
Friday, September 18, 2020

Ten-Year Anniversary of A Simple Explanation--New Edition of Book For Sale Now!

You may purchase the new Amazon paperback and Kindle ebook editions here, now.

Ten years ago I turned on my word processor to begin writing a play about a midwife's trial. Instead, the first twenty pages of "A Simple Explanation" poured out onto the screen. 

I had been thinking about these topics for many years. The most important concepts to me at that time were "mud up, spirit down," and "as above, so below." I had also been meditating upon the donut shape known as a "torus" since reading Bentov's "Stalking the Wild Pendulum" in 1979. Finally, the concept of holographs often rolled through my mind--the idea that you can replicate the original wholeness of an object or image by studying a small fragment of the whole. 

I was working as a breakfast chef at my own bed and breakfast, which gave me plenty of time for contemplation while preparing food. 

I had begun to notice and photograph the repetitive interior shape of fruits and vegetables as I dealt with them in the kitchen. At some point I noticed that the seed explosion came from the middle of their shapes, no matter if it was an apple, a tomato, a pepper, or a squash. Once I saw that, I observed that the fruits were variations of the torus shape, and the seeds came from the center, with the stem line going right through these center seeds and extending out the bottom. 

It was a happy day, indeed, when A Simple Explanation presented itself to me. Boom! Everything fell into place on the page with no strain at all on my part, as if my subconscious had already figured it out and now my fingers were receiving the message.

Soon thereafter I established the Simple Explanation blog and essentially developed all of the remaining concepts publicly online. If you are interested in tracing the theory's genesis, you can go back to the first dozen or so postings from the blog's historical timeline, beginning in January of 2010. The blog has been viewed over 270,000 times and I have written and posted well over 300 original articles.

Since that time, I have been gratified to see a number of my scientific hypotheses come true. My original meme-based social theories are also proving to be true, and easier than ever observe nowadays during these times of tremendous social and political upheaval.

Lastly, the "hard problem" of consciousness is not at all hard when viewed through the paradigm-shifting lens of A Simple Explanation. My articles concerning my "Simple Fractal Model of the Conscious Universe" have been viewed over 21,000 times.

This 3rd edition, of "A Simple Explanation of Absolutely Everything" contains new material not included in the previous editions, including expanded sections on evolutionary theory, reincarnation, and meme theory. There are also examples of the theory applied, so you can see how the Simple Explanation makes even the incomprehensible understandable. 

The 3rd edition is a black and white paperback, available on Amazon for $19.99. There is also a kindle ebook edition in color, if your reader is in color, for only $4.99.

The new edition is now available from in all markets.

Please buy your copy here, now!


  1. ordered..infinite love to you & yours

  2. Yay! Thank you, kadick. Hopefully you will be able to leave a review on Amazon after you read the book. Amazingly few reviews over the past ten years, so yours will be exceedingly important.


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