Yesterday I reposted an excellent article from the aeon magazine site called "Everything you know about the Gospel of Paul is likely wrong." Click here to go to my Gnostic Gospel blog to read the article by David Bentley Hart, followed by my commentary.
David Bentley Hart put out a radical translation of the New Testament last year, published by Yale University Press. Hart's New Testament translates literally from the original Greek without assumptions about the religion brought into later, less authentic, translations. Hart points out that our common New Testament versions used by all modern Christian churches assumes orthodoxies not in evidence from the original texts--assumptions such as references to an everlasting hell, the nature of archons and angels, and the redemption of all humans that were inferred but never stated in the original written testaments.
I read Hart's New Testament and keep it by my bedside. I was most gratified to see that the original gospels are right in line with the Gnostic Gospels that were cut out of the Bible after the Nicene Council in 300 AD. Hart's aeon article, reposted on my Gnostic Gospel blog, points out some of these inconsistencies and lays out the original cosmology of the Christian faith. This original cosmology, preached by Jesus and the apostles, may be found in my book, The Gnostic Gospel Illuminated. If you have ever wondered how any intelligent person can be so simple-minded as to believe in Christ, my book makes the case clearly and simply. Please take a look.