
Sunday, November 18, 2018

A Simple Explanation of an Embryo's Development--It's a Torus!

Use of an amazing new microscope called light-sheet microscopy has yielded never-before-seen images of cellular development and organ formation in a living, implanted embryo. Over a two-day period, about a million images captured mouse cells developing from a simple sphere into an elongated shape as the embryo formed its organs.
These images track a mouse embryo from gastrulation through organogenesis.
K. McDole Cell/2018
 VOLUME 175, ISSUE 3P859-876.E33, OCTOBER 18, 2018
Here is the embryo's development in motion:

As the embryo grows, a depression forms and collapses inward to form the hollow tube of the mouse's gut, while a brightness appears at the opposite pole and streaks across the outside to become the neural tube and notochord. The cells that will become other organs appear throughout the developing thickness of the embryo, with the heart forming at the surface, around the mouth of the positive pole. The heart cells begin beating almost immediately after their appearance. 

The Simple Explanation suggests that we are witnessing the inner, unseen, proto-torus at work within this embryo. The Simple Explanation hypothesizes that there is a torus-shaped informational source embedded in every piece of matter in our universe. It is this torus-shaped fractal that informs each piece of our universe with the information it needs.

What I see here is the developing embryo following the energetic and informational data flowing out of the torus at the center.
Information and energy explodes out of the middle of proto-torus and flows along the pole.
Here's how I see it working. Imagine the white starburst is the crossover point between non-material space and our universe. Energy from the non-material metaverse explodes outward from the middle, pushing chi or lifeforce or whatever you want to call this, outward. Meanwhile, the fractal formula of our universe informs the emerging material of its shape and job. In this instance, the formula informs the mouse embryo how to become a mouse.

As the torus throws energy from the middle, at first, when the material is very small and close to the source, it appears as a round sphere. The spherical shape is the first expression of a toroidal source. Then, as the object gains mass, it becomes too "heavy" to keep its proto-toroidal shape. At that point, it will begin to grow into the shape of its own particular destiny--in this case, a mouse.
Developing mouse embryo with color-coded organ cells. In this image, the purple to the left is the emerging heart. The black circular void is the mouth of the cylindrical gut. The neural tube appears as a green line at the equator, with red notochord cells mixed in with and running up the neural cord's length. The other colors represent other organs' cells.
Imagine the torus oriented as the illustration below, with the pole of the torus running horizontally. As the mouse embryo gains cells and mass, the metaversal torus cannot sustain the spherical shape and naturally collapses inward along the path of least resistance--the pole. This collapse of material forms a void around the pole, becoming the colon.

The developing colon forms along the path of least resistance--the torus pole (violet). The (white) starburst at the middle is the crossover point between the immaterial metaverse and our universe, known as "chi" in Eastern traditions.
In the next step of development, the heart forms around the mouth of the pole, the point closest to the hollow conduit of energy that has become the tube of the colon, which runs without interference through the middle point of the torus. The heart cells gather around the feeding pool of energy coursing up that hollow pole, gaining direct energy from the originating source of life itself. Now the heart beats and life has entered our universe from the crossover point.
The heart cells aggregate at the mouth of the positive pole of the torus (green). At the same time, the neural tube and notochord traverse the outside of the torus from the negative pole towards the positive pole (yellow circle).
Meanwhile, the neural tube forms, beginning at the pole opposite the heart and running along the outside towards the opposite pole. This neural tube will develop into the brain, spinal chord, and nervous system. 
Various colors represent cells of different organs appearing. The heart cells are purple (circled by green) and the neural tube appears as green, with the notochord cells mixed in (yellow circle).
Philosophically, the fact that the colon runs up the pole and through the torus middle is interesting. That makes our gut the nearest organ to our originating source, not the brain or heart, although they arise at the same time.

It is also interesting that the neural tube seems to begin at the negative pole, opposite the heart. Here we have a visual schema for "heart vs. head." These two organ systems develop at opposite ends of the torus/embryo. Yet the neural cells quickly shoot across the outside to unify the body with the heart. Philosophically, we could say that our brains are there to interface with the material universe, hence the neural tube's placement outside rather than inside with the gut. The heart is also on the outside, also interfacing with the world. Yet it is close to the originating source, clinging like material around the event horizon of a black hole, deriving its lifeforce from the energetic middle.

I realize this Simple Explanation appears as foolish hooey to hardcore materialist scientists. But we are dealing with the mystery of life itself. There can be no denying that the emerging embryo is newly alive. It is not good science to discard any hypothesis that can describe and explain this.

Watch this excellent 6-minute film that shows this process unfolding more slowly:

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