
Tuesday, March 30, 2010

7 Memes and Chords of Memes

Memes are the cultural expressions of societies. In human societies, memes are most often propagated through mass media such as magazines, films, and the internet, although they may also be spread by word of mouth and tradition. The Beatles is a meme. Andy Warhol’s iconic poster of Marilyn Monroe is a meme. Archetypal figures like the Trickster or the Shadow are memes. Football is a meme. Patriotism is a meme--all “ism”s are memes. Every discrete cultural concept, mythology, or icon is a meme. Indeed, each and every particular concept that a person can know is a meme.

Some memes are held in common by most human cultures—the wheel; the ideal model of a caring family; archetypal heroes and villains; universal human values such as honesty and loyalty. Other memes are exclusive to their particular culture. This especially applies to memes dealing with local traditions, religions, politics, and regional myths.

Humans are not the only units of consciousness affected by memes. All cultural aggregations of UCs propagate and utilize memes. Cats, for example, bury their waste because there is a strong waste-burying meme that resonates in all cats. “Dog is man’s best friend” is a shared meme chord continually re-propagated by both humans and dogs. “Flying in formation is awesome” may well be a duck meme.

The memes we cling to are like threads draped over our Self UC.

Every UC's garment of memes is as unique as each person's opinions and beliefs.
Memes are energetic waves of cultural patterns fueled by repetition or starved by lack of usage. As wave forms, each meme has a distinct vibratory signature, akin to a musical note. Each individual meme can be likened to a string on society’s harp.
A single meme is like a single note. A group of related memes is like a chord. In the example above, "America" is the meme chord, and each stripe is a meme or set of memes that contributes to that chord. Each meme chord vibrates to the particular concepts that make it up. Believers in those memes and meme chords are like members of a choir cloaked in the robes of their meme chords. 

Thursday, March 25, 2010

6 We Are All Here Now

There is only one time and one place in the universe for any given observer. That place is always right here, right now, at this moment of conscious awareness. All units of consciousness realize their decision-making potential only in the crucible of here and now.
     The future is ungraspable, for no UC can fully know and control the multitude of variables approaching here and now.
     All units of consciousness are inwardly resonating waves propagated within the shell of God’s mind, therefore all UCs are standing exactly in the same no-place. I am exactly where you are, where we all are. I am exactly where God is, where the UC of a quark is, where the UC of a skin cell is. I am no bigger or smaller than any other UC because size is irrelevant where there is no space, and there is no space in the metaverse. No matter the size or complexity of the material to which the UC is attached, from quanta to human to star system, our UCs are all the same no-size in the same no-place.

Monday, March 22, 2010

5 The Role of Karma

Karma is the mechanism through which the consequences of behavior inform future potential. Karma is a force of influence that arises out of the decision-making history of every unit of consciousness in the universe. Each UC generates its own karma.

We are all affected by one another’s karma. The more a unit of consciousness has in common with another UC, the more it is affected by the other’s karma. Our aggregate karma affects all of creation.
Like the mythical ouroboros, karma is a snake that eats its own tail. Karma emerges at the far side of here and now as history, and then feeds back around to influence the pool of potential futures.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

4 One Simple Model (expanded)

Sustaining the matter in this universe requires an uninterrupted stream of organization and intention funneling inward from the spherical border that separates our space and time from the metaverse at large. Like pure potential pouring down the gravitational well of a great black hole, our possible futures become increasingly limited as they funnel toward the crucible of here and now at the heart of creation. Here and now, all potentials collapse as only one course of action is realized.
The Metaverse ("Outside" our Universe)
We can think of this wireframe version of the toroid as the idealized mathematical blueprint imagined by the metaversal consciousness prior to creation. The toroid is a doughnut shape, with a zero-point-sized hole at the middle of the doughnut, between the funnel points.
This chalk drawing is the same view as the wireframe toroid. For the purposes of illustration, the inner and outer surface of the doughnut's shell is yellow. We're seeing a cross-section of the inside of the doughnut. The blue is the field contained within the toroidal shape. Try to visualize these images as 3-D, not 2-D. The blue-colored inside of this torus is shaped like a tube--what is pictured as two blue circles are two sides of one blue tube encircling the white star.
Here is a top cutaway view of the toroid, looking down on the zero-point hole at the middle. I chose this particular color scheme because this is what people "see" when they look out with the "third eye" during meditation. From the top, it looks like a white/gold ring with a blue center and bright light at the middle.

In these chalk drawings, the black background represents the formless metaverse--the Undifferentiated Unity. The yellow shell represents what I call the "shape of God's mind" also known as the original unit of consciousness. This shell is not a material object, but a thought vibration. The area represented by the blue field is our material universe. The white center star represents the zero-point middle--called "Here and Now" in the Simple Explanation.
These chalk drawings also represent each and every unit of consciousness (UC) in our universe, as every UC is a perfect echo of the original UC.
The universal toroid is also the creative matrix of our physical universe. Proto-energy pours into our universe from the zero point at the center of our universal toroid, rushing into our space time continuum as quantum particles and forces. At the same time, at both the cosmological and quantum levels, proto-energy presses in from the outside, containing at the large level our universal space and holding it from the infinitude of the outer metaverse and, at the very small level, defining the outer edge of individual quantum probability clouds.

The expulsive force that explodes outward from the center of the toroid is the same as the implosive force that presses inward from the outer shell. In the drawings above, the implosive force (coherence; love) is represented by the yellow arrows and the expulsive force (proto-energy; Ananda; joy) is represented by the white star at the middle.
Here’s how it works: imagine the yellow arrows poking into the entire surface of the toroid—not just the outside spherical portion but from the within the funnel areas, too. Now visualize the surface of the toroid in motion, flowing out the bottom of the funnel, around the outside, and back through the middle (as depicted by the white arrows in these drawings). Keep in mind that, despite the cross-sectional views we see here, the flow is actually taking place along the entire outside spherical surface, flowing up and over the rounded hemispheric region and down into the increasingly constrained funnel, passing through the point at the center. As the inward-poking arrows slide over the lip of the funnel and begin flowing down into the funnel, the inward-from-rim-toward-center direction flips over to become the center-pointing-outward direction.

Not only does the cohesive, inward force now appear to be a repulsive, outward force, the force itself is compressed from that generated over the entire spherical surface to a tremendously concentrated, singular point exploding outward in all possible directions into the interior of the toroid.

The Simple Explanation proposes that this extremely concentrated proto-energy is held in suspension at the zero point of the universal torus, exploding outward into our material universe as the originator of the fundamental forces of physics. These forces are shaped and directed by the proto-shape of the torus itself, which is the organizational framework for the fundamental particles.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

More Basics About UCs

These further thoughts regarding Units of Consciousness (UCs) were generated through discussions carried on in earlier "Comments," prompted by reader questions.

There are so many little quanta Units of Consciousness and atomic Units of Consciousness that, despite their very simple material expression (no brains, no blood for example) they still have a pretty firm grasp of the Universe because they are all over the place. But their responsibilities are very narrowly defined--a photon may only have one choice to make in its whole life, so that individual photon's Unit of Consciousness doesn't know too much about anything else. But, when you consider all of the photons in this Universe, together they know everything there is to know about optics and light. We do know from the latest science that photons, once they are twined with another photon, know instantly everything that their twin photon does, no matter how far away their twin has gone. Furthermore, the twin photon's choices affect each other, so if, for example, one twin goes right, their other goes left.

All Units of Consciousness are self-aware, self-governing, with free will. You don't have to reach any level of sophistication to be a governing Unit of Consciousness. Every Unit of Consciousness governs the piece of material they are attached to, irregardless of how simple or inert the material appears to us humans.

The human body has a governing Unit of Consciousness one step higher up than the Units of Consciousness that make up our body and its systems. It is this governing Unit of Consciousness that we think of as our self.  (See "Mud Up, Spirit Down" article

Every body has many, many, many Units of Consciousness. These Units of Consciousness govern the atomic and molecular structure of the body; above that are Units of Consciousness that govern each cell in the body (one Unit of Consciousness for each of 50-trillion cells); above that is a Unit of Consciousness for each organ--a heart Unit of Consciousness, a lung Unit of Consciousness, a sexual Unit of Consciousness, etc. Then there is the Unit of Consciousness that ties all of these subsystems together -- our governing Unit of Consciousness that makes the body's coordinated physical-maintenance decisions and interfaces with the world through the body's sensory and motor systems. 

The governing Unit of Consciousness isn't always paying attention to the body or even doing its job of conscious decision-making. The governing Unit of Consciousness may be preoccupied with thoughts or songs or emotions and so the self isn't making any here-and-now decisions, but leaving decisions to the body's aggregate Units of Consciousness. Activities like driving a car, having sex, eating, or taking a bath can all be carried out by the body's organ level Units of Consciousness without governing supervision or awareness. 

The Big Bang took only moments to pour all the potential Units of Consciousness into our Universe. Scientists tell us that all the particles in the Universe were formed in moments, and that the initial transformations and organizing of particles into more complex shapes took under a second. We're discussing Units of Consciousness, not particles, but we already know that every particle is associated with a Unit of Consciousness, or to put it another way, every essentially identical Unit of Consciousness expresses itself as a particular instantiation of matter. According to Yogic philosophy, the matter is only in illusory projection of the Unit of Consciousness's individualized consciousness.

Units of Consciousness never evolve because each Unit of Consciousness is already a perfect replica of the original Unit of Consciousness (the one that emerged directly from the metaverse). What changes is the sophistication and abilities of the matter that limits its expression in this 3-D world. 

As the material becomes more complex, with more complex and massive attachments, the Unit of Consciousness that has chosen to govern that aggregation of material focuses its attention to that level of decision making. If there is an atomic-sized grouping, then there would be the number of Units of Consciousness involved in that grouping as a physicist would expect to observe. If that atom joins up laterally with other atoms to form a molecule, then at the here and now of the new molecule's instantiation, a Unit of Consciousness focused on making decisions on behalf of that molecule enters the universe. This would be what I refer to as the molecule's governing Unit of Consciousness.

Monday, March 15, 2010

3 Traits of Units of Consciousness

 Each UC is a pale echo of God’s mind.

 Each UC is capable of using the organizing principles that inform and sustain its existence in our universe.

 Each UC is fully capable of doing the job put to the material it governs.

 Every UC makes decisions affecting the material it governs. (A photon’s UC, for example, decides whether to go left or right according to various optical and physical laws of the universe and its relationships with other photons.)

 The more complex the UC, the more sophisticated its decision-making abilities.

 The more complex the UC, the more opportunities it has to exercise free will.

 Most UCs perform as expected—they “do their part,” they “work according to plan.”

 Every UC has the free will to fulfill or contradict its responsibilities.

 UCs are social and additive in number—they tend to work together in harmony with others like themselves.

 All UCs of the same level of complexity are linked laterally to one another in common purpose.

 The more UCs of the same level of complexity that are laterally linked, the greater their shared perception of here and now.

 All UCs aggregate hierarchically under more complex UCs.

 The degree to which any UC comprehends the universe is dependent upon the complexity of its aggregate UCs.

 Distribution of UCs is hierarchical—the more complex the UC, the fewer instances of it exist.

 Life forms consist of the aggregated UCs of the material forming their bodies, plus the governing UC of self-awareness.

 The more complex the organism, the more UCs it possesses.

 Each functional organ system within the organism possesses its own UC that governs that organ.

 God’s mind is the most complex UC of all, consisting of all potential as well as actual UCs of our universe, plus its own metaversal omniscience.

 As complex systems die and disintegrate, their aggregated UCs are released from the responsibility of supporting that particular life or material instantiation and revert to their simpler states of molecular consciousness.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

"Undifferentiated Unity" Comments Continue...

There's a good discussion taking place under "Comments" at the "Undifferentiated Unity" article from 2/18/10. Check it out! Add your two cents!

2 Units of Consciousness

As our universe expanded, over and over and over again, pale echoes of God’s mind attached themselves to the particles streaming out of the Big Bang.

God’s mind pulses with concentration at the birth of every thing in our universe. These pulsations send spherical waves of consciousness inward from the border of God’s mind toward creation, informing each new piece of material with its own unit of consciousness as it emerges from the portal of here and now.

     Time passed and creation became more complex as subatomic particles reached out to one another according to metaversal principles of organization. And particles made atoms, atoms made molecules, molecules made single-celled organisms, single-celled organisms diversified into the full panoply of life, and every one of these material building blocks came equipped with its own unit of consciousness (UC). Each tiny unit of consciousness knew what role it needed to play in order to help the universe create and sustain itself, for every UC could decode and instantiate its own special piece of the metaversal ideal.

quanta UC

atomic UC
molecular UC
cellular UC

organ UC
organism UC
societal UC
global UC
At each stage along the way from simple to complex, units of consciousness are increasingly sophisticated in their ability to regulate and manage their existence.

Continue on to Chapter 3, Traits of Units of Consciousness

Friday, March 12, 2010

1 Before the Beginning...

Before the beginning, before space and time, there was nothing but pure consciousness. And consciousness had neither pattern nor form, only awareness. Then consciousness had a thought which unfolded into countless dimensions. This multi-dimensional metaverse still lacked space and time but it now quivered with limitless mathematical potential.

Then consciousness had a particular thought. In a twinkling, our entire universe was imagined in the fullness of its complexity, from the tiniest quanta through the greatest astral body; every animal, vegetable, and mineral; every element; every thing. At the moment this thought occurred, the metaverse vibrated with every organizing principle needed to shape and sustain space and time, energy and mass.

All was in ideal balance. Every system was theoretically in tune; every function perfectly performed; the consequence of every action anticipated, understood, and plotted to the nth degree. And it was all good.

Having had this thought, the metaversal consciousness focused inward, and that concentrated thought became a singular point of limitless energetic potential—enough to seed our universe. On this day that time began, consciousness wrapped itself around the expanding space of our universe, forming a border between us and infinity. God’s mind took on a shape.