
Saturday, April 18, 2020

Your Risk of Dying from All Causes

I hope you realize by now that we have overreacted to the covid-19 virus. Again, as a fractal of the human body itself, our nation is experiencing a cytokine storm as it fights the virus. At this point, more people are in danger dying of from our overreaction and economic collapse than from the virus itself.

And guess what? The danger of covid-19 was vastly overestimated. As it turns out, while highly infectious, serious complications are so rare than you may have already experienced the illness without even noticing. Was that a cold or flu or allergies you came down with in January or February? Could just as easily have been covid. Now that anti-body testing has begun to show how many asymptomatic people there are, the morbidity rate of covid-19 has dropped to under 1%. 

Those areas that have been tested for anti-bodies indicate that as many as one third of the population has already had the virus. In other words, this virus is going to be ubiquitous and its effects will not be noticeable to a third of the people who contract it. 

Consider that your personal risk of dying from heart disease, diabetes, and cancer is far greater than dying from covid. You are also far more likely to contract and even die from the annual flu. For that matter, dying from hospital error is also far greater than dying from covid. Did you know that over 250,000 people a year die from preventable medical mistakes in American hospitals?

And don't even get me started on all of the ways that suffering and death may unexpectedly come upon you--from drug overdoses to alcoholism to car accidents to falling off ladders while trimming your backyard trees. You have a greater chance of winding up in the hospital and dying from any of these threats than you do from the covid virus.

In a recent article published on Dr. Mercola's controversial website, Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai explains the systems biology approach to the problem:

As noted by Ayyadurai, systems biology tells us that one size does not fit all. “We need to move to the right medicine for the right person at the right time,” he says. But this knowledge has not been applied in this pandemic. Instead, everyone is being treated as though they’re high risk for severe infection and death and therefore need to take identical precautions. So, what’s really going on here?

The longer we allow the nation's economy to behave as if we were all in imminent threat of death, the more certain we will experience the unintended consequences of economic collapse. Not only unemployment, business failures, poverty and hunger will rise exponentially, but domestic violence and crime are sure to rise as well.

At this point, in my opinion, the best course of action is to only quarantine the most vulnerable people in the population--the ones that are suffering the most from the virus. That would be the elderly and those with compromised immune systems. Everyone else needs to be released back into the economy. Everyone else needs to open their businesses and go out and about into society. And since only the most vulnerable need to be quarantined, the quarantines must be voluntary, not mandated house arrests.

You cannot huddle in fear thinking that fear and ðŸ˜±isolation from others is the solution. It is not. That is not living according to the Simple Golden Rule. It is simply a slower form of death.

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