
Tuesday, March 1, 2022

Astro Gnosis Conference Preview this Week

Here is a link to an Aeon Byte Gnostic Radio program I will be appearing on this Thursday.  I'll be among the guests who will be speaking at the upcoming Astro Gnosis Conference to be held on March 20th. We will be discussing our upcoming presentations and other interesting topics.

My Simple Explanation followers may like to find out how the Gnostic Gospel has updated and informed the Simple Explanation cosmology.


  1. Hi Cyd. I was listening to this, and when you said that this world will not pass away until the demiurge is also redeemed and returned
    to the fullness of god, it was the same realization that I had in my 3rd Ayahuasca experience. I was wondering how you came to this conclusion? Also, would it be possible to have an interview/conversation sometime? Thanks! -Ebon Kim

    1. Hey Ebon. Thanks for writing. Most all of my gnostic conclusions come straight out of the Tripartite Tractate of the Nag Hammadi. Were you the one who asked the question during the show? I need to look it up to find an exact quote. And, I will take your offer of an interview under consideration. We could certainly chat via Skype and see how that goes.

    2. I wasn't the one that asked the question, but the answer you gave, as well as quite a few others you provided, definitely resonated with me. I'll have to give the Tripartite Tractate a read through. What's also interesting is that in my 3rd Ayahuasca experience, I saw rainbow spirals spiraling in and out. They were everywhere, and beautiful, but they were all illusions created by the demiurge. Have you ever come across something similar with your research?

    3. Not exactly, but spirals are a toroidal movement, so your rainbow spirals could be viewed as lovely information spiraling into our dimension.

    4. What happened with your first two Ayahuasca experiences? Just puking?

  2. My first Ayahuasca experience was of understanding. Feeling the pain, suffering, and love of Mother Aya. Knowing who I was, and apologizing to the ones who have caused me grief or misfortune (which seems backwards to me). Anyways, I did that, to the extent that I could. My second Ayahuasca experience was of fear and death. Not death of the human kind, but of the final kind (but also of the ego). I had immense power, and with that power, I was vibrating uncontrollably. If I could not control it, I would vibrate out of existence. It was like the stiffening of a corpse. However, others could help me control it for (like my wife). So, having a "constant" is important, those who would not want me to vibrate out of existence. It's like the episode of "Lost", "The Constant", Season 4, Episode 5. The experience felt like eternity. It was about knowing who I was not. I took my 2nd Ayahuasca experience within a week of my 1st. However, I took my 3rd Ayahuasca experience several months after my second... because I had fear that I would have another experience like the 2nd, and that I might not survive it. My 3rd Ayahuasca experience was of knowing who we are (we our), the conquering of fear, and of love. Mother Aya said that I no longer needed to take Ayahuasca, that this 3rd experience was the last of my lessons. That's where I saw the sprirals, and what we were waiting for, which was the devil, satan, lucifer, demiurge, god, whatever you want to call it... to be forgiven and redeemed (returned), and how it would be such a joyous moment. I was enveloped with so much love, that it was almost unbearable.

    1. That all sounds beautiful. Thank you for sharing. And I am grateful for confirmation of the redemption of the demiurge.


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