
Saturday, December 8, 2018

Stunning Visualizations of Fractals, Oscillations, and the Torus

I so appreciate it when the blog's followers share their discoveries with me. 
Here is an animated torus that shows us all of its magnificent inner workings. This helps! Thank you!

And just look at the work of this French artist on tumbler, who visualizes fractals and oscillations for us to see. His name is Frédéric Vayssouze-Faure. He should animate the Simple Explanation cosmology--yes?

1 comment:

  1. Hi Cyd,

    I was searching for visualizations of the various ways in which energy may flow in/out/through a Toroid and came across the following, which I thought you might appreciate. It is a 3D paper model of a Torus that you can construct from Villarceau Circles. It provides a very striking and unique perspective of contoured flow lines in and around a Torus.

    It is a fun little project as well. It truly provides a good test of mindfulness, concentration, dexterity and patience (physically and mentally). The 2 minute video clip makes it look deceptively more easy that it is – it took me 2 days to construct :-). But the end result was well worth the effort.

    Now I can stare at a real life 3D model for further insights!



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