
Monday, December 7, 2020

A Simple Explanation of Human Evolution and Reincarnation

 Occasionally one of my readers asks me questions that prompt great discussions. I treasure those interactions because it gives me the opportunity to share my understanding of these topics with others. 

This current article presents a series of questions asked this week by one such reader in the Comments section of a piece posted ten years ago called "Who Am 'I' After Death?" If you would like to read that short article first, this would put the following questions and answers into context.

Information, Evolution, and Reincarnation

Ruan has left a new comment on your post "Who Am "I" After Death?":

Hi Cyd,

I would be very interested to understand how the Simple Explanation might inform the mechanisms or processes of UC formation and specifically human population growth:

- Why/how is there such an exponential growth in human population on earth?

Humans enjoy sex. Sex creates the opportunity for UCs to recycle back to earth. Sex is a portal to earth.

- What drives the formation of more and more human UC’s?

All creatures on earth begin their evolutionary journey as simple, basic fractals of the Universal Unit of Consciousness (Universal UC). The humans did not start out as freshly minted humans. They began as single-celled creatures resembling prokaryotes about 4  billion years ago and worked their way up.


Later UCs continue to begin their earthly journeys as simple, single-celled creatures or as cellular components of more complex organisms. No one comes in directly as a human, except for the Christ figure who entered our timeline as a fully formed human being. (another topic—don’t get distracted)

- Is it just the continual karma/meme loop attempting to restore balance?

There is no balance to restore. Everything is going along and unfolding in time.

- If so, what would be the formation feedback loop to restore such balance as it seems to be continually growing out of control?

The humans are the alpha creatures on earth. UCs follow the “upward and onward” rule. The most ambitious UCs eventually graduate to humans and cluster there at the end of the evolutionary line because there is nowhere else to go.

- Where do the growing numbers of human UC’s come from?

The growing number of human UCs have acquired enough information to become humans. Not all UCs become humans. Most continue on as other life forms. There are many more other life forms on the planet than there are humans.

- Are they formed anew or are they further fractal breakdowns of prior human UC’s?

The karmic computer recycles the meme bundles of all creatures back into the most perfectly appropriate fit for the newly instantiated creature. A skin cell will most likely come back in as a skin cell because its meme bundle has become so good at the job of a skin cell. A bird will most likely come back as a bird because its meme bundle has gained so much knowledge as a bird that coming back as a bird is the best fit.  The dog will probably come back as a dog, and so on.

Your Self’s governing Unit of Consciousness, the part that you think of as yourself, is really only one UC out of the countless billions of UCs that form your body and work to keep you alive. When you die, your fractal unit of consciousness lets go of your personal meme bundle of information that you have acquired over countless lifetimes. That meme bundle will be recycled back into the most appropriate body available as it attaches to a newly fertilized egg in need of a soul. Then, as the embryo continues to develop, more and more UCs attach to the newly developing body as each cellular component and each new cell appears on the scene, each in need of their own UC. It is these UCs that know how to build and sustain the body, based upon their own personal histories and meme bundles. It is likely that most of the components of your body were also previously components of your body in previous lifetimes; for them, your body is the most perfectly appropriate place to reincarnate. This may explain the how and why of birth defects, as the cells reincarnate meme-based trauma from previous lifetimes. It also explains innate talents and abilities that children are born with.

It seems to me that when longstanding eco-systems are destroyed, the UCs of the displaced creatures are reincarnated elsewhere, wherever the karmic computer finds the most appropriate incoming body. Surely, displaced apes are able to graduate to human bodies and societies. For example, as a bonobo-inhabited forest is destroyed, the bonobo meme bundles attach to incoming human beings and that self then continues as a human. As wolf habitats are destroyed, the wolves reincarnate as dogs. As wild grasses are replaced by crops, the plants’ UCs reincarnate as rice and corn.

Every living thing on earth is composed of countless fractals of the Universal UC. That is their ultimate home. These earthly incarnations are transitory. There is no tragic loss of consciousness at the universal scale.

- What motivates/initiates/drives the point of inception of a new human UC?

The parents have sexual encounters with each other. Conception is a natural consequence of sex.

- Is it just the seemingly free will/choice of the “parents” of a human UC?

Yes.  Parents choose to have sex. Conception is out of their control, as it occurs at a cellular level.

- Is it just the natural forces of karma/memes causing some form of attraction forces?

I had an archetypal dream about 50 years ago that explains how and when meme bundles reattach themselves to UCs prior to reincarnating. You can read the Simple Explanation blog article here.

Here’s a snippet from the dream that tells, in metaphorical language how we pick up our meme bundles and dress our  UCs in them prior to reincarnating. Read the original article for the interpretation.

There is a young woman in the hut, sitting in a rocking chair nursing a baby, and they look a lot like the Madonna and Child. There is a box sitting on a crude, handmade table in the hut. I cross the room to look into the box and recognize my clothes are in there. I suddenly notice I am naked and I take my roughly hand-loomed tunic out of the box and put it on. Yes, this is mine. I turn and exit the hut. Rather than exiting into the village, the door out of the hut puts me directly back into the long, bright corridor.  I am near the end of the corridor now. I open and enter another door, and unexpectedly find myself outside the building, back out in the night air. 


To me, this dream implies that my UC was self-aware between lives. The setting was archetypal—mother; father; child; dwelling; corridors—all universal types of memes that apply equally to anyone. I was naked because my meme shroud of particulars had dropped away. When I looked into the box I recognized my meme shroud and was immediately inclined to put it on. The minute I reacquired my meme bundle, I found myself in the corridor and ejected back to earth.

- Is there a higher being/level/organization/force (e.g. “God” or “Higher Beings” etc.) driving/influencing/manipulating human UC formation or is the process just left up to itself?

Yes, there is the karmic computer, wielded by the Universal Unit of Consciousness. Or, if you prefer to consider this mechanism in religious terms, please visit my Gnostic Gospel blog and/or read The Gnostic Gospel Illuminated.

- How would all the above compare for non-human UC’s (i.e. the natural world of all other life forms on earth)?

The Simple Explanation of Absolutely Everything applies equally to all units of consciousness throughout the universe.

- From our scientific understanding of the natural world, there seems to be more direct/clear answers to the above, but the human UC’s seems to be exceptions or have a different set of rules?

Not necessarily, other than as explained above.  However, I happen to believe in the God Above God as described in my book, The Gnostic Gospel Illuminated.  I find the Gnostic view to be just as explanatory and more personally comforting for this existence I am now living. In the Gnostic Gospel, the metaversal consciousness is identified as The Father. The Universal Unit of Consciousness is The Son. The toroidal shape that surrounds our universe is the Waters, and the zero point field that emanates UCs into our space-time continuum is the birth canal of Sophia--The Mother of 10,000 Things. In Sophism, the earth is the fallen body of Logos, ruled by the Demiurge, mistakenly identified as “God,” by most religions.

- Is there a point of transition/progression from/between non-human UC’s and human UC’s?

Yes. It is based upon acquisition of information (memes) and readiness to perform as a human.

- What might be the rules or mechanisms of such transition, whether up or down or back or forth?

Units of consciousness operate under the Simple Explanation’s Golden Rule—All units of consciousness reach out to others like themselves to hold hands and work together to build things they cannot build alone. Skin cells hold hands to become the organ called skin. Organs hold hands to build organisms. Animals hold hands to build families and support societies. As this is a fractal, it works for all levels of instantiation.

When my housecat was stolen away and eaten by coyotes, her governing UC as the cat named Odot went out of this dimension until she was able to reincarnate as a kitten again. The UCs that made up her body were consumed by the coyote. Once inside the coyote, the UCs of the now non-functioning organs also departed to this dimension. But I think it’s possible that the UCs attached to the cat’s sub-cellular components carried on life as part of the coyote. This would be an example of lateral transfer of UCs from one creature to another, because the UCs of the organelles of a cat know how to carry on as organelles of a coyote. To them, it doesn’t much matter whose organelles they are, as long as they are still eukaryotes.

Perhaps when you eat a carrot, the UCs of the carrot are promoted to human component UCs and are able to reincarnate along with your human bundle of UCs.

- Would the above imply that there must also be similar (UC) life comparable to that on earth (i.e. “aliens”) elsewhere in the universe?

Not necessarily. Since the laws of the Simple Explanation are universal, everything described above can apply to any location within our universe.  On the other hand, it may be the case that our earth is a particular site of activity—a kind of consciousness laboratory that would make other locations redundant.  We’ll find out if/when the UFOs  land. 

We have come to the end of the questions. I hope this makes sense to you. You certainly asked the right questions!


  1. Hi Cyd,

    All these topics open up such interesting discussions, so I will respond to them one by one so they may create their own threads over time under this blog post. Thanks.


  2. - Why/how is there such an exponential growth in human population on earth? Humans enjoy sex. Sex creates the opportunity for UCs to recycle back to earth. Sex is a portal to earth.

    It is true that humans have a natural/instinctive urge/drive for sex – as do broadly any other life form on earth. Humans also do seem to “enjoy” sex, whether consensual or not, which seem to be different to other life forms (although we do not really know that and “enjoy” is very much a human notion). So, I would agree that sex driven by urge, or more broadly put the urge for coming together of male and female genetic material (chromosomes), whether natural/artificial, intentional/accidental or for the purpose of reproduction or not, is the mechanism or process that provides the opportunity/portal for UC instantiation. However as you put it further on, actual conception or UC instantiation is not pre-determined nor guaranteed nor controlled by this sexual mechanism or process. It merely provides the opportunity.

    For non-human life forms, this urge/drive for sex seem to be without conscious or free will choice. We refer to it as natural or instinctive. Whilst humans also certainly have such a natural or instinctive urge/drive, we do seem to have more of a conscious or free will choice in the matter. However again, and irrespective such conscious or free will choice, actual conception or UC instantiation is not pre-determined nor guaranteed nor controlled by such choice. It again merely provides the opportunity.

    For non-human life forms, the growth in population seems to generally be controlled by insentient “economic” principles and a feedback control loop of demand and supply or competitive hierarchical survival of the fittest. Whilst this could generally also be true for humans, again we seem to have more of a conscious or free will choice in the matter and especially seeing that we are the apex and sentient beings in the earthly economy’s competitive hierarchy.

    So, with the “sexual” principles above merely providing the opportunity (and I can see that it provides innumerable such opportunity), the question to explore remains, who or what ACTUATE such opportunity to INSTANTIATE human UC’s. Therefor the deeper/further follow-on questions:
    - What drives the formation/instantiation of more and more human UC’s, or more specifically, what motivates/initiates the point of inception of a new/specific human UC?
    - Is it (like non-human UC’s) just the continual karma/meme loop (or the insentient “economic” principles mentioned above or the insentient karmic computer) causing some form of attraction forces or attempting to restore/maintain balance (i.e the feedback control loop of demand and supply or competitive hierarchical survival of the fittest)?
    - As the seemingly free will/choice of the “parents” of a human UC merely provided the opportunity, it either follows that there is a higher being/level/organization/force (e.g. “God” or “Higher Beings” etc.) driving/influencing/manipulating human UC formation or the insentient “economic” process is just left up to itself?
    - And back to “Why/how is there such an exponential growth in human population on earth?”…
    - If there is a higher being/level/organization/force driving/influencing/manipulating human UC formation, is the human population growth due to a (infinitely) growing need for more experiences/memes/karma?
    - Or, is the insentient “economic” process just left up to itself to grow to the point where it restores/maintains balance (i.e the feedback control loop of demand and supply or competitive hierarchical survival of the fittest)?

    I’ll respond to your inputs to these questions in following threads.

    1. Greetings, Ruan.
      The Simple Eplanation does not differentiate human UCs from any other type of UC. The way I see it, all UCs are equivalent fractals of the Universal UC. What limits their abilities and expression is the meat form they find themselves attached to. One way to remind myself of this is to consider a human who is extremely brain damaged from birth. That person is no less a human than any other, but their ability to express themselves is limited to their body's limitations. That brain-damaged person may not be able to talk or do much of anything we would call human, yet they are no less full of the fractal of the Universal UC that governs their body.
      My late husband would argue with you concerning the ability of humans to rationalize away their sex drive and sexual behavior. He constantly waged a losing battle with his roving eye and penis. So I would say that humans are as ensnared by sex as any other animal.
      You hobble my answers by declaring no interest in spiritual or religious explanations, however I would still say what St. Paul declared, that our bodies have their own animal desires that the governing spirit must overcome. Mud up, spirit down is a foundational concept of the Simple Explanation.
      There are more ants on the planet than all of the other animals put together, humans included. There are far more insects than mammals. Not sure why you focus on humans so much. You might as well as why the ants are driven to have create so many UCs. The biomass of ants probably outweighs the biomass of humans by orders of magnitude.
      Conception is entirely out of our hands, whether by design of higher beings or merely chance and ecological concerns. The karmic wheel keeps on turning...

    2. Hi Cyd,

      You make very good points above and I really love the persuasiveness of your Simple Explanation’s logic and its universal application. I think it provides a truly robust and solid framework for universal understanding. I especially like the fact that it can also be underpinned by scientific, empirical and broad experiential evidence at most (if not all) levels of application. It not only provides another set of metaphors - or language if you like - for conveying universal understanding, contextualised within modern scientific thinking and without necessarily focusing on religious dogma, but also provides a lexicon to many spiritual and religious teachings for interpreting and understanding their metaphors and allegory. As you have done in your Gnostic Gospel Illuminated.

      This is where I feel organised dogmatic religion, although its teachings may carry much truth, often gets it wrong in practise. You are correct, I do not have any interest in subscribing to dogmatic organised religion, many which purports one single scripture or leader’s view which should just blindly be believed as the only and absolute or literal truth without question or challenge. It is all metaphor, much of it archetypal, and this is what I would call “spiritual endeavour”. To such a spiritual approach and explanations, I do subscribe. Your Simple Explanation actually goes into logical, and to some degree provable, mechanics and processes, which is where dogmatic religion breaks down and requires blind or literal belief and following if its metaphorical context is ignored.

      Your ant analogy is very apt, I should not focus on humans so much – the principles are universal. I guess our human condition caught me out again, but then again I suppose that is part and parcel of this sentient learning experience of singular limited point of view.

      Another water metaphor struck me the other morning. I was preparing to boil eggs for breakfast and was busy heating up the water on the stove. It was in a small pot with a glass lid. As the water reached boiling point, I noticed the familiar rumbling of the water, bubbles rising to the surface, some very small some bigger, existing for a small period of time on the surface before exploding into vapor, then condensating on the glass lid as droplets dribbling back to the water. I realized that Tori can be imagined at various levels of this process – from the bubbles to the cyclic process itself. Maybe this answers some of my questions, especially if the water and the pot are imagined infinitely large.

      As water molecules accumulate together (memes/karma attraction), rumbling energy (infinite consciousness) causes them to rise and explode at the surface (UC instantiation). Some bubbles are smaller and some bigger (various units/forms of life), but they are all bubbles (fractal) and originate from the same body and energy of water (Father/Spirit). They exist for a small period of time (3D expression) before exploding, condensating and returning to the main body of water (after life / reincarnation). If the main body of water and energy are imagined as infinite, it follows that the process and number of UC instantiations are also infinite. The exact motiviation, driving force beginning and/or end point of all this may well be outside our human level of understanding and remains a spiritual endeavor.
      May you have a wonderfully blessed Christmas.


    3. Lovely reply, Ruan. I'm so glad you saw the boiling water metaphor. Precisely so. Same with the bubbles at the bottom of a waterfall, which is one of my old youtube metaphors. If you haven't looked at my Simple Explanation youtubes, you have a treat in store. Here's the link to the waterfall video:

    4. And Merry Christmas to you, too! Many blessings.

  3. As a bit of context, maybe just a short explanation of where I am and will be coming from with my questions and responses. My interest in most teachings and writings is peaked if it is supported by scientific or empirical or logic or at least broad experiential evidence, and especially so if such is available on a more universal level. I tend to shy away from purely religious rhetoric based on some scripture or individual view, which is then purported to be the only and absolute truth and which should just blindly be believed. I am an Engineer and sceptic at heart, but I also think there is much we miss of a fuller life if we are just focused on purely scientific or religious exploration.

    What I truly like about your Simple Explanation is that is does seem to be supported by much universal scientific or empirical or at least broad experiential evidence, even if just in its logical reasoning. My interest is thus to explore and test its logical and evidence based extension and application to as many fields of understanding as possible (i.e. Absolutely Everything). There may obviously be aspects that remain beyond current human understanding, but if the Explanation already paves a path towards such new understanding, then I’m in for the ride :-)

    1. One more thing... yesterday's post on the Simple Explanation called "A Simple Explanation of Mirror Symmetry, the SYZ Conjecture, and Gravity" should appeal to your scientific bent. I've leapfrogged over Hawking with this toroidal view of physics!

    2. Great post Cyd – it does appeal to me a lot. I agree, you’re Simple Explanation has definite foundational merit to be investigated and applied further in the scientific and mathematical fields and I do hope it will.

  4. You'll find this morning's mathematical post interesting...


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