
Monday, October 8, 2018

A Simple Explanation of Sun's gamma-ray output surprises

Okay. Here's another fresh discovery from the worlds of astronomy and physics that has the scientists stumped. From a Science News article by science-writer Lisa Grossman:

 "The sun doesn't directly make high-energy gamma rays. Instead, cosmic rays -- protons that zip through space with some of the highest energies known in nature -- smack into solar protons, producing high-energy gamma rays in the process...

"Theorists have predicted that cosmic rays whose paths have been scrambled by the sun's tangled magnetic fields should send high-energy gamma rays shooting back out of the sun, where astronomers can see them.

"Scientists have discovered that the sun puts out more high-energy gamma rays than predicted.. But what's really weird is that the rays with the highest energies appear when the star is supposed to be at its most sluggish..."

Quoting astrophysicist John Beacom of Ohio State University, "The almost certain thing that's going on here is the magnetic fields are much more powerful, much more variable and much more weirdly shaped than we expect...

"Strangest of all,  the sun emitted gamma rays from different parts of its surface at different times in its cycle. During the solar minimum, gamma rays came mainly from near the equator. During the slar maximum, when the sun's activity level was high, they clustered near the poles."

In other words, scientists are puzzled that high-energy gamma rays do not appear to be propelled outward by the sun's magnetic fields but quite the contrary--it is only when magnetic energy is at its lowest that the gamma rays escape the sun's gravity. This finding is the opposite of what was predicted, and it has stumped the scientific community.

However, this finding is not surprising at all when you consider my Simple Explanation cosmology: The Simple Explanation is that the high-energy gamma rays are not coming from space and colliding with the sun's protons, and then splitting off. Rather, the high-energy gamma rays are being generated at the center of the sun by the proto-torus lurking therein. The Simple Explanation predicts that an extremely high-energy, toroidal source lies at the heart of every body in the galaxy. This proto-torus is like the irritant within a mollusk that forms the seed that begets pearls. The proto-torus originates the gravity around which all bodies form. In addition to gravity, the proto-torus kicks out the highest energy in the universe that goes on to interact in various ways with matter. These mysterious high-energy rays that are now being measured flying out of various bodies in our system, are not from outer space but are being generated by the middles.

It makes perfect sense, under my model, for these gamma rays to most easily escape the sun during low magnetic activity, which would otherwise keep the energy swirling within the sun's grasp. When solar activity is high, the easiest escape route is at the poles, because the pole is a direct artifact of the torus at the center, and energy naturally flows freely along that route. When solar activity is low, high-energy gamma rays can burst directly outward from the middle and do not need to flow along the pole.

Here are some of the articles supporting my hypothesis:

Strange New Particles Fly Out of Antartica

Circumgalactic Medium--It's a Torus!

Scientist Find Torus of Dark Matter Enveloping our Galaxy

NASA Illustrates Galactic Plane in Super Massive Black Hole--It's a Torus!

Toroidal Forces. Proto-Energy

Drawings of Toroidal Forces, Universal Forces

I have been noting this hypothesis and prediction for many years now on this blog, and reprinting the evidence as it is discovered by science. I am not a physicist, but a meta-analyst and original cosmologist with a Ph.D. in Rhetoric. 
Perhaps an actual physicist could read these articles and try shifting his or her perspective to see this.

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