
Saturday, February 3, 2018

Black hole breakthrough demonstrates toroidal universal forces

The hallmark of a good theory is that when you predict an outcome from an experiment, and that outcome occurs, the evidence supports the hypothesis. Do this enough times, and the theory is considered increasingly sound. The Simple Explanation physics and cosmology continues to hold up to emerging data. Every new discovery proves my theoryNow the latest computer modeling demonstrates the toroidal nature of universal forces. As predicted. Here is a reprint from sky news.Enjoy!begin reprint:
Simulation of universe provides black hole breakthrough
The most detailed-ever computer model of the universe has allowed scientists to reveal how its most mysterious forces work.    14:25, UK,Thursday 01 February 2018

Image:Visualisation of the intensity of shock waves in cosmic gas. Pic: IllustrisTNG collaboration

The most detailed simulation of the universe ever created has provided a breakthrough revealing how the most powerful and mysterious forces interact on an enormous scale.
Scientists said the detail and scale provided by the simulation enabled them to watch how galaxies formed, evolved and grew while also nursing the creation of new stars.
Dr Shy Genel, at the New York-based Flatiron Institute's Centre for Computational Astrophysics (CCA), said: "When we observe galaxies using a telescope, we can only measure certain quantities."
But "with the simulation, we can track all the properties for all these galaxies. And not just how the galaxy looks now, but its entire formation history", he added.
He said the simulation is the most advanced ever developed.
Using specialised computational methods, scientists have developed a computer model of the universe which has allowed them to write three ground-breaking papers which have been published in the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society.
An international team of scientists led by Volker Springel at the Heidelberg Institute for Theoretical Studies developed and programmed the simulation of the universe, named "Illustris: The Next Generation" or IllustrisTNG for short.

Video:Black hole 'relativistic jets' seen wobbling
Dr Dylan Nelson of the Max Planck Institute for Astrophysics used the simulation to reveal how star-forming galaxies shine brightly in the blue light of their young stars until an evolutionary shift suddenly halts the star formation, turning the galaxy into one dominated by old, rest stars.

a Simple Explanation comment by cyd:  

If I understand the video illustration correctly, the twirling torus illustrated on the left precesses about the axis like a wobbling top.   At some point, it stops wobbling and freezes in a particular spatial orientation, as illustrated by the torus on the right.  In the paragraph above by Dr Dylan Nelson, this evolutionary shift is when star formation ends and only old, resting stars remain. 
This mechanism could be similar to what happens at the sub-atomic level with the tiny tori at the center of each sub-atomic particle. It may be that the tori bubble up as proto-energetic forms, twirling about their axis until the "spaghetti gets tangled" coming out of the exit jets and they then freeze in orientation and range of motion.  i.e. they tiny toroidal "black holes" at the center of every sub-atomic particle freeze into apparent solid matter at the point when they settle into the fixed polar orientation.
"The only physical entity capable of extinguishing the star formation in our large elliptical galaxies are the supermassive black holes at their centres," explained Dr Nelson.
"The ultrafast outflows of these gravity traps reach velocities up to 10% of the speed of light and affect giant stellar systems that are billions of times larger than the comparably small black hole itself."
"It is particularly fascinating that we can accurately predict the influence of supermassive black holes on the distribution of matter out to large scales," said Dr Springel. "This is crucial for reliably interpreting forthcoming cosmological measurements."
IllustrisTNG is a model of a cube-shaped universe smaller than our own, just one billion light-years across (the observable universe has a diameter of about 93 billion light-years).
The project followed the formation of millions of galaxies within this section of the universe, in the largest hydrodynamic simulation ever exploring how cosmic structures developed.
It predicted a cosmic web of gas and dark matter which interacted to produce galaxies which were similar to real galaxies in shape and size. The researchers said that for the first time, the simulations have been able to directly compute the detailed clustering patterns of galaxies in space.

Note: Wouldn't it be better for the IllustrisTNG to use a torus to begin with rather than a cube for the matrix of their model? The torus is the proto-shape of the initial energetic outburst. It would never have been a cube.  Its form should be the basis for the next model's geometry for a more accurate outcome.  That's my two-cents.  

dr. cyd

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