
Wednesday, December 5, 2018

A Simple Explanation of Ego vs. Self

A recent telephone discussion with my brother, Bill, brought up the common confusion surrounding the terms "Ego" and "Self."  People often use these terms interchangeably, without defining exactly what they mean. This can easily lead to misunderstandings. Bill suggested I write an article defining the distinctions, using the Simple Explanation

This article will clear up the confusion between what people call that part of themselves they identify with as their "self." In other words, when you peel away the external stuff, who are you? When you say "I", what is that "I"? What is the difference between being "selfish" and "selfless"? And finally, is having a strong "ego" a bad thing? How is "ego" related to "selfishness"? 

According to the Simple Explanation, our bodies are comprised of countless units of consciousness (UCs) that are all working to keep us alive. Every particle and molecule, every cell and body organ from your skin on in, works to keep you alive and functioning. Every piece of you knows how to do its job, and all of your pieces coordinate their work to keep you up and running. When any part of you breaks down and no longer does its job, it either has to be replaced by fresh parts through cell regeneration or by other means like surgery. When major parts fail, your physical body dies.
This diagram shows how your body is comprised of countless units of consciousness (UCs) that work to keep your body alive and running smoothly. "You" are not only that sole person you usually identify yourself with, but also every particle, molecule, cell, and organ that makes up your body. The "Ego" is the "mind" that  arises from and watches over the billions of parts that make up your physical body.  The "Ego" is only aware of the needs of your body, not the needs of others. The "Self," on the other hand, is a singular unit of consciousness attached to your body, like the raja riding atop an elephant. Unlike the "Ego," the "Self" identifies with the Universal Unit of Consciousness rather than the body. The "Self" is a perfect singular fractal of the Universal UC and is oriented to the Universe at large. Your "Self" is interested in others and works according to the Golden Rule.
The reason your Ego appears so "selfish" is that it is entirely concerned with you and your body's needs. The Ego is your organ-level consciousness. The Ego helps you translate the body's physical needs into action. The body's organ systems have their own "mind," and that mind is your Ego. Does your sexual organ system want sex? The Ego will bring that about in the most selfish way. Does your digestive system want food? Your Ego will make sure it gets food in the most selfish way possible. Does your nervous system crave excitement and stimulation or perhaps quiet and rest? Your Ego will make sure it gets it. The Ego's job is to care for and feed the body whatever it wants, and too bad for everyone else. That's their own Ego's job to take care of their needs, not yours.

The Self, on the other hand, is other-oriented. The Self reflects the character of love called "Agape" in Greek--Godly love. The Self is like the raja riding atop the elephant. It is not the elephant and all its moving parts, but rather a singular unit of consciousness: "me," "I." The Self is a perfect fractal of the Universal Unit of Consciousness that ties our entire universe together into one organism. Your Self is akin to a single cell of the Universe itself. Your Self's job is to connect to others, following the law of the Golden Rule.
The Simple Golden rule states  "In order for units of consciousness to join and work together for the greater good, they need relevant information (including shared meme chords), they need to be willing to channel coherence from the metaverse, and they need to love one another."  
"Selfless" love comes from your "Self" fractal, which is a perfect reflection of the Universal Unit of Consciousness. This is the true meaning of being created in God's image. The Self's job is to reach out to others with information, assistance, and love in order to work together to build something greater than oneself. This is the Simple Golden Rule.

"Selfish" love comes from your "Ego," which is a by-product of your body's organ systems. The Ego's job is not to reach out to others, but to take the best possible care of you and your body. Its focus is on you, not others. Romantic love arises from this organ-level Ego. Your Ego feels good when someone else pays attention to you and your Ego wants to spend more time with them. Casual sex is an activity arranged by the Ego at the sexual organ level, with no strings attached. Ego's job is self-centered.

A strong Ego reflects the intensity of your body's needs. A weak Ego is less aware of the body's needs. Selfishness without awareness arises from the Ego. The Ego is amoral other than taking care of its primary duty of taking care of you. 

Spiritual teachings emphasize dethroning Ego from the top of the elephant and placing God on the throne. In truth, the Self may continue to sit on the throne atop the elephant because the Self is a pure reflection of God and as a reflection of God it is inherently Selfless and loving. 
Notice that our human concept of "God" occupies the same niche in this Universal hierarchy as our Ego occupies in the Human-level hierarchy. Using analogical reasoning, our universe is a reflection of the collective choices (karma) and memes (beliefs and narratives) of every entity in the universe. The personality we humans call "God" also reflects this Universe's karmic record and memes, as It organizes and instantiates those patterns on behalf of Creation. This "God" is not identical to the Metaversal Universal Consciousness because of its necessary involvement with this material Universe. The Metaversal UC exists in a limitless, undifferentiated state of pure consciousness, unaffected by the affairs of this Universe.

If you would like to behave like a less "selfish" person, that is, if you would like to put others' needs ahead of your own from time to time, you need to realize that your Ego is only looking out for #1. The good news is that your Self is waaaay more powerful than your Ego. The struggle is not between you and God and the Devil. Your struggle is between your Self and your Ego. You must realize that your Self already reflects all of the characteristics of God, including loving, selfless behavior. Don't let your body's meat dictate your actions.


  1. A sage was once asked, How much ego does one need? He answered just enough to cross the road safely!
    Which I interpreted as quite a lot considering we live on a very dangerous planet where all life/ energy is involved in consuming and recycling other (Conscience?) life energy, My ego is my best friend it only wants to keep
    Me safe and protect my heart... make friends with it say thank you once in a while just don't identify with it so much you forgot who is serving who. Thanks Cyd!

  2. Good quote, Karl. Yes, the ego walks us safely across the street, while the self jumps in front of a car to push a child to safety. A hero's self pops up as needed during emergencies. Probably why people often seem so kindly and loving during tragic circumstances.

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