Wednesday, March 18, 2020

A Simple Explanation of Covid-19 -- What is a virus?

Core Concepts - Human Papillomavirus Infection - Pathogen ...
Human Papillomavirus

Polio virus
Madeira still Covid - 19 free - Madeira Island News Blog
Covid-19 cross-section reveals the coiled instructions. 
Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2),formerly a novel coronavirus named 2019-nCoV, is a single-stranded RNA virus, with strong genetic similarity to bat coronaviruses.
Do you realize that viruses are not alive? Viruses are aggregations of atoms that form distinctive molecules. A virus is nothing more than a molecule, the same way that iron or titanium or any other element made of particles and atoms is a molecule. In other words, a molecule of Covid-19 is as dumb as a molecule of sand. 

Did you know you cannot kill a virus, because it is not alive? A virus cannot mate with another of its kind and make babies. A virus does not consume food. Viruses do not have cellular mechanisms or organs of any kind. All they are is a collection of atoms formed into molecular patterns. 

Inside the outer layer of virus atoms lies the virus cargo. The cargo is a set of instructions made of RNA or DNA. The cargo of the virus is nothing more than information, in the same way that a thumb drive or CD carries information. And, as a thumb drive needs to be inserted into a device for the information to be useful, so too a virus needs to be inserted into a living cell or organism in order to be read.

Once inside a living cell or organism, the virus cracks open and dumps its information into the mechanism of the cell, where it quickly hijacks the cell's own RNA or DNA and forces it to make copies of the viral code rather than the organism's own code. The virus, in other words, is disinformation delivered to the cell that turns the cell into a viral replicator. The cell is then forced to produce copies of the virus that burst out of the cell and go in search of fresh cells to highjack or "infect." These newly minted viruses are called "viroids." 

The hijacked cells within the organism's body, your body for example, stop doing their jobs upholding the organism's life, and do nothing but churn out defective code that goes on to infect as many cells as possible. Some of those viroids escape the host organism in the form of sneezes, coughs, sweat, blood, and feces. These viroids then roam about seeking new host organisms to infect.

If the organism's immune response kicks in, it disables the viroids and stops the spread of the invasion. In the case of a new virus like Covid-19, the organism's immune system races against time to study and learn how to defeat the never-before-encountered virus. Once it figures it out, it is then able to defeat the invader. If the organism, your body for example, cannot figure out how to defeat the invader, viroids spread throughout the body and to others outside the body until the host organism can no longer do its job of sustaining life. When the virus hijacks so many cells that the host organism can no longer effectively function, it dies.

In the "As above, so below" method of interpreting events, a viral infection is like a zombie invasion, or a vampire attack. The zombie master or vampire is not a living being. It preys upon living creatures by attacking and injecting malicious code into the victim. It sucks the life force from its victims and enlists them against their will in its ongoing campaign to survive and spread.

Going one step further, we can liken the invading virus to a zombie master who rapes and impregnates its victim and forces it to produce zombie offspring.

Here we have a group of spring-break party-goers spreading Covid-19.
The Simple Explanation would say that viruses do not level up to form new governing units of consciousness. A virus is not an aggregation of consciousness in the normal sense. A virus is, in fact, disinformation as opposed to information. A virus does does not contain a zero-point torus that links into the universal unit of consciousness. A virus does not operate according to the Simple Explanation's Golden Rule of cooperation for the greater good. 

Units of consciousness are "mud up, spirit down." A virus is only "mud." There is no animating spirit. It is not part of the life force of the universal unit of consciousness. It is a kind of anti-life force.

A virus is selfish; it only wants what is best for itself. It only wants to replicate itself; it cannot contribute to the greater good of the organism or society. A virus does not fit into the hierarchical scheme; rather, it is a physical manifestation of entropy, or destruction. For without the ability to build cooperatively with others of its kind, a virus cannot add to more complex constructions, only to destruction. If the viruses were to infect every living thing and were not overcome by living forces, the end result would be the destruction of all life in the cosmos. The only remaining forces would be atomic and molecular.

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