
Saturday, March 19, 2022

Tessa Lena Fights Transhumanism

 I had the pleasure of interviewing New York musician and essayist, Tessa Lena, for my Gnostic Insights podcast this month.  She has wonderful, anti-tech sentiments and a great love of reality and sensory experience.  Here are the links to the interviews on Gnostic Insights.

Tessa Lena Interview, Part 1

Tessa Lena Interview, Part 2

I am also giving you the link to Tessa's substack. This particular article is mind-blowing. Includes some very creepy commercials and a wonderful short story by Tessa.  You won't believe the Halo ice cream ad! Halo thinks this ad is "fun"!

"Eat the Ice Cream": No, Dear Transhumanist Swindlers, I'll Pass (

Tuesday, March 1, 2022

Astro Gnosis Conference Preview this Week

Here is a link to an Aeon Byte Gnostic Radio program I will be appearing on this Thursday.  I'll be among the guests who will be speaking at the upcoming Astro Gnosis Conference to be held on March 20th. We will be discussing our upcoming presentations and other interesting topics.

My Simple Explanation followers may like to find out how the Gnostic Gospel has updated and informed the Simple Explanation cosmology.