
Monday, April 4, 2022

Cyd's 2022 Astro-Gnosis Conference Presentation

In March of 2022, Dr. Ropp presented an hour-long discussion concerning how the Gnostic gospel has improved the original Simple Explanation of Absolutely Everything. It turns out that studying the Nag Hammadi and then writing my own book, The Gnostic Gospel Illuminated, added to and actually amended the Simple Explanation. 

So, if you are a long-time fan of the Simple Explanation, you will want to watch this presentation of The Gnostic Gospel Illuminated now woven into A Simple Explanation. The Gnostic Gospel finally cleared up some longstanding confusion over the difference between the "mud," or non-living material, and the "meat," or living Units of Consciousness.

Here is the private YouTube link to the presentation. The first five minutes is trying to cue up the Power Point for the talk

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