
Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Simple Explanation Book Preview

My book, A Simple Explanation of Absolutely Everything, was first published in 2012. This is a true "Theory of Everything" that explains the cosmology of the universe and the principles by which it is organized. Simply, clearly, elegantly.

This full-color edition is available here on my blog under the "Bookstore" tab. 


  1. Hi Cyd!
    I just finished your book, and I have to say, it's quaint on how well the timing of your book came out based on my curiosity on the subject. I had just discovered the horn torus on my own a few weeks ago through a hobby and have been thinking about it since... and BAM, this book shows up.
    I was floored by your arguments and your examples as evidence, you have most definitely cemented my belief in what you so eloquently call "toroidal flow," (hope I spelled it right)

    It would be an honor to chat with you.

    Nothin but Karma and Memes! The Internet helped us figure it out- it's probably a torus as well.

    Long live the UC! (Obviously)

  2. Indra2, I am so thrilled you enjoyed and appreciated A Simple Explanation! I just someone tell me they couldn't find it on lulu or amazon! Is that true? Where did you read it?

  3. oops. type. meant to say "I just had someone tell me..."

  4. Hi Cyd, thanks for the reply.
    I found on Amazon Kindle with no trouble.


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