
Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Simple Explanation Merchandise Storefront--Buy Here Now

The Simple Explanation blog has been up and running since May of 2010. In all that time I have actively resisted monetizing my site. I don't believe in promoting other people's wares and ideas on this site devoted to Truth and Enlightenment. Had I monetized my site, the Simple Explanation would be more "popular" because Google would make sure people were exposed to their advertisers' products. Same goes for Facebook. But I would rather have a handful of authentic friends and followers than a million false ones.
A Simple Explanation blog's all-time stats. 
If you would like to share the Simple Explanation philosophy with your family and friends, send them the blog link. Or how about purchasing the Simple Explanation book?
A short, easy-to-read theory of everything
Cyd Ropp sporting a "unit of consciousness on board" t-shirt and blonde hair.
I also enjoy wearing my Simple Explanation shirts to stimulate conversation. How about purchasing one of these to give to friends or wear yourself? 

Oh happy day! A blog follower wearing his Simple Explanation shirt on vacation in Spain!
Here are a few styles; there are more products available at the Simple Explanation storefront.
I Am Here, Now illustrates exactly where "here and now" is located.
"It all starts with a bagel" displays a profoundly simple cosmology
There are even less expensive gift items, like mugs and shopping bags--
"It all starts with a donut" speaks of your love of pastry as well as the toroidal universe.

"It all starts with a bagel" is my attempt to be funny as well as profound.
Hope you find something you like! If you experience any difficulties ordering the products you want, please email me and I'll personally work it out for you. 

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