
Sunday, September 27, 2020

Simple Explanation Answers Dark Matter, Anti-Matter, Gravity, Symmetry Problems

 A recent article printed by explained the concepts of symmetry, supersymmetry, and dualities in Einstein’s physics. The article by KC Cole of Quanta magazine did an excellent job of describing the concepts. If you want to read the entire article, click here.

In the course of the article some big questions that have flummoxed physicists were raised, such as: what broke the symmetry between matter and anti-matter during the course of the Big Bang? Why didn’t matter and anti-matter annihilate each other? Why is only matter here in the universe—where is the anti-matter required by symmetry?

Several more questions were raised in the following paragraph from the same article:

“Over the past several decades, some physicists have begun to question whether focusing on symmetry is still as productive as it used to be. New particles predicted by theories based on symmetries haven’t appeared in experiments as hoped, and the Higgs boson that was detected was far too light to fit into any known symmetrical scheme. Symmetry hasn’t yet helped to explain why gravity is so weak, why the vacuum energy is so small, or why dark matter remains transparent.

Well, believe it or not, the Simple Explanation has answers to these questions. Yes, my physics may seem odd, but certainly no odder than quantum physics or Einstein’s relativistic theories.

As you know, the Simple Explanation proposes that a fractal membrane envelops our universe in a torus shape. I also propose that the knots of sub-atomic particles arising from the quantum foam are also torus shapes. Using this basic concept, I have diagrammed an answer to the questions posed above.

Let’s look at this artist’s rendition of a magnetar for an example of the torus shape and dynamics. This illustration shows the toroidal shape surrounding the star, the pole running up the middle of the field, and the venting of energy out through either end of the poles.

Firstly, imagine that this shape can be found throughout all of the matter of the universe, at all scales, including universal. This is why it is called a fractal toroidal pattern.

According to the Simple Explanation, proto-energy enters our universe at the zero point of the torus, emerging from the middle as light and quantum foam.  Matter and electromagnetic force fills the torus envelope from the middle outward, expanding space as it does so.

If this apple were the universe, the seeds clustered around the core would represent subatomic particles held in place by the weak and the strong forces.

Some of the material rides down the pole and wraps around the exterior surface of the torus. The membrane itself answers two of the fundamental questions regarding gravity and dark matter—for both of these elements are inherent to the outside of the torus. The membrane itself consists of the missing dark matter of the universe, arrayed as a fractalized membrane that holds ordinary material and energy within the torus.

Gravity is the inward pushing force riding the outside of the torus. It appears weak because it is inward directed and therefore difficult to measure from the outside. In the Simple Explanation, gravity is inherent in the outer skin of the enveloping toruses, pushing inward. It is this inward pull that causes exterior objects to be drawn toward the torus. Gravity is not “out there” in space time, but riding the skin of the torus, pulling toward the middle of the torus. Aggregates of material exert more gravitational attraction than singular subatomic particles because they aggregate the gravitational forces of their constituent particles. The more massive the object, the more aggregated the pull of gravity.

Dark matter is the skin of the apple, so to speak. It is everywhere because it wraps around everything. We can’t see or measure the outside of the torus because we, and all ordinary matter, are inside the torus, whether the torus is tiny or universal. This implies that the outside of the torus rests in an adjacent dimension that we cannot access. Dark matter is not observable because the exterior of the torus is outside our three dimensional space.

The final answer supplied in this article answers the question of “what happened to the symmetrical anti-matter as matter filled our toroidally expanding space following the Big Bang?”

My answer would have us look at the pole of the torus. It is reasonable to propose that while matter filled the interior of the universal-sized torus, its corresponding anti-matter shot out the ends of the poles and diffused into the adjacent dimension, thus preserving the symmetry of matter/anti-matter while at the same time eliminating anti-matter's presence in our space/time continuum.

My torus model seems able to answer the questions posed above. Looking at the math using algebraic geometry may provide the proofs. Any takers?

Saturday, September 26, 2020

Magnetar Image Makes for a Lovely Torus

 I know this blog has many fans of the torus shape. Here's a good-looking magnetar torus and a link to the article that accompanied it from Science News. The article concerns a new theory that those mysterious fast radio bursts and high-energy neutrinos are both thrown off by magnetars--

What? You didn't know that the universe is full of toruses? Read all about it by clicking on this Simple Explanation article.

Magnetars, highly magnetized stellar corpses like the one illustrated here, could be the source of two different cosmic enigmas: fast radio bursts and high-energy neutrinos, a new study suggests.


Friday, September 18, 2020

Ten-Year Anniversary of A Simple Explanation--New Edition of Book For Sale Now!

You may purchase the new Amazon paperback and Kindle ebook editions here, now.

Ten years ago I turned on my word processor to begin writing a play about a midwife's trial. Instead, the first twenty pages of "A Simple Explanation" poured out onto the screen. 

I had been thinking about these topics for many years. The most important concepts to me at that time were "mud up, spirit down," and "as above, so below." I had also been meditating upon the donut shape known as a "torus" since reading Bentov's "Stalking the Wild Pendulum" in 1979. Finally, the concept of holographs often rolled through my mind--the idea that you can replicate the original wholeness of an object or image by studying a small fragment of the whole. 

I was working as a breakfast chef at my own bed and breakfast, which gave me plenty of time for contemplation while preparing food. 

I had begun to notice and photograph the repetitive interior shape of fruits and vegetables as I dealt with them in the kitchen. At some point I noticed that the seed explosion came from the middle of their shapes, no matter if it was an apple, a tomato, a pepper, or a squash. Once I saw that, I observed that the fruits were variations of the torus shape, and the seeds came from the center, with the stem line going right through these center seeds and extending out the bottom. 

It was a happy day, indeed, when A Simple Explanation presented itself to me. Boom! Everything fell into place on the page with no strain at all on my part, as if my subconscious had already figured it out and now my fingers were receiving the message.

Soon thereafter I established the Simple Explanation blog and essentially developed all of the remaining concepts publicly online. If you are interested in tracing the theory's genesis, you can go back to the first dozen or so postings from the blog's historical timeline, beginning in January of 2010. The blog has been viewed over 270,000 times and I have written and posted well over 300 original articles.

Since that time, I have been gratified to see a number of my scientific hypotheses come true. My original meme-based social theories are also proving to be true, and easier than ever observe nowadays during these times of tremendous social and political upheaval.

Lastly, the "hard problem" of consciousness is not at all hard when viewed through the paradigm-shifting lens of A Simple Explanation. My articles concerning my "Simple Fractal Model of the Conscious Universe" have been viewed over 21,000 times.

This 3rd edition, of "A Simple Explanation of Absolutely Everything" contains new material not included in the previous editions, including expanded sections on evolutionary theory, reincarnation, and meme theory. There are also examples of the theory applied, so you can see how the Simple Explanation makes even the incomprehensible understandable. 

The 3rd edition is a black and white paperback, available on Amazon for $19.99. There is also a kindle ebook edition in color, if your reader is in color, for only $4.99.

The new edition is now available from in all markets.

Please buy your copy here, now!

Monday, September 14, 2020

Fear Not

 I wrote this article for my Gnostic blog, but perhaps some of you need to read it, too. I'm reposting it here for your edification.

The Archons Are Making a Full Court Press for the Earth...

It becomes more and more clear that life has taken a distinctly weird turn to the left into territory usually occupied by apocalyptic science fiction. There is no denying that the archons are making a big power play right now for Earth. Distinctions between vice and virtue, evil and good, materialism and spirit, are being revealed to all. What was once murky and confusing becomes more clear by the day.

As I type this, a world-wide pandemic has locked down humans to their homes. In the name of the pandemic, humans are wearing masks to hide their faces. In the name of the pandemic, humans may no longer shake hands in greeting or come within six feet of each other. In the name of the pandemic, children do not go to school. In the name of the pandemic, small businesses remain boarded up while mega-corporations prosper. In the name of the pandemic, politics as usual has been suspended in favor of protests, riots, and assassinations.

Cataclysmic weather and fires assail the earth. The sky is orange and  thick with smoke. Homes are destroyed.

Are you frightened? There is no need to be. Will you allow me to reassure you?

Most people think the opposite of faith is disbelief. This isn't true. The opposite of faith is fear. The way out of your fear is through the gateway of faith. This is a gateway that every person must pass through on their way to redemption from fear.

Anger will not remove your fear. Blame will not remove your fear. Resistance will not remove your fear. Masks and social distancing will not remove your fear. Only faith will remove your fear.

If you are a religious or spiritually-oriented person, you already know this, deep in your soul. If you are a materialistic or worldly person, you do not realize this truth yet and you reject this advice as hopelessly ignorant and naive. But the fact of the matter is that everyone, every human being on the planet, will come to realize this, and it is a hoop that everyone must pass through. And we all must pass through one at a time, individually.

The good news is this: good is stronger than evil. The One who is above all other distractions, gods, and archons, will win in the end. It is time for you to remember that. It is time for you to remember that you come from Above, and you will return to the One after death. 

Remember, these events shall pass and we will all live happily ever after. 

You may read all about these eternal forces and your home Above in many sources. One good source is my book, The Gnostic Gospel Illuminated, which explains all that you need to know for redemption and freedom from fear.
Onward and upward!