
Saturday, June 22, 2019

Gnostic Gospel Illuminated and Animated

Four years ago I posted this Power Point "animation" to youtube. Hard to believe I  had made these illustrations by then and put them into this animation. It is as if someone else did all of this work for me and now it's here and ready to go. 

Now that I have written the book, The Gnostic Gospel Illuminated, I can assure you that if you read the book, you will be able to follow the animation above. I've used the same conceptual illuminations throughout the book. The only difference is that in the book the words don't fly onto the page and there are more of them, with plenty of time to ponder their meaning.

This animation is slightly edited from the version that has been up and running since 2015. Only today I noticed one single illustration that has evolved over the past four years, and so I made the change. I won't tell you what it is, in case you would like to view the previous video and compare to this one. It will be like a "Where's Waldo?" of Gnostic visions. How's that for an esoteric challenge?

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