
Friday, November 23, 2018

A Simple Bedtime Prayer

A few days ago, one of my blog readers asked for a suggestion for a good prayer to mull over at bedtime--a way to "show some gratitude and flush away the day's mental debris before heading into the unknown dream place. Thank you for the request, dear reader, and here you go...


I am happy in this place You have created for me. I thank You, Creator, for my particular place and all of the experiences you bring to me. 

I appreciate my body. I thank all of the entities that exist to support me--all the Units of Consciousness within my skin devoted to keeping me alive and well. I realize I am not alone here, inside my skin, but am surrounded and upheld by billions of units of love. 

I thank all of the entities outside my skin, my neighbors near and far. I am ready to join hands with my neighbors to work for the common good with love, assistance, and information, according to Your plan. 

I recognize the well of living water inside of me, bubbling up from my deepest core, feeding me life, energy, information, and love. I am never alone. I am continually refreshed by Truth and Love. I will rest in this deep well of pure consciousness and awaken refreshed in the morning and ready to face the new day.  Amen.

Below are links to blog articles that will explain the Simple Explanation of this prayer:

I am happy in this place You have created for me. I thank You, Creator, for my particular place and all of the experiences you bring to me. 

I appreciate my body. I thank all of the entities that exist to support me--all the Units of Consciousness within my skin devoted to keeping me alive and well. I realize I am not alone here, inside my skin, but am surrounded and upheld by billions of units of love. 

I thank all of the entities outside my skin, my neighbors near and far. I am ready to join hands with my neighbors to work for the common good with love, assistance, and information, according to Your plan

I recognize the well of living water inside of me, bubbling up from my deepest core, feeding me life, energy, information, and love. I am never alone. I am continually refreshed by Truth and Love. I will rest in this deep well of pure consciousness and awaken refreshed in the morning and ready to face the new day.  Amen.


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