
Saturday, March 19, 2022

Tessa Lena Fights Transhumanism

 I had the pleasure of interviewing New York musician and essayist, Tessa Lena, for my Gnostic Insights podcast this month.  She has wonderful, anti-tech sentiments and a great love of reality and sensory experience.  Here are the links to the interviews on Gnostic Insights.

Tessa Lena Interview, Part 1

Tessa Lena Interview, Part 2

I am also giving you the link to Tessa's substack. This particular article is mind-blowing. Includes some very creepy commercials and a wonderful short story by Tessa.  You won't believe the Halo ice cream ad! Halo thinks this ad is "fun"!

"Eat the Ice Cream": No, Dear Transhumanist Swindlers, I'll Pass (

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