
Saturday, December 24, 2022

Large to Small vs. Small to Large--Relativity, Quantum Theory, Wormholes, and Toruses

 I recently watched a good, short documentary put out by Aeon concerning a breakthrough physics experiment using the google quantum computer located in Santa Barbara. These physicists have successfully run a computer model of a quantum wormhole that fits the physics of quantum and relativity. This is the first time the scientists have been able to hit upon a method to bridge the difference between the worlds of quantum and relativity.

Here's the link to the documentary:The tangled tale of how physicists built a groundbreaking wormhole in a lab | Aeon Videos

I was talking this over with my brother and noted that it reminds me of how in the physics of A Simple Explanation, the journey upward from the very small looks quite different than the journey from the very large down to the very small. In this way, the Simple Explanation physics resembles the difficulty of describing quantum physics and relativity physics within the same math system. I'll explain in the hopes that someone will see the parallels and be able to apply them to the reconciliation of the very small and the very large.

In my Simple Explanation physics, the smallest objects that boil up out of the quantum foam link up to stabilze matter by reaching out to their neighbors and "holding hands." Every object in our universe above the level of quantum chaos, uses what I call the Simple Golden Rule to reach out to neighbors, hold hands, sharing information, physical assistance, and focus on a single, central point to "level up" to the next larger type of matter.

Thus, sub-atomic particles join together to form the next level up--atoms. Atoms join together to form the next level up--molecules. Molecules join together to form the next level up--elements. All dead matter in our universe is formed from an uninterrupted joining and leveling up. Matter is in this sense hierarchical and proceeds upward in "the higher the fewer" process. There are less atoms than sub-atoms; there are fewer molecules than atoms; there are fewer elements than atoms. The hierarchical structure of these objects appears in pyramidal form, the natural outcome of "the higher the fewer."

Living entities also appear to follow this "higher the fewer" hierarchical pattern, as living cells join together to form creatures; creatures work together to form families and communities; communities work together to form societies and nations; and nations work together to perform global agendas.

The ultimate pinnacle of the hierarchical arrangements is always toward a singular "one." This is a geometrical certainty. This is because the focus that brings coherence to each level is at the center of those who are "holding hands" in the manner of the Simple Golden Rule. If the focus is not on the center, then the group will be ineffective and will not be able to level up to form a new creation.

So, you can see that the Simple Explanation physics employs the same organizational mechanism from the very small on up through the largest large--the One.

The mechanism is different when we proceed in the other direction, from the very large down to the very small. That process is not hierarchical. That process is toroidal. Coherence in the large to small direction comes about through centering on a common zero point field at the middle of all nested toruses. In this direction, it is consciousness rather than matter that drives one down through successive levels surrounding the One, via centering and "falling back."

Quoting from p. 25 of A Simple Explanation of Absolutely Everything, "Within my body, all of my aggregated units of consciousness drill fractally "backward," smaller and smaller, toward the zero-point field at our shared core. Whereas my Self unit of consciousness may appear a long way off from God, especially if I conceive of God outside the very large, if I instead turn inward and "fall back," I am as near to God as the center point of all of my body's myriad units of consciousness."

The reconciliation of these two processes, one hierarchical and one toroidal, one going upward to large and one going back and into the small, is their shared destination at the One. In both models, the geometry of the process ultimately demands arrival at a singular point of consciousness.

A Simple Explanation is based upon the premise that consciousness not only preceeds material instantiation, but consciousness is the only form of existence. All else is an illusion. Even conventional physics realizes that the closer you look, the less matter appears until all is eventually vibrational. This is why I would say that conventional physics is on the wrong path when it comes to their search for the ultimate reality of material existence. They will not find the smallest material quanta upon which all else is constructed. The smallest is not material, but a representation of the One consciousness that underlies everything.

It is possible that the wormhole observed by the google quantum computer that seemingly bridges the physics of quanta and relativity is none other than the toroidal vortex falling backward from larger to smaller. What they will ultimately discover at the center of the donut is consciousness itself. This, then, will present not only a bridge between quantum physics and relativity, but also a bridge between science and religion. For, what other word is there for the ground state of consciousness than God the Father?

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