
Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Simple Gnostic Explanation of the Nature of Human Beings

Notice: There is now a separate blog dedicated to the New Gnostic Gospel. You can get there by clicking here. 

The Gnostic Gospel Illuminated has thus far explained the origins of our universe, beginning with the Father and proceeding through the Christ. We need to review the entire run of the Gnostic cosmology to understand the nature of human beings because, in Simple Explanation terms, humans are fractal representations of the entire created universe, so if you understand the cosmology, you will understand humanity. 

We begin with the Father as the initial ground state of undifferentiated consciousness--all knowing and ever present, with no particularities or distinctions. The Father's consciousness feels to us like "love."
The Simple Gnostic Gospel represents the unfathomable Father as a field of pure nothingness.
From the Father comes the first awakened consciousness--the Son. The Son contains all of the attributes of the Father in a diffuse, unnamed state. The Son is represented by a hazy brightness emerging from the field of consciousness.
In the silence of the Absolute, the Father brings forth the first and only Son from its realization of Itself. The Son exists as the Father having a thought. As the Father knowing Its own eternal Self. The Son also feels to us like love.
The instant the Son arose, it brought forth the ALL. 
The ALL emerges as the Son becomes aware of itself as a distinct set of traits. Each ray of the Son becomes a self-aware entity, mirroring individual qualities that form a unity.
The Son is reflected by the totality of the ALL, and they understood who he is, and he is covered by the ALL. The ALL is represented as rays of one sun. The ALL is also known as the "Pleroma."
As soon as the ALL became aware of themselves, they named themselves, which caused them to reorganize into a hierarchy of personalities, ranks, and roles. The Simple Gnostic Gospel depicts this organization as a pyramidal structure where everyone has a unique place and function. No longer a singular entity, the ALL is now a hierarchy of named individuals known collectively as "aeons." The aeons love each other and their places in the hierarchy, and they love their father, who is the Son.
The aeons live in a perfectly cooperative hierarchy where everyone shares a single dream of Paradise. This pyramid of aeons is called the "Fullness."
The aeon at the very top of the hierarchy is assigned various names and genders by different renditions of Gnostic scriptures. The Tripartite Tractate of the Nag Hammadi scrolls, which the Simple Explanation uses as source material, calls this chief aeon "Logos." The particular name and gender is irrelevant. I prefer to call Logos "he" and "him" so the Fall is not associated with human women as it so often is.

Logos is the epitome of the Fullness. His singular personality reflects all of the traits and talents of all the other aeons. He is like a favored, golden child. 

Because of the abundance of blessings given Logos, Logos mistakes himself for the ALL and forgets that he is only one of many.
The chief aeon, Logos, mistakes himself for the ALL. He thinks he is all alone up there on the top of the Fullness. His error is called "presumptuous thought."
Forgetting his place in the Fullness, Logos breaks the rules and reaches up to reconnect himself with the Father. 
Logos overreaches and Falls.

Logos shatters from the Fall and abandons the Deficiency he has accidentally created.
The shattered pieces of Logos left behind in the Deficiency behave as the aeons did when they first recognized and named themselves. These broken shadows and phantoms of the traits of Logos and the Fullness are called the "Imitation." A "Boundary" contains the Deficiency. The Deficiency is no longer organized into a cooperative hierarchy. Chaos reigns in limited space.
Logos fell because he forgot his place and proper function in the Fullness. The shadows of the Imitation, left behind by Logos when he fled back to the Fullness, are the Yin to Logos' Yang. Where traits of Logos came from the brightness of the Son and the ALL, Logos left behind darkness and shadows when he fled home. The Deficiency left behind arose from presumptuous thought and overreaching. Therefore, the Imitation is characterized by presumptuous thought and overreaching, i.e., Ego, combined with the opposites of the traits of Logos.
Logos and the Fullness were desperate to correct the Deficiency of the Fall. All together, in Oneness, the Fullness prayed to the Father for healing. Out of their prayer they produced a fruit with all of the good qualities and powers inherent in the Fullness, designed to fit within the Boundary that had been created and to do battle against those of the Imitation. 
The aeons of the Fullness pray to their Father for healing the Deficiency. They produce offspring called the "Second Order of Powers."
This "Second Order of Powers" bears the likeness of the "First Order of Powers" in the Fullness. They are also called "Those of the Remembrance" because they were implanted with a dim memory of the Father and the Son, and a longing to rejoin the aeons in the Hierarchy and their dream of Paradise. They are considered superior to "Those of the Imitation" because they come from noble thought and not presumptuous thought.
"Those of the Imitation" arise from presumptuous thought--Ego. "Those of the Remembrance" arise from noble thought.

Those of the Remembrance are caught in an "Endless War" with Those of the Imitation, due to the "Law of Mutual Combat."
At this point in the tale, we can begin to see human nature emerging. While this Gnostic Gospel Illuminated has been told as a creation story, it is also the story of every human being. In Simple Explanation terms, we humans are fractal interations of the aeons of the Fullness--their "fruit." We have dim memories of a perfect Paradise as dreamt by the Fullness. We have a built-in longing for the Fullness. We barely remember the Son and the Father other than an expectation of feeling Loved. And we are locked into an Endless War with the dark side of our natures and with other people who stand in our way.

"Those of the Imitation" defend and embrace the darkness of the Deficiency, while "Those of the Remembrance" do their best to overcome their "darker" nature and follow the "light." Those of the Remembrance may or may not be "religious" folks, but they do all seek a higher consciousness. Religious folks call this higher consciousness "God," and the memory of the Fullness "Heaven." Those of the Remembrance who are not part of a religious body or the meme bundle of a religion are still "Spiritual" because they do still seek reunification with the One while rejecting the forms of religion. 

Those who hear the "still, small voice of God" but can't quite bring themselves to believe in "fairy tales," are Seekers that wind up stumbling into blogs like this as they search for something to believe in. At some point during this life, each person decides for themselves whether to continue trusting in their own presumptuous Ego, or to heed the call from "above."

The Gnostic call for Redemption goes like this: Because the Second Order of Powers has gotten all gummed up chasing after each other in Endless War, another Fruit was required to bring peace. This time the Fullness prayed to the Father, individually and collectively, for a Champion to end the War. This Champion is called the Christ.
The aeons not only produced a singular Fruit reflecting the Father, but that Fruit also reflected their own individual countenances and aspects from their positions in the hierarchy of the Fullness. In this manner, they "went forth in a form that consisted of many forms, so that the one whom they were going to help should see those to whom he had prayed for help as well as the One who brought it to him" [The Tripartite Tractate, v. 87].
In Simple Explanation terms, the Christ is the correcting algorithm for Second Order fractals that no longer ring true. The Christ replicates all of the qualities of the ALL, that is, the full attributes of the Originating Consciousness in their pure form that existed prior to the Fall, with all confounding memes stripped away. When one accepts the gift of the Christ, one invites a correction to Ego's deluded meme bundle, so the best functioning of the Universal Unit of Consciousness may be reestablished within your self. The Christ also provides a homing beacon to the the Son via a rooted love connection. 

Here's the simplest Gnostic Gospel:
  • You admit you are a flawed human being, with an Ego that is self-centered.
  • You remember "The Gnosis": that you came from the Father and from the ALL and you wish to return to them.
  • You tell your Ego to move aside and make room for the Christ to bring new life from aboveThis is called "Repentance."
  • With Ego off the sub-conscious throne, you are able to give glory to the Father.
  • You replace Ego with Love, and you use Love as an open beacon to and from the Father.
  • You begin to embrace the qualities of the ALL and stop defending the Imitation. You exchange memes for virtues.
  • You are now no longer Fallen, but Redeemed.
  • When you die, remember your Father is in Heaven. Look up. Follow the Love. Don't look down.
If you are not Spiritual, and are not a Seeker, you shake your head and mumble something about foolish notions, and either go on trying to be a better person on your own or you get angry and continue to wholeheartedly embrace the Imitation. Those who actually reject the light and prefer the Imitation's earthly memes to what others may call "virtues" have a strong chance of becoming wealthy and powerful within the economy of the Deficiency. But, as they say, you can't take it with you.
This diagram is the probably most concise Gnostic Gospel ever conceived.


  1. you most certainly can't
    i saw what you did there..great post

  2. If you are a Christian, or a Christian Gnostic, you add the following caveat to the prayer of Repentance outlined above:

    You believe that Jesus of Nazareth was the embodiment of the Christ, sent from above to bring salvation to humanity. This entails gnosis that Jesus of Nazareth was "fully God" overlaid upon a human form--"fully Man."
    You believe Jesus loves you just as you are and wants to help you.
    You believe that Jesus the Christ now sits at the right hand of the Father in the Fullness and speaks on your behalf.
    You visualize the face of Jesus when you pray to the Father and you trust that Jesus will take care of the details.
    When you die, you ask Jesus to carry you up to Heaven.


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