
Monday, September 14, 2020

Fear Not

 I wrote this article for my Gnostic blog, but perhaps some of you need to read it, too. I'm reposting it here for your edification.

The Archons Are Making a Full Court Press for the Earth...

It becomes more and more clear that life has taken a distinctly weird turn to the left into territory usually occupied by apocalyptic science fiction. There is no denying that the archons are making a big power play right now for Earth. Distinctions between vice and virtue, evil and good, materialism and spirit, are being revealed to all. What was once murky and confusing becomes more clear by the day.

As I type this, a world-wide pandemic has locked down humans to their homes. In the name of the pandemic, humans are wearing masks to hide their faces. In the name of the pandemic, humans may no longer shake hands in greeting or come within six feet of each other. In the name of the pandemic, children do not go to school. In the name of the pandemic, small businesses remain boarded up while mega-corporations prosper. In the name of the pandemic, politics as usual has been suspended in favor of protests, riots, and assassinations.

Cataclysmic weather and fires assail the earth. The sky is orange and  thick with smoke. Homes are destroyed.

Are you frightened? There is no need to be. Will you allow me to reassure you?

Most people think the opposite of faith is disbelief. This isn't true. The opposite of faith is fear. The way out of your fear is through the gateway of faith. This is a gateway that every person must pass through on their way to redemption from fear.

Anger will not remove your fear. Blame will not remove your fear. Resistance will not remove your fear. Masks and social distancing will not remove your fear. Only faith will remove your fear.

If you are a religious or spiritually-oriented person, you already know this, deep in your soul. If you are a materialistic or worldly person, you do not realize this truth yet and you reject this advice as hopelessly ignorant and naive. But the fact of the matter is that everyone, every human being on the planet, will come to realize this, and it is a hoop that everyone must pass through. And we all must pass through one at a time, individually.

The good news is this: good is stronger than evil. The One who is above all other distractions, gods, and archons, will win in the end. It is time for you to remember that. It is time for you to remember that you come from Above, and you will return to the One after death. 

Remember, these events shall pass and we will all live happily ever after. 

You may read all about these eternal forces and your home Above in many sources. One good source is my book, The Gnostic Gospel Illuminated, which explains all that you need to know for redemption and freedom from fear.
Onward and upward!

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