
Wednesday, January 1, 2020

A Simple Explanation of Natural Law

To quote from all about

"Natural Law is a moral theory of jurisprudence, which maintains that law should be based on morality and ethics. Natural Law holds that the law is based on what’s “correct.” Natural Law is “discovered” by humans through the use of reason and choosing between good and evil. Therefore, Natural Law finds its power in discovering certain universal standards in morality and ethics."

So, what is, according to the Simple Explanation philosophy, the natural standard of morality and ethics? That would be the Simple Explanation's Golden Rule:

To work hand-in-hand with your neighbors, offering love, assistance, and information for the betterment of all.

What this means is that in the same way that like-minded cells form organs, and organs form organisms, humans form families and other social structures so that everyone can prosper. It means that a single unit of consciousness can only do so much, but working with others, so much more.
A Simple Explanation blog article from 2010 called "Love" describes the Golden Rule this way:

Brethren units of consciousness need information and they need love in order to join together and work toward a common goal. Particles cohere in familiar and necessary atomic patterns through information and love. Atoms arrange themselves and then cling together as molecules through information and love. Cells work together for the greater good of their organisms through information and love. Families and societies get the job of social order and cohesion done through information and love.

Units of consciousness gather their systemic patterns and the universal operating laws required to “get the job done” from the metaversal information constantly flowing into and throughout our universe. The phenomenon known as “coherence” ensures the compatibility and integrity of these universal patterns and laws. What we call “love” is the felt experience of coherence.

The metaverse comprises infinite organizational principles. Our Universe dwells in this informational sea. Consciousness surrounds our space-time continuum and directs organization inward toward our universe.This inward flowing force of coherence feels to us like love.
From another article, titled "A Simple Explanation of the Great Commandment," also first published on this blog in 2010:

The "neighbor" that I am commanded to love is any unit of consciousness that occupies the same level of complexity as my own Unit of Consciousness.  It is the job of every UC, no matter its hierarchical level of complexity and sophistication, to reach out laterally to others of its level, working together for the good of all.  A sub-atomic particle's neighbor would be other sub-atomics. A liver cell's neighbor would be other liver cells. A human's neighbor would be other humans, but also includes other complex life forms. My dog is my neighbor.

All of creation is called upon to work together with others of like kind for the survival and benefit of all. This is a Simple Explanation of The Great Commandment.

When we do not work together for the betterment of all, sickness occurs. At the human cultural level, this can manifest as corruption, terrorism, dysfunctional families, unemployment, drug addiction, and high crime. At the cellular level, lack of Golden Rule cooperation manifests in ways such as organ failure and cancer. At the ecological level, failure to live according to the Golden Rule results in catastrophic ecological collapse.

The Simple Explanation refers to all manifestations of our universe as "Units of Consciousness," because all UCs are fractals of the Originating Unit of Consciousness. The patterns repeat, no matter one's form, function, or position, because we are all fractals of the Original UC and we all repeat the same basic hierarchical forms and functions.  

This blog's most popular article, "A Simple Fractal Model of the Conscious Universe" published in 2011, describes Unit of Consciousness this way:

To put the Simple Explanation in fractal terms, our universe is populated by simple, recursive, self-similar structures of consciousness at arbitrarily small scales.  

These replicating patterns and their hierarchical structure is explained more fully in the two articles, "My Self, the Governor of Whoville" and "Nested Hierarchies."   In personal terms, my Self UC is a fractal division of the Universal UC, and so is every UC associated with everything in my body. The fractal calculations occur at every hierarchical jump of organizational complexity.
This article has explained the Natural Law of a Simple Explanation of Absolutely Everything. This Natural Law is best expressed as the Simple Golden Rule, which involves reaching out to your neighbors with love, assistance, and information for the betterment of all. This Law proves itself because of its intrinsic fractal character and universal applicability.

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