
Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Inner Life of Cell--ATP Production Machine

You have simply got to watch these two videos on ATP synthase. These are tiny machines inside of your cells that make energy for the cells. Watch how complex this operation is. Keep in mind that the ATP synthase is not "alive." This would be called a chemical reaction at the molecular level. But, it sure looks alive. This shows us that the distinction between life and "inert" matter has nothing to do with complexity or parts or function. This type of function did not "evolve" because it is not a creature. Watch and you will see what I mean.
Here is another video on the same ATP synthase. Note the 6-petaled flower when you view the machinery from the top.

Screenshot of ATP synthase from top view. It has six petals that open and close to let materials in and out as a driveshaft rotates in the middle.

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