Here's an update to my Simple Explanation blog post from 7-14-2022 called
A Simple Explanation of Consciousness and Time: Our Cherry-Jello Universe
A Simple Explanation of Consciousness and Time: Our Cherry-Jello Universe
It's been a very long time since I developed any new concepts to add to A Simple Explanation, spending the past couple of years concentrating instead on the Gnostic Gospel. So my longtime readers may be very happy to see this new posting featuring the torus, consciousness, and Jello?
Yesterday my brother and I were musing over the nature of time--what is it exactly? It isn't a thing, it is nowhere to be located. Is it therefore a force? This was my response. I have long thought of the universe in this fashion, but I've never written it down or even shared it with my brother until yesterday. He flipped out over it. Let's see what you think...
A Giant Bowl of Jello
Here is how I picture time, space, and consciousness —
- We live in a Jello universe--a gigantic, torus-shaped, bowl of gelatin, studded with an infinite number of cherries.
- The Jello is the matrix that holds everything that ever was or will be. It is the ground state.
- The cherries are every thing that ever were or will be--all potential events, all potential objects. An infinite array of cherries already laid out as unrealized potential.
- Consciousness is each spark of life/consciousness making its free will way through this vast ocean of Jello.
- Time can only be apprehended through consciousness; time is nowhere to be found if there is no observer.
- The cherries are the full panoply of choices we could make along the way.
- Our free will chooses to swim this way and that as it moves toward the next cherry of choice. This free will is swimming from the middle of the torus in the direction of the outside boundary of the giant torus. All of these cherries are being held within the shape of the torus—the doughy part of the donut.
- Every lifetime is the trace of the worm-like path our consciousness chooses as it travels through the universe of cherries.
- In a real sense, the entirety of all of our lives is already conceived in potential. It is our self-awareness and free will that plod along at the speed of matter as we live our lives out as a linearity of passing time.
My brother, the professor of Philosophy, notes that this way of looking at time and consciousness may have just solved one of the longstanding conundrums of philosophy. That is, how can we reconcile the concept of an all-knowing God if we subjects have free will? The answer presented by this model is that the all-knowing God has pre-placed all possible choices before us, but it is our individual free will that plots the course through these choices. This combination of potential versus choice reflects our free will.
That's it.
Of course, the Jello salad pictured above is not to scale. The gelatin donut would be infinitely large, and the cherries very very small--probably zero-point fields.
Now, here is the Gnostic Gospel explanation of this jello universe, reprinted from a 9-23-2023 Gnostic Insights episode called "Free will, what is it? Do you have it?" :
There’s a famous and long-standing conundrum in philosophy that says, how can we reconcile the concept of an all knowing God, if we subjects have free will? How is it that our actions aren’t controlled by destiny if God already knows what’s going to happen? Well, the way I answer that is that the All- knowing God Above All Gods has pre placed all possible choices in front of us. It’s like that multiverse theory in quantum mechanics. He has placed all possible choices before us, but it’s our individual free will that navigates the course between all of these choices.
I’ve made the analogy that it’s like a gigantic bowl of jello. This universe of ours with all possibilities in that bowl of jello and that bowl of jello is studded with an infinite number of cherries, and in our lifetime we swim from cherry to cherry to cherry. Those cherries represent choices.
I think that time is an illusion. The universe is static, but infinitely large, studded with all of these cherries. Time is our awareness of swimming from one choice using our own free will to the next choice, using our own free will. So in a real sense, the entirety of our lives is already conceived in the Fullness of God. It’s our self-awareness and free will that plod along at the speed of matter as we live our lives out as a linearity, a line of passing time. That’s my theory.
At the universal level, the infinity of the Fullness of God is represented by the potential of all possible choices a person could make as their life passes from one decision to the next. The fullness of all possible futures are represented within the universe. Free will is driving our consciousness through these potentialities and leaving behind the collapsed potential of history. So it’s open in front of us, but behind us it’s collapsed because we made those choices. So the line from one cherry to the next was already drawn. But in front of us, all that infinity of choices is available to us. (In my brother’s past life therapy, the client actually goes backward down the history trail and chooses a different cherry and goes forward from there.)
Of course, where we have found ourselves in the bowl of jello determines what our possible choices are in the next choice. We can’t jump from this cherry all the way across the universe to another cherry. We are pretty well confined to the here and now of our immediate surroundings, which we have come to through our free will. But you always have the choice to repent from that line you’ve been drawing and deviate your course to go upward and onward in the direction of the glory of the God Above All Gods. And that is what we call redemption. Repentance and redemption. It’s the Christ’s job to strew those glorifying cherries all in front of us and make sure we always have a choice to choose a righteous cherry.
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