
Sunday, September 30, 2018

Strange New Particles Fly Out of Antarctica

Scientists are reporting today that unexpected and inexplicable particles have been recorded flying upward out of the Earth at Antarctica. These particles are usually observed coming toward Earth from deep cosmic space. These particles are supposedly not capable of passing through the Earth and exiting out the bottom, so to speak, without hitting interference and being stopped by the Earth's mass. Standard physics cannot account for these cosmic particles exiting Antarctica. 

My Simple Explanation physics suggests that there is a proto-energetic source at the core of all galactic masses that feeds the aggregations that form planets, stars, and galaxies. I don't know about these particles coming out of Antarctica, but an alternate scenario could be that these particles are not flying through the Earth from deep space, but are being generated at the Earth's core by the proto-torus embedded there. These particles would, therefore, not be passing through Earth, but actually emerging from the torus at our planetary core, which is the actual source of Earth's gravity. Just my theory...
The Earth emits protoenergy from torus at core. This toroidal energy gives rise to particles as well as gravity. 
Below is a reprint of an article about these newly discovered, unexplained particles:

High above Antarctica, far from any human interference, stands an antenna designed to find high-energy exotic particles from space as they crash into the Earth’s atmosphere. Recently, the antenna has picked up a couple of particles coming from the other direction—out of the ground. It's a discovery that just might change physics forever.
NASA’s Antarctic Impulse Transient Antenna experiment was built to find exotic particles like neutrinos falling from the sky. Such particles rarely make it past the upper atmosphere, so scientists loft the sensitive electronic equipment into the sky via high-altitude balloon. But when scientists spotted high-energy particles coming from below, that meant those particles must have traveled through the entire earth.
That's weird. There are some exotic particles like neutrinos that aren’t fazed by ordinary matter. They pass through everything, including the entire planet. In fact, billions of neutrinos from the Sun are passing through your body right now and you don’t feel a thing. The catch is that only low-energy neutrino particles can move very far through other kinds of matter. High-energy particles, on the other hand, are too energetic to make it through the atmosphere (much less the entire) without colliding into something.
NASA's flying antenna detected two separate instances of high-energy particles passing through the Earth, which shouldn’t be possible. In fact, a new paper calculates that if those observed particles were neutrinos, they would each have less than a one-in-a-million chance of making it all the way through the Earth. And yet, scientists spotted two of them.
One possible explanation, perhaps the only one that makes sense, is a new type of particle scientists have never seen before. But a new particle means new physics, which is a pretty big deal. New physics don’t show up every day, so scientists are taking their time here. Currently, researchers are speculating about what these new particles could be, trying to fit what little data they have to predictions of theoretical exotic particles.
Those scientists will need more detections before they come up with a solid conclusion. For now, we’ll just have to wait for the NASA team in Antarctica to launch their balloon again so we can spot more strange particles coming out of the Earth.
Source: LiveScience

1 comment:

  1. Manifestation within the confines of this matter world are linked by chain segments which define existence via relative behaviors that in turn define the rules of that plane's manifestations. So a rock IS water and a plastic IS glass and all things matter are matter but that which makes them different are actually the subtractions compared to the additions of each said different matter that makes different matter such that nothing within the matter world can be un-connected from other matter. This then means that there is or isn't, open and closed, 1 and 0 and a holographic world. Dolphins and humans are different by only 1% and yet the creature that results are completely different. The particles newly discovered and no different WITHIN THE CONFINES of this matter world. What additions or subtractions define it? and by how many units?


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