreme qualities of the Father. The Father and the Son exist in perfect harmony within themselves: loving, admiring, and giving praise and glory within. [The Tripartite Tractate, v. 57)
Being the perfect image of the Father, the Son’s inherent creativity immediately brought forth the ALL. The ALL, like the Father and Son, is infinite and limitless, consisting of the countless qualities of the Son, fully realized and undivided. [The Tripartite Tractate, v. 59)

The ALL is the essence of the Son, holy and imperishable. “And this is the form and the manner, and this is the kind, the joy, and the delight of the nameless, unnamable, inconceivable, invisible, and ungraspable unborn One.” [The Tripartite Tractate, v. 60)

“And in this same unitary way they are simultaneously this single One as well as all of them... The Son is entirely himself forever; each and every one of the members of the ALL eternally at the same time... He knows them, for they are himself... and if he brings them forth, it is in order that they may be found to exist as individual qualities forming a unity.” [The Tripartite Tractate, v. 67)

The Son became the form of the otherwise hidden and invisible Father so the ALL could see and speak with Him in their minds, that they might also become self-aware. But, like any newborn, though created with the capacity for knowledge, they were ignorant of themselves and their potential. Like blossoms on a vine or drops in a spring, the ALL did not yet realize the full extent of their glorious awakening. [The Tripartite Tractate, v. 62)
And so the Father put into the minds of the ALL the idea that they should seek what exceeds them in order to grow upward into their greatness. He gave them delight in learning as nourishment, and joy in abundant illumination. He fed them with compassion, knowledge, and a sense of unity with each other and the Son. [The Tripartite Tractate, v. 66)

The Simple Explanation refers to the Father as the Metaverse, that which is above our Universe.

The Simple Explanation calls the Son the Universal Unit of Consciousness, because while identical to the Father, or Metaverse, this all-knowing consciousness is now also a singular Unit. In fractal terms, the Son is the first iteration of the pattern. 

The ALL is every thing that will ever be, in potential. Plato's forms, every photon, particle, and proton, every personality, every formula, imagined and imprinted upon the Universal Unit of Consciousness. In fractal terms, the ALL are the next iteration of  the pattern of the Son. They are not manifest, nor even self-aware. 

The Simple Explanation of the Gnostic Gospels is primarily taken from the Tripartite Tractate of the Nag Hammadi Scriptures. The verse numbers refer to the verse of the Tripartite Tractate cited.

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